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I wanted to authorise my computer for Adobe digital editions. So I use my mailadress for Adobe and the password, but the program says I cannot use the mailadress I already used for an authorise on my computer (for Photoshop). What can I do now? I hope I don't have to create a new mailaddress...
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Good Luck Lisette. Digital Editions is not a supported product even though they want anyone issuing books to use there service. I have been trying to get this fixed for 3 years
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I have exactly the same problem. I use Photoshop and Lightroom so I log on with my Adobe ID very often but when I use the same account on ADE I get "Incorrect login ID or password..."
Can not find any solution that helps 😞
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Actually, I found the solution!
There are a few things you can do:
1. Check if you have only one app from Adobe Digital Editions.
2. Check at your Adobe-account if you only use one device for Adobe. If you have more sessins: close them.
3. Then: remove the file from your computer. (somewhere in a library or with your search function).
I removed every version from the Adobe Digital Editions from my computer and started again. Then it worked.
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Thanks but I have tried fresh installation on two different computers where ADE never was installed before. However I have two computers using Photoshop/Lightroom.
There is no file called "" on my PC.
Happy you got it to work on yours.
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Good morning. I found a comment elsewhere which I tried and it worked. Get into your account settings, Turn 2 factor authentication (2FA) off and change your password to only alpha numeric. Any other symbols and it will not work.
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My solution is for the Mac. Maybe there is a solution for the PC as wel...
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Good morning. I found a comment elsewhere which I tried and it worked. Get into your account settings, Turn 2 factor authentication (2FA) off and change your password to only alpha numeric. Any other symbols it will not work, Then authorize your Digital editions
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THANKS!! That did it. Now I can finally read my books. You made my day 🙂
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Happy for you!