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Can't log in over DSL fritzbox - maybe firewall idk

New Here ,
Mar 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2022

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I have this very weird issue where I can't log into Adobe CC on my PC when I'm connected over my home network. I can't log in on the CC-App, "Adobe-Server not reachable" and I can't log in on the website (ims-na1.adobelogin.com) either. It says: "Server not found".


It's not an issue with the browser, nor the app, nor the PC. It's propably my fritzbox.

Because, if I connect my PC to the hotspot of my phone everything works fine. Also in the office network it works. But if I'm connected via my router at home, I can't connect.

This has been happening to me from time to time in the last weeks but now its almost consistend. It worked for some time today and I don't know why. I thought I fixed it but on the next restart it did it again.

(I say on the next restart because I get no warning that I'm disconnected as long as I don't try to do something Cloud-related, so I don't know how long it worked today, could have been 5 minutes or even hours I can't tell)


I tried restaring the router (duh) and forwarding ALL the ports. No change.

I found this list of Adobe network endpoints but I don't understand what I have to do with it nor if this even would help.


I hope somebody can help me with this, because I'm lost.






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New Here ,
Mar 31, 2022 Mar 31, 2022

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Ok, interesting Update:

I logged into my Adobe Account in firefox via my phones hotspot.

Now I'm connected via my home network again but I can still write and post this. But if I logged out, I coudn't log back in.

Also I'm logged into my account on the Adobe CC-App via my phones hotspot.

I can use my Apps but I can't use document cloud sync on Adobe XD for example. But I can download apps.

It could be that I had this problem for way longer than I thought. Because the stuff I acually use works, just some things don't work. And since I don't log out of Adobe CC-App very often, I woudn't have noticed. I just noticed it in Adobe XD the last weeks because of a new project.

Still, it's a problem and I need to fix this asap. I hope someone can help.





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