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Reporting an Adobe Partner

Explorer ,
Oct 26, 2022 Oct 26, 2022

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I had an encounter with an Adobe Parnter.


They offer Adobe Creative Cloud + 1TB of storage + Adobe Stock for around $30+ USD per year for individuals.


Contacting them on their website www.auto-del.com They chancged support channel from Facebook to WhatsApp then back to Facebook. 

During the first month, they changed the enterprise teams more than once (3 times).


They really did a bad job representing a partner. And they messed up my project files, I had to contact support (Adobe directly) to take back control over my Behance profile. And on top of this I had to download all my files, upload them, download and install PS/AI/XD/Br/Ru/Dw multiple times and yet the apps close as they show "billing issue" and sometimes "This is the last time you are using [Photoshop]" always broken!! 


The partner refused to admit the issues with the software, and they say "Everything is fine on our side".

I asked them for refund. They (until this moment) didn't give me a refund and trying to find a reason to stall and postpone and maneuver. Their customer services (the partner) is the worst, and they tend to 


My question:

1. How to report an Adobe Parnter?

2. Why they are selling soooo cheap?

3. A red flag is that their teams keep saying: "Billing issue". Are they committing fraud?

4. I received an email from Adobe saying: "One of your Adobe apps is not genuine" 👇


I'm intending to take legal action if they commited fraud, as they may have duped 10s or maybe 100s of their customers. Some of them are my friends, too. And because of their unresponsiveness for more than 10 days during october. And the negative impact the inflicted on my work by their unprofessional behaviour.


What should I do? How to reach out to Adobe? How can Adobe take action against these kinds of [put-a-description-here] 🤷‍:male_sign:


Email I got today from Adobe about a non-genuine product.

Screenshot 2022-10-26 233811.png


Multiple profiles they have change (Red flag? eh?)

Screenshot 2022-10-26 232435.png


Photoshop Billing Issue

Screenshot 2022-10-26 225246.png




Please advise everybody.

And thanks in advnace.

Cloud storage web assets , Collaboration , File sync




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Community Expert ,
Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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sorry to hear all that.




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