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How do I add more Cloud Storage. I have 2TB already but about to exceed it! URGENT!

New Here ,
Jan 24, 2022 Jan 24, 2022

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How do I add more Cloud Storage. I have 2TB already but about to exceed it using Lightroom CC.

The online Adobe Chat support has not been able to help me.

I purchased Lightroom CC through the Apple App Store.  But there is no way to upgrade cloud storage through the App Store.

I was able to obtain an additional 1TB directly from the Creative Cloud app by pressing the Cloud icon in the upper-right of the app.

But when I try to obtain more storage, there is only an option to end service.

Surely people are using more than 2TB?  Is that a hard limit?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!  I just spent the last week uploading over 250K photos and videos!







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 24, 2022 Jan 24, 2022

Hi @reireiy - I think if you purchased your plan from Apple with the 2TB storage, you will have to cancel that and buy the Lightroom plan with 10TB from Adobe. Log into Adobe CC with your Adobe ID and then contact sales so they can upgrade your plan. There isn't any direct purchase link for higher storage plans. Hope that's helpful. Let us know how it goes.


Online Chat: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen (type "agent" to get a live person)

Phone: Monday–Friday, In the US, 24




Community Expert ,
Jan 24, 2022 Jan 24, 2022

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Hi @reireiy - I think if you purchased your plan from Apple with the 2TB storage, you will have to cancel that and buy the Lightroom plan with 10TB from Adobe. Log into Adobe CC with your Adobe ID and then contact sales so they can upgrade your plan. There isn't any direct purchase link for higher storage plans. Hope that's helpful. Let us know how it goes.


Online Chat: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen (type "agent" to get a live person)

Phone: Monday–Friday, In the US, 24 hours per day: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html





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