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Bloated, crashy, slow and untested. All the reasons we keep buying Adobe software.

Community Beginner ,
Sep 07, 2022 Sep 07, 2022

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I’m posting here as I’m tired of downloading and installing what is basically bloatware.


I’m at my wits end with Adobe. 


I’ve been using their products for 30+ years, and every year it feels they are getting worse. 


I’m what might be called a power user in Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. I also use regularly, Premier, After Effects, XD, Lightroom, Dimensions and only when absolutely necessary, Bridge. 


So I know my way around. 


Firstly, what is with Adobe trying to build its own GUI? Obviously somebody, somewhere has looked at Bridge and thought, “hey! let’s build a user interface for our other products”. And let’s start with one of the most memory hogging programmes, Premier! 


Genius. The latest interface, Adobe, is simply awful. It slows my 3 year old iMac down to a crawl. Trying to navigate to find your folder is simply horrendous, and lord forbid it’s more than 5 levels deep, as it comes to a grinding halt. 


This is before you even start! It took me over half an hour to find and open a job the other day. And don’t even get me started about trying to find anything in my iCloud folder. (no I’m not giving you more money to have a larger CC storage). 


Adobe, why don’t you stick to what you’re good at? (and no, it’s not making user interfaces). The finder (I use a mac), is more than adequate, far faster and far more powerful, and running a UI in a UI is fools game. 


I understand the rationale, let’s make it so everyone can use it whatever platform they are on’. Even if it was a good interface it wouldn’t be worth it, because of the performance drop off and the memory hogging it does. One look at the activity monitor when you launch pretty much any Adobe product says a heap about how it effects the overall performance of my computer - there are no other programmes that do this - well done Adobe, you have a first.


Adobe Illustrator. My once favourite programme in the whole world. All it feels like now is a small car from 1990 trying to fit in the occupants of a bus. Rather than trying to stuff more people into the car why don’t you actually make a 2022 bus for them to fit into? This programme needs re-writing from scratch. It’s crashy, takes forever to save even a small file now, moving around on screen on a complicated job is painful. This should not be the case!


If anybody has tried to open an illustrator file in Affinity Designer for example, they will be AMAZED at how fast it works in comparison. It should really be the other way around considering the resources Adobe has.


Then there’s the type 1 font issue, so those of us longer in the tooth will have to discard them, I noticed the latest version of illustrator no longer supports some Pantone colour books (probably a plug-in we’ll have to buy down the line), 3D being dropped in Photoshop, colour themes resigned to the web in illustrator etc. 


I could live with all of these if I was seeing a real performance gain, something that made me sit up and say yes, this is what I need as a graphics professional. I don’t need more and more features or useless interfaces. I need programmes that are genuinely quick, slick to use (you can do it, XD is awesome), and that don’t bring my computer to a grinding halt so I have to waste time restarting. 


I also need programmes that have actually been tested rather than use this community as beta testers. We all run businesses where time is of the essence, so we need programmes that run ‘clean out of the box’ rather than ones were we have to back grade or wait for the latest bug fix.


You are at a crossroads Adobe, you remind me of Quark when they changed to V10 and it was a disaster. All your programmes bar a few are reaching this level and as soon as some new kids come on the block, which they will, people will leave in droves.


I am one voice here, but definitely not one voice in the industry so I hope, for once, you actually sit up and LISTEN to what your customers REALLY want.








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Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2022 Sep 07, 2022

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