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Kobo.com dowloaded acsm file cannot be opened on ADE

New Here ,
Dec 17, 2021 Dec 17, 2021

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I just purchased a book on Gandhi bookstore that is synchronized with Kobo.com and I want to read it on my Kindle. When dowloading the file from kobo.com (browser), file seems to be broken. When trying to open on ADE, the error message goes: 

Error getting License. License Server Communication Problem:



I can open the file and it synchronizes with Kobo desktop application, file is there and opens fine. I just don't want to read it there but on my Kindle for which I need ADE to get the actual file. 


I've contacted Kobo support and they say it has to do with an authorization error in ADE, I should deauthorize, then again authorize which I'm unable to do. When trying to deauthorize the error message goes:

Unable to deauthorize. Please try another time. 


I've tried uninstalling and installing again ADE, the same message. Support at Adobe also cannot help. 


What else can I try?

ACSM files , Deauthorization , Download , Kobo editions






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