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Creative Cloud Files Taking Up Memory On Laptop

New Here ,
Jan 29, 2018 Jan 29, 2018

Hey I am using the Creative Cloud Desktop App on my Macbook pro. After getting a notification on my laptop that I have run out of storage space, I realised that all of the files I have saved in the Cloud are also saved on my laptop and using up a lot of memory.

This may be a silly question but how do I stop this or is it possible to do so? I thought Creative Cloud was a Cloud service, to free up space and eliminating the need to save large files onto my laptop.

Any help would be great thanks!


File sync
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Participant ,
Jan 29, 2018 Jan 29, 2018

Yes! Same thing happened to me on my Windows 10 laptop last week, as part of my struggles to get my CC Files to sync. Still having issues, but hopefully being addressed in another post.

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Explorer ,
May 22, 2018 May 22, 2018

I have the same question, I can't even work on my school projects because the memory is full on my laptop... Can anyone answer the question?

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New Here ,
Jan 09, 2019 Jan 09, 2019

So far, I have solved one of the issues, using up all my memory. I have partitioned my SSD drive and assigned the Creative Cloud assets file folder to this partitioned space. So, now when I run out of space, it is only in the designated area. I am still sorting it out with Adobe what the issue is, it is not behaving very cloud like.

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 21, 2019 Feb 21, 2019

I just had to do this on my own iMac and MacBook Pro

In the Creative Cloud program, go to the Preferences menu and click Creative Cloud and click Files, remove the checkmark from Creative Cloud Sync.

That stopped any additional files from syncing, I restarted for safe measure and then went into Finder and deleted the Creative Cloud Folder itself, to remove the previously synced files from my storage. Now when I want to use my Creative Cloud Files, I go through the actual website and download just the file I want and when I'm done I upload the finished work back through the website or I leave it in my local storage. Doing this also freed up the Memory/RAM that was being used and my CPU idle increased, since it was no longer randomly checking the synced files for changes.

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Explorer ,
Mar 24, 2019 Mar 24, 2019

In the Creative Cloud program, go to the Preferences menu and click Creative Cloud and click Files, remove the checkmark from Creative Cloud Sync. Now when I want to use my Creative Cloud Files, I go through the actual website and download just the file I want and when I'm done I upload the finished work back through the website or I leave it in my local storage.

I assumed Adobe's cloud storage streamed my files like iCloud or Google Drive Stream, so this is an inconvenience for me. I don't have the storage space on my laptop to sustain 60GB of files locally, and I definitely don't want to manually download and upload files when things like Drive Stream are more time efficient and safer in the event I forget to update a file.

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New Here ,
May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022


I have an intern who is working throughout the summer. Our Creative Cloud files are causing her to run out of space. We do not want her to download individual files and work on them. Not only is it time consuming but it also opens up files to errors since multiple people are sharing documents. I need her to be able to work on files on Creative Cloud and save directly to it. What is the best solution for her? 


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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2022 May 20, 2022

This is a better question for your IT dept. Maybe you need a corporate LAN (intranet server) to which staff members can log-in and check files in/out to work on them.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator
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Community Expert ,
May 20, 2022 May 20, 2022

Also make sure your computers exceed the minimum HD, RAM, CPU & GPU requirements for Creative Cloud and all other apps.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator
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Apr 17, 2019 Apr 17, 2019

Woke, this morning, to very sluggish PC. Closed the Edge browser as all browsers seem to gobble loads of memory. Still sluggish. Task Manager showed Adobe Creative Cloud using precisely and constantly 146.3MB and I've not got any apps running. This is more than double any other process showing. So, I Googled and found this thread. Decided to go check the cloud synching prefs mentioned here. Just opening CC on desktop resulted in first process dropping to 68MB and new "(2)" process now using 104MB.

File synching shows as "paused", likely result of a previous attempt to slow the memory drain Adobe was bringing to my life as a light user of PS. All I want to synch is a few watermark files. 😕 Resuming the file synching to see the effect, the two processes, combined, now using 275MB. Tempted to close the application and abort the resident process, take it off the startup list and just run it when I need to use and Adobe product. 143.6MB seems ridiculous when it's not synching and no apps open.

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New Here ,
Apr 23, 2019 Apr 23, 2019

I have the same problem on my MacBook Pro 2016. My 256 SSD is constantly running out of space and causing the performance to grind down to a halt. Am I asking for too much to have the ability to specify which folders I would like to sync to access offline?

Or if Adobe CC could manage to download files as required like Microsoft Onedrive allows?I really don’t want to have to resort to relocating all my CC files and host on my OneDrive.

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 20, 2020 Feb 20, 2020

I have the same problem. So now it's like same files are taking up twice the space. 

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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 21, 2020 Feb 21, 2020

As mentioned in an earlier post:

"In the Creative Cloud program, go to the Preferences menu and click Creative Cloud and click Files, remove the checkmark from Creative Cloud Sync. Now when I want to use my Creative Cloud Files, I go through the actual website and download just the file I want and when I'm done I upload the finished work back through the website or I leave it in my local storage."


If you turn off the sync option, I would strongly suggest you keep a backup of your files on an external disc or something similar.

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Community Beginner ,
May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

Hi, I'm also looking to disable this (CC is taking up to 300mb ram just to sit idle)


When I go to preferences, there is no option to un-check though.


There is a syncing section, but no option to turn it on or off

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May 28, 2020 May 28, 2020

I don't understand your question. What does 300MB of RAM have to do with syncing files?

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New Here ,
Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020

They got rid of that feature in the 2020 update. I just want to have InDesign on my Macbook so I can work ont he go using their website to download stuff off my company CC. I'm at a loss on what to do 


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New Here ,
May 02, 2021 May 02, 2021

This is a sad solution, if CC is a cloud service why can it not act like one on the built in version like OneDrive or Dropbox? This was the sole purpose that most of us bought the service for.

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May 02, 2021 May 02, 2021

"This is a sad solution, if CC is a cloud service why can it not act like one on the built in version like OneDrive or Dropbox? This was the sole purpose that most of us bought the service for." 

Really? Not to get access to Adobe's market-leading design apps? 

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Community Beginner ,
Jan 21, 2022 Jan 21, 2022

Can't believe it!, all this time I have lived a lie. Why not name it Creative Shared Service? or sth like that... 

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Community Expert ,
May 03, 2021 May 03, 2021

You bought a subscription to use Photoshop, etc...  Despite it's name, Creative Cloud is NOT cloud-based.  And it is definitely NOT the same as dedicated cloud backup systems like Dropbox or OneDrive.  You need ample empty hard drive space to use Creative Cloud. 


Please ensure your computer exceeds the minimum system requirements to run Creative Cloud + OS + all other apps you use. Check each one as requirements vary by product.
- https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/system-requirements.html


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator
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Explorer ,
Jan 18, 2022 Jan 18, 2022

I just moved my entire creative cloud folder to dropbox. We'll see what happens. 


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Explorer ,
May 10, 2022 May 10, 2022

What happened?

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Participant ,
May 22, 2022 May 22, 2022

Did it work?


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Explorer ,
Dec 21, 2023 Dec 21, 2023

Due respect, it isn't for you to say why someone bought something. Adobe is not the only game in town and if photoshop is the only thing someone is using adobe for they should run elsewhere immediately... unless they like throwing money away on needless subscriptions that is. the confusion people here have on this is totaly valid. Creative cloud is sort of cloud based and that is why it's misleading. the storage it turns out, isn't but that also is misleading. system requirements have very little to do with this issue. you could far surpass teh 8 gb hard drive space it says you need for premiere but find your computer not working because all your media files you thought were in the cloud so you could work across devices are actually slownig all those devices down and an exteranl drive is still better. they dont clarify it and probably on purpose https://blog.adobe.com/en/publish/2020/04/03/create-and-collaborate-from-anywhere-anytime-across-mul...

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New Here ,
May 29, 2022 May 29, 2022

For windows users you also want to check the TEMP and USER files. My CC is corrupted and keeps generating an ever growing CEF notepad file. 72GBs last check. Was curious what was happening as I thought it was Adobe cache related. Not sure how that file type works on Mac but I used a program called SpaceSniffer to show me where and what files where taking up so much space. 

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