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Community Beginner ,
Dec 26, 2023 Dec 26, 2023

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2023-12-26 20_37_57-Computer Authorization.png

"Digital Editions encountered an error on the activation server." (This message must indicate the problem is with the Adobe activation server, correct?)




I'm trying to switch from purchasing my ebooks from Amazon to Google, however I can't authorize ADE with my Google account on my new PC. I had originally setup ADE on a system about and made my last Google Play Store ebook purchase in 2016. Since then, I've switched to Amazon.


However, I've attempted to install ADE on my new system so that I can access my old Google ebook purchases, but also so I can switch from Amazon to Google for my future ebook purchases. I've tried many of the recommended fixes posted here and elsewhere and the Activation Server Error is the same regardless of what I try. This includes;


Trying ADE 2.0, 4.0, and 4.5

Turning off Google 2 Factor Authentication

Changing, (and shortening), my Google PW to all letters (no number or symbols)


I deleted the Windows Adobe entries with Regedit between attempts and I even tried linking my Google account with my Adobe account in the Adobe account profile section, but nothing I tried worked, (after this failed I deleted the Google account link as well). In fact, nothing I tried generated a different error message.


There is no prior authorization enabled on this computer, as this is a brand new installation, so there's no activation file on it to delete, or reset. I also made sure that I deleted the "Third-party apps & services" link for my Adobe account, in my Google account profile, to fully clear everything on both sides.


If anyone has some suggestions for things I haven't tried yet, please feel free to respond. I'm really surprised that this has turned out to be such an unworkable situation. I'm literally locked out of all of my Google Play book purchases until this gets resolved.








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 28, 2023 Dec 28, 2023

Based on responses to my posting this question to the Mobileread forum, I now understand that in order to read Google Play ebook purchases, I only need to authorize ADE with my Adobe credentials, and NOT with my Google credentials.


Authorizing my ADE installation with my Adobe credentials does work without any error messages. And after doing this, ADE was able to correctly read the ACSM file and download the epub file, after I downloaded the ACSM file of a prior ebook purchased from the Google P




Community Beginner ,
Dec 27, 2023 Dec 27, 2023

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P.S. I am able to successfully authorize ADE with my Adobe username/password. However, I'm using the Google Play Store for book purchases and I assume that I need to authorize that account from ADE. (Please correct me if this is wrong)
So after successfully authorizing ADE for my Adobe account, I then deleted the authorization, (Ctrl-Shift-D) and attempted to authorize to my Google account, and it failed with the exact same error message as previously.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2023 Dec 28, 2023

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Based on responses to my posting this question to the Mobileread forum, I now understand that in order to read Google Play ebook purchases, I only need to authorize ADE with my Adobe credentials, and NOT with my Google credentials.


Authorizing my ADE installation with my Adobe credentials does work without any error messages. And after doing this, ADE was able to correctly read the ACSM file and download the epub file, after I downloaded the ACSM file of a prior ebook purchased from the Google Play store.





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