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I have been downloading library ebooks just fine for a while, but then it stopped letting me, saying I need to re-authorize my ereader.
I plugged my Kobo ereader into my computer but ADE shows it's already authorized so I can't do it again. I clicked on Authorize Device anyway, but it was grey so nothing changed. Now I can't open books on my reader but I can read on my computer, through ADE, and on my phone. I don't really like reading on either of those devices though. Any ideas of what I can do about this?
I found this article on OverDrive to be helpful - this fix was a bit time-intensive and took several tries but eventually worked. Hope it helps you too!
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I am having the same problem as Jo-Anne4. Can anyone help?
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I have been in touch with Adobe. The online helper (a real person) referred me to several links I had already tried then suggested "the community". I have de-authorised and re-authorised the e-reader, no joy. I have done a factory reset. No joy. This is clearly an Adobe problem and they need to sort it out PDQ. In the meantime their system is useless and DRM downloads are denied to me and to many others.
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Same problem here. Cannot figure out how to de-authorize and re-authorize e-reader?? Menu on ADE is grey (Authorize/deauthorize/auth. info) so can't access that..BIGGEST problem is not being able to contact Adobe Help!! Clicking on the link at page bottom just gets to a page with useless links but NO PERSONAL HELP CONNECTION. This is so frustrating. Everything was going swimmingly for years, then all of a sudden BOTH of our readers aquired the "must re-authorize" warnings. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to reach a person at the Help Center? Thanks
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I downloaded version 3 but it is 32-bit and so will not work with my software. This is shoddy on Adobe's part.
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I finally found a link for a 3.0 download, but it wouldn't start the download. Probably just as well.
Getting choked about this as I have a few books on reserve from the library site (waited about 6+ months for availability), and they are due to come available for download in the next 2 weeks. But useless if they can't be loaded to my reader in useable form 😞
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I consulted my local library who sent this:
To fix this error you will need to reauthorize your computer with Adobe Digital Editions.
First you will need to deauthorize. This can be done by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + D at the same time. This option can also be found in the help menu named 'Erase Authorization'
After doing this you should reauthorize the computer by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + U or selecting 'Authorize Computer' from the help menu. On the box that opens select to authorize with an Adobe ID in the drop down menu. There is a button to create an Adobe ID if you don't already have one.
When authorized in this way you should be able to access and transfer titles as expected.
It worked for me, so far. I did point out that it was the device specifically which had the message to reauthorize "the device" so I did not expect to "erase" the computer's authorization, particularly as on the help menu that option was greyed out but I tried the shortcut and it did work.
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I had the same problem with my Kindle Clara HD. The public library suggested a few things. #2 worked for me!
1) My first question would be if you're using another device (a smartphone, tablet, etc.) to read the same ebooks? If you have different devices with differing authorization methods, this can block access.
2) Have you set up your OverDrive integration on the Kobo? This solves some of the run-around our patrons experience with the whole process. If you haven't, take a look at OverDrive's instructions here:
Once that's set up, tapping the sync button at the top right of the Kobo should easily download most titles to your device.
3) Are you transfering ebooks to the Kobo using Adobe Digital Editions? If so, and you are using version 4.5 this version can very problematic. Rolling back to 3.0 often solves the problem.
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I did finally sync my Kobo with Overdrive & it works. However I would still like to be able to transfer ebooks to Kobo using ADE. Tried re-installing ADE 3.0 but other issues cropped up, so I am waiting for Adobe to fix the problem with ADE 4.5
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ok. the long and winding road. I too had this.
1) open ADE
2) open Adobe ID site : you will have to open your account with Adobe to reauthorize bc you will need your Adobe ID ( email address or whatever you have when you check computer authorization in help tab of ADE) & password ( I had to reset my password bc its been too long )
3) in ADE unauthorize ( i know scary but do it)
4) to go Adobe now that you have loged in and reauthorize device.
5) go to ADE and reauthorize using Adobe ID & password.
6) go to authorize on the divice itself ( where the little kobo icon has a drop down menu in ADE) unauthorize & reauthorize.
7) done.
caveat: i have to do this when i upgrade my mac. pain in the keister, but hay, free lirary books.....
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ADE has worked off and on for a while now, but the past month or so, mostly not working. (I use Libby on my tablet when it won't let me transfer to my Kobo, but I'd much rather use my Kobo.)
My concern with having to reauthorize is that I a) don't remember my password, and b) the email account I originally used to set it up no longer exists, so I can't easily reset my password.
Would it work if I started over and created a new Adobe Digital account?
(A couple of years ago - not sure of timing - I did contact Adobe with this issue (the no-longer-existing email, so I am unable to reset my password), but they didn't want to help... from what I remember it's because it's a free service, so the guy "helping" wasn't any help.)
Thanks for any suggestions.
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Hmmm, it appears that to post this message I actually created a new Adobe id.
So... what would happen if I reauthorized my Kobo (and I'd presumably also have to reauthorize my ADE on my PC) with this new Adobe ID, I wonder?
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Samma fel som ovan ”Har inte behörighet att öppna denna bok”.
Efter en hel del felsök laddade jag ner en annan bok från mitt bibliotek till min Kobo Clara och nu det fungerade som vanligt.
Därefter klickade jag på de tre punkterna till höger om boken som det inte fanns behörighet att öppna klickade på ”Läs nu” boken öppnade sig och går nu att läsa.
Konstigt men bra.
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Felsökt. Läsplattan har inte behörighet att öppna denna bok?
Lån från mitt bibliotek via min dator och Adobe Digital till Kobo Clara läsplatta fungerade inte alltid.
Det hände ibland att nedladdad bok hade ett svart bokomslag och när jag ville öppna en sådan kom ett meddelande ”Läsplattan har inte behörighet att öppna denna bok”
Av en händelse upptäckte jag att e-postadressen på mitt bibliotek inte var korrekt.
Efter att ha ändrat till rätt e-postadress har jag inte haft problem med att öppna lånade biblioteksböcker.
Har nu kontrollerat att det är samma e-postadress i Datorn, ADE, Bibliotek och Läsplatta.
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Clearly, Adobe is vigilantly protecting rights by creating a process which eliminates the possibility of accessing the literature. Bravo, Adobe, you've got another winner here.
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1. Plug in your kindle to your computer
2. Open adobe digital editions
3. In the top left hand corner next to "Devices", click the little gear icon and select "Authorize device..."
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Most likely the problem is a new version of ADE. I had this problem with 4.5.11, I went back to version 3.0 and all worked well. Version 3.0 does not allow de-authorizing, so keep the new version only to do that. You don't need to re-download the book, just copy the downloaded file to your reader using 3.0. No need to re-authorize your reader either, it will work. So, the procedure would be
- de-authorize ADE 4.5 (or whatever version you have)
- download and install ADE 3.0
- authorize ADE 3.0 (of course, make sure it's the same authorization as your Reader. I use Adobe as vendor ID, I think OverDrive works as well)
- copy the book from the library to the Reader
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Hi all,
Not sure if anyone has the answer to this but: I'm trying to download some Google ebooks to my Kobo. I am attempting to do this through a chromebook, which means that the only version of ADE I have access to is the Play store app. The app does not seem able to recognize external devices, so I have no way of authorizing my Kobo.
Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations.
Thanks in advance.
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I found this article on OverDrive to be helpful - this fix was a bit time-intensive and took several tries but eventually worked. Hope it helps you too!
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I ran into this problem, and went through everything up to the factory reset suggest in the Overdrive article from B.31928445exdp. What actually fixed my problem was updating ADE, which had updated from 4.5.11 to 4.5.12 in the days since I'd last used my Kobo. I don't know if there's some sort of box I could have checked to have the update happen automatically, or if the .11 to .12 jump was too big for that.
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Thank you, this worked for me too, after trying many other permutations of Authorising/De-Authorising my Kobo and the PC (which had worked before but not this time). I also imported an unencrypted pdf file and an unencrypted open epub book at the same time - not sure if they had any effect too as they didn't work on their own prior to the software update.