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Public Library customers with Kobo ereader authorization issue ADE 4.0 - 4.5, "Oops! This document couldn't be opened."

Community Beginner ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

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Hello Adobe support,

I work at a public library and we now have at least 8 - 12 members of the public (anecdotally more), who are unable to open Adobe DRM epub ebooks on their Kobo ereaders from our Overdrive or Freading services using Adobe Digital Editions versions between 4.0 and 4.5 and Windows 7 - 10. All of the people involved were using their Kobo with ADE successfully until just recently, and all have experienced the following set of conditions and problem:

  • ADE 4.0 - 4.5 is authorized with an Adobe ID.
  • DRM epub ebooks seem to download properly inside ADE.
  • The Kobo appears to be properly authorized and is connected via USB, appearing in ADE.
  • When the ebook is transferred to the device, it seems to work properly and no errors appear.
  • As soon as the customer ejects the Kobo and tries to open the ebook on the device itself the error message pops up: "Oops! This document couldn't be opened.  This document is protected by Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM) and is not currently authorized for use with your Adobe ID.  Please sign-in with the authorized Adobe ID and try again."

We began receiving requests for help right with this around the week of November 8th and are continuing to receive new requests for help with this issue throughout January and as recently as today. Our primary ebook vendor has been unable to help beyond supplying the workaround of downgrading to ADE 3.0.

Most of the customers involved are using Windows 7, and Internet Explorer or an alternative browser like Firefox or Chrome - but we've had this issue occur at least once for someone using Windows 8 and twice for people with Windows 10. We also helped someone with this issue using Mac OSX 10.11. This issue has been reported mainly with Kobo Aura HD or Aura H2O, but also with Kobo Glo and Kobo Glo HD. The Kobo firmware has varied, some were using version 3.18.0 - some were using older versions. One frustrating aspect to this issue is that despite having a number of these exact devices on hand for testing, we have been unable to reproduce the issue on any of our workstations. There also doesn't seem to be a clear pattern to the titles involved.

So far, the workaround provided elsewhere on this forum and by our primary vendor has been the only way to resolve this issue for the people affected:

  1. The customer de-authorizes the Kobo and ADE 4.0 - 4.5.
  2. The customer uninstalls Adobe Digital Editions 4.X.
  3. The customer installs Adobe Digital Editions 3.0.
  4. The customer re-authorizes ADE 3.0 and the Kobo.

Does Adobe have any way to resolve this issue for customers who wish to use ADE 4.0 and up with their Kobo ereaders?

Is this issue being looked at for an upcoming build or are there any details that we could provide to help?

Please let me know and thanks for your consideration.


ADE authorization




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 06, 2016 Feb 06, 2016

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‌Hi Holly,

I would request you to provide some additional details about this issue to allow us to look into this further.

Would you be able to please confirm whether this issue occurs for every user or for certain multiple users.

Are you able to reproduce this issue at your end just like other users?

Does this issue happens with every book where you follow the steps you mentioned for certain ebooks.






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2016 Feb 08, 2016

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Hi Sharad,

Thanks for your reply.

I will do my best to provide as much detail as I can - I have been tracking the users affected by this issue, but so far I have been unable to reproduce the issue on my own systems (Windows 7 or Windows 10) with a Kobo Glo or Kobo Aura. Frustratingly, I've been able to borrow two affected titles listed below (Voices and Fodor's In Focus - St. Maarten) and transfer them to a Kobo Aura using ADE 4.5 and have still been unable to reproduce the issue. So far, only some users are affected - but not all users. Once a user encounters this issue, the issue seems to occur for each subsequent ebook download.

I've collected the following details for each customer - though some cases are incomplete as I am often working through our frontline staff and they may miss gathering a key detail or two in the heat of the moment. I have a few additional customers where staff did not provide the basic information, but reported encountering the specific issue, and then using the workaround to resolve it. I have some specific Adobe ID accounts for the cases below but I cannot divulge them here, and for some I might have the ability to follow up with that person. I've starred (*) the cases where we were able to resolve the issue with the workaround. In one case, the customer was too frustrated to continue, in the other case we haven't heard back from the customer on what happened.

Customer A (February 3, 2016)*

Windows 7

ADE 4.0.3

Kobo Aura HD

Title: Make Me by Lee Child

Customer B (January 5, 2016)*

Windows 8

ADE 4.5

Kobo Glo HD

Title: Unknown

Customer C (January 7, 2016)*

Windows 7

ADE 4.0.3

Kobo Aura H20

Titles: Stuart Little by E.B. White, Fodor's In Focus - St.Maarten

Customer D (January 6, 2016)

Windows 10

ADE 4.5

Kobo Aura v. 3.19.5613

Titles: Unknown

Customers E (January 4, 2016)*

Windows 10

ADE 4.5

Kobo Mini and Touch (same Adobe ID)

Titles: Unknown

Customer F (November 10, 2015)*

Windows 7

ADE 4.5

Kobo Touch eReader

Title: Medusa by Clive Cussler

Customer G (November 16, 2015)*

Mac OSX 10.11

ADE 4.5

Kobo Aura

Titles: The Pyramid and Four Other Kurt Wallander Mysteries‌ by Henning Mankell, Voices by Arnaldur Indridson, The Abominable Man by Maj Sjowall

Customer Zero (November 12, 2015)

Windows 7

ADE 4.0.3, later ADE 4.5

Kobo Aura HD

Titles: The Fall of Giants by Ken Follett, North and South, The Prince of Tides, Days Between Stations, Second Chances, An Accidental Soldier

The issue a re-occurred for this customer after a factory reset from version 4.0.3 and installation of 4.5 initially appeared to clear the problem.

I will try to gather some more details from our "incomplete" reports. Let me know what else I can do to help.






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2016 Feb 24, 2016

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I had this problem in late December, and essentially had to create a new Adobe ID and do a workaround to make it work. I don't remember the exact steps but wish I had, as I am having the same problem again. I downloaded a library ebook a couple of weeks ago and had no problems transferring it through ADE to my ereader and reading it there; tonight I downloaded two new ebooks but I'm getting the same error as before: "This document us protected by Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM) and is not currently authorized for use with your Adobe ID. Please sign in again with the authorized Adobe ID and try again." Yet I hadn't changed anything! I tried signing out of my account on the ereader and re-signing in with the same email account as ADE, but it hasn't helped.

I've had no luck contacting customer support (twice), most recently tonight when the employee told me to come to the forums for an answer. But I don't see one. Please help!




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 21, 2016 Apr 21, 2016

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Hello Sharad,

We continue to have new library users with Kobo ereaders affected by this issue.

Staff have only been able to use the Adobe 3.0 downgrade procedure to restore access to Adobe DRM ebooks so far.

Can Adobe staff provide any insight into why this is happening or if there are steps being taken to resolve it?

Could you work directly with rdplben to troubleshoot his specific device on our behalf?

Any info you can provide is greatly appreciated - I am also happy to talk via private message and/or phone.






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New Here ,
May 17, 2016 May 17, 2016

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Holly, I want to thank you very much for your posts and the suggested workaround.  I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong until I saw your post.  Now I can read on my Kobo Touch.

thank you, Renata




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Jan 16, 2022 Jan 16, 2022

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I have the same issue with my recently purchased KOBO SAGE.  Very frustrating as I cannot obtain any french book

from my library through PRET NUMÊRIQUE !! 






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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2016 Feb 24, 2016

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Holly, I appreciate all the work you've put into this. I've followed your workaround and - yay! - I can read library books again. At least for now... Hopefully Adobe will patch this problem sooner rather than later.




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Feb 25, 2016 Feb 25, 2016

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I also work in a public library and our customers are facing an issue identical to Holly's. I'm able to replicate the problem with my training devices (kobo touch ans ADE 4.5 on windows 7 laptops) here, and Holly's description of the issue is accurate. Is there any other info I can provide that would be useful in troubleshooting this? I can't seem to solve it myself we'd also prefer to have our customers be able to use the latest version of ADE without problems.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 11, 2016 Jul 11, 2016

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Hello all,

Today I spoke with frontline Kobo support staff about this issue (describing the details in my original post for this thread), but they were unable to assist with answering bigger questions about why members of the public using Kobo ereaders and Adobe Digital Editions 4.0 and up continue to be affected by this authorization problem - and were only able to advise using Adobe Digital Editions 3.0 if affected.

Sharad Vatsa have Adobe support teams been able to make any progress on resolving this problem? Can you provide any more details on the nature of the issue (firmware incompatibility, ePUB versioning, etc.)?

Here's a transcript chat I had with Kobo support staff - email address removed to protect the innocent :

Status: Connected

Uzma A (Listening)

Uzma A: Hi, my name is Uzma A. How may I help you?

Holly: Hello Uzma!

Holly: My name is Holly

Uzma A: Thank you for contacting Rakuten Kobo Customer Care Chat Support, I can definitely assist you with this, before we begin can I get you to confirm your first name, last name, and email account associated with the Rakuten Kobo account please?

Holly: Sure - just one moment

Uzma A: Ok

Holly: Great - so my address is -

Holly: First name Holly, last name -

Holly: Did you have a chance to review the issue I described yet?

Uzma A: You have mentioned in ability to download Public library book on ereader using ADE. Please let me know what ereader do you have and on what Kobo account is it registered,?

Holly: So I am contacting you because I have many people who have accounts and Kobos affected by this problem - but I have not been able to reproduce this issue on the specific Kobos in our office that are connected to our accounts

Holly: We have seen different models of Kobo run into this issue - several Aura, Aura HD, and Aura H20 owners have been affecgted

Holly: *Affected

Holly: We are looking for a general reason why this is happening to people using Kobo ereaders and ADE 4.0+

Holly: Can it be avoided or is there a solution to the problem in general?

Uzma A: Please advise customer to use ADE 3.0. and try downloading new books after unauthorizing / reauthorzing computer and ereader on ADE.

Uzma A: Adobe® Digital Editions is a free eBook reader software that can be used to read and manage EPUB and PDF files.

Kobo uses Adobe® Digital Editions to allow our customers to read ebooks and PDFs that have Adobe® Digital Rights Management (DRM) enabled.

You can download and install the free Adobe Digital Editions software from the Adobe website and follow the Adobe instructions to install here: http://www.adobe.com/ca/products/digital-editions/download.html

Downloading the URLLink.acsm file:

The ACSM file is a license for the PDF or EPUB book you bought. If you downloaded a book from the Kobo Store and received a file named URLLink.acsm, don't worry — this isn't a problem.

You get a license file when you download a book that is protected by Adobe® Digital Rights Management (DRM). DRM prevents the unauthorized copying or distribution of books to protect the rights of authors and publishers.

To access the rest of your book you just need to open the ACSM file in ADE (Adobe® Digital Editions). ADE will verify your license and then download your eBook for reading or transfer it to an eReader.

Authorizing your Kobo eReader using Adobe Digital Editions:

Before you download Adobe Digital Editions you need to authorize your eReader with Adobe. Below are the steps (You only need to do this once).

1. Install Adobe Digital Editions.

2. Launch Adobe Digital Editions.

3. From the Help menu, click Authorize Computer.

4. If you don't already have an Adobe ID, click the Get an Adobe ID online link.

5. Adobe will launch your web browser and take you to the Adobe Sign In page to create an Adobe account.

6. When you're done, return to Adobe Digital Editions.

7. Enter your Adobe ID and password.

8. Click Authorize.

9. Click Finished when Adobe finishes authorizing your computer.

10. Connect your eReader to your computer and tap Connect.

11. In ADE, click the gear icon beside Devices. Click Authorize Device.

12. Select the account that you'd like to authorize your eReader with. Click Authorize Device.

13. Click OK to complete the process.

Adobe will authorize your computer and eReader so that you can download and read DRM-protected books.

Uzma A: deauthorize Adobe Digitial Editions from you computer, following the steps below:

1) Launch Adobe Digital Editions

2) To Deauthorize the Computer hit Ctrl+Shift+D

3) Close Adobe Digitial Editions

To Reauthorize ADE to your computer:

1) Launch Adobe Digital Editions

2) Click on the downward arrow to the right of the Library menu

3) Select “Authorize Computer”. You will see a message stating that your computer has been authorized.

Deauthorizing Your eReader from ADE

1) Launch Adobe Digital Editions

2) Connect you eReader to your computer using a USB cable

3) Hit Ctrl+Shift+E to open a menu to select which device you want to Deauthorize.

4) Safely remove and unplug Kobo device

5) Reset the Kobo device to the factory settings then re-enter the date & time. Resync kobo with desktop.

6) To Reauthorize the eReader, close ADEand an unplug the eReader. Plug the eReader back in and open ADE and it should say it has found a new device to authorize

Holly: We definitely have been advising people to do this already

Holly: And have walked many through these steps already as well

Holly: But we're interested to find out if this issue is being worked on by Kobo or by Adobe to resolve the problem

Holly: So that people don't have to use ADE 3.0

Holly: going forward

Holly: We have been helping people through this process since November of 2015

Holly: and I had a new person run into this problem last week

Uzma A: It depends on the issue , however we have encountered problems with using ADE 4.0, there fore we suggest cx to use ADE 3.0 or the latest version ADE 4.5

Holly: We've found that the issue cannot be resolved by using 4.5 once it has occurred, and many have only been able to use 3.0 to be able to use DRM epubs again

Holly: Do you know if this is due to an incompatibility between the Adobe SDK Kobo is using for firmware on the Kobo and the newest versions of ADE?

Holly: Or is it possibly an issue of the epub standards being used?

Holly: and the Kobo firmware?

Uzma A: The steps I have send you for ADE 3.0 , and to try downloading new books after deauthorizing / reauthorizing the computer and device works almost all the time . In case the problem is not resolved then please ask the customer to contact Kobo for further trouble shooting.

Holly: Again, I'm very familiar with the steps and the process - we're really interested in finding out whether it is up to Kobo or up to Adobe software development teams to fix the overall problem

Holly: Also, do you know why text sizes might not be adjustable for an epub after transferring via Adobe Digital Editions 3.0?

Uzma A: If the books are not downloading on ADE then it will be Adobe issue.

Holly: Uzma, if you cannot respond to some of the specific questions I am asking - is there a Kobo support contact at a different tier that you could put me in contact with?

Holly: I appreciate that you have been answering my questions today for sure - but they relate to a systemic issue we are seeing rather than a usual one on one support call and I appreciate that it's an unusual question to get

Holly: But I have not had any success talking to the ebook vendor or Adobe itself on this issue

Uzma A: I cannot generalize the issue and make it Adobe's or Kobo issue , as it depends on the situation. If you like you can get further assistance by our voice agents, 1(800) 368-5390. ( 9 am to 9 pm est. North America)

Holly: Alright perhaps I will do that

Holly: Thanks for your time today

Uzma A: It was a pleasure assisting you.

For your reference, I will be sending you a transcript of our conversation. Should you have any further questions or concerns, you can always reply back to that email and we will be able to assist you further.

Holly: Thank you! Goodbye for now.

Uzma A: To exit the chat window, simply close out the Internet Browser you are using. Have a Great Day!




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 24, 2016 Aug 24, 2016

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Please try following below steps and check whether this helps in resolving the issue:

  1.        DE-authorize Adobe account by navigating to Settings->Accounts in the KOBO device.
  2.        Launch ADE 4.5.2 (latest version)
  3.        Connect KOBO to ADE.
  4.        Select the device listed from ADE left-side panel.
  5.        Click on device options and authorize KOBO.

Kindly try this and let me know if this helps.






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Aug 24, 2016 Aug 24, 2016

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this is the exact problem I am having with my KOBO. the help line was of no help, but I may print some of this off and have another go...

Maybe its just a poor product?

all the best,





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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2016 Aug 24, 2016

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This is the text of an e-mail exchange that I had with my local public Library:

The villain appears to been Adobe Digital Editions version 4.5 whose claim to fame is, I quote; Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.2 allows seamless fulfillment of books across devices: With this new feature, when a consumer fulfills a book on one device, the book will be automatically downloaded to all the other devices that belong to this consumer (activated using the same user ID). Unfortunately  my experience with this version has been far from “seamless”. From reading a number of posts on various sites I get the impression that there are a number of issues with this version of ADE. Most revolving around authorization issues as well as the multi addition of books on a computer. 

Bottom line:  Adobe Digital Editions version 4.5x and Kobo e-readers seem have a significant interface issue, particularly when there is more than one computer in a home network. If someone is experiencing interface issues with their Kobo and ADE 4.x The “fix” is to uninstall ADE4.x AFTER deauthorizing it. I would restart the computer to make sure that any tag ends are eliminated. Then install ADE version 3.0 (available from the Adobe site) and follow the instructions in the Kobo link as to reauthorizing both the computer and Kobo  https://www.kobo.com/help/en-US/article/4118/troubleshooting-adobe-digital-editions.   




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Feb 07, 2018 Feb 07, 2018

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Thanks for all your work on this Holly...still helping 2 years later!!!




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New Here ,
Aug 04, 2016 Aug 04, 2016

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I believe I had the same problem, and with the help of Overdrive support, got past it.  I'm using ADE on a Windows 7 platform.

The first thing I had to do was update the software on my Kobo -- I hadn't synced in a long time.  Then, per Overdrive, ...

Thank you for
contacting us. This issue sometimes occurs when you're trying to transfer an
eBook to your Kobo eReader.

Before you try
anything below, make sure you're using Adobe
Digital Editions (ADE)
to transfer eBooks to your Kobo. If you've been
trying to use the Kobo desktop software, that could be what's causing the

Try these steps first

Most of the time,
simply resetting your Adobe authorization for your Kobo will fix the problem.

  1. Make
         sure the date and time settings on your Kobo eReader are correct.

         You should find these in the Settings
         menu on your device.
  2. Plug
         your Kobo into your computer with the USB cable that came with your
  3. Open
         ADE on your computer.
  4. Remove
         the eBook that's causing trouble from your library.
  5. Click
         on your Kobo from the menu on the left
  6. Click
         the Device Options
         button, then select Erase
         Device Authorization
    . Click Erase Authorization,
         then OK
         to confirm.

  7. Try
         downloading and transferring the title again....  BUT, before doing that, I had to delete the ACSM file from my Downloads and clear my internet history.

If that hadn't worked, the next option was a factory reset; I'm glad it worked.  Hope this helps others,




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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2016 Nov 28, 2016

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Hi all,

Thanks for this interesting thread.  Just was confronted with the same problem, making my Kobo reader useless (I mainly use it for public library books).My local library was/is very helpful, but it is clear that the problem is the ADE software.  Does anybody know of alternative software or are we stuck with Adobe ?

Tried all the desintall and re-installing, without result. (cleaning cache, de-authorizing and everything)

Reinstalling the older version of ADE would require to install pre-Windows-10 .NET framework, which I don`t want to do.

Don`t understand why Adobe hasn't come up with a real solution since this problem was identified months ago.  This certainly does not help public libraries....and their readers.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 02, 2016 Dec 02, 2016

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Hi all!

Some thing you might try. It did the work for me.

Same issues. Under W10, autorisation issues within Kobo Reader, not able to read any drm book.

Adobe Edition 4.5 not able to authorize the KOBO and also, running into a endless loop.

Same with version 3.

After the usual tap dancing: de-install, re-install, on both version.....etc etc

Same results in all case: dead end.

I that point, back to square one: clean the table, from A to Z:

De-install both version of Adobe.

Reboot W10.



Re-install Adobe Edition 4.5. all is fine.

Connect the KOBO.

Right Click on Icon

And Magic Happen!

I was able to authorize the Kobo! For the very first time!!!

I had to delete the DRM books from the Kobo and re-transfer.

Eject the Kobo

All drm books of the Kobo can now be read. Finally!!!

Problem solved!!!


Give it a try!

Michel, Montreal!




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Dec 10, 2016 Dec 10, 2016

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Have a look at my approach, dec 2. It did the work for me.

all the best





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2016 Dec 10, 2016

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I believe I might have discovered the reason why people with existing ADE installations (mine was ADE 1.7.2) have suddenly become unable to download EPUB eBooks from the library.

The reason is a recent change in the .acsm file in the <operatorURL> stanza from http:// to https:// secure socket layer communication.

This change must have been implemented on the servers which provide the library eBook lending service and create the .acsm files.  My guess is that ADE 1.7.2 does not support https:// communication.

This change in communication protocol would explain why many people using ADE 1.7.2 have suddenly experienced problems downloading library EPUB eBooks.




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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2016 Dec 11, 2016

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Thanks for responding. My problem was fixed by going to windows 7 troubleshooting and following advice there.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Sun, Dec 11, 2016 at 9:46 AM, lindat99044596<forums_noreply@adobe.com> wrote:

Public Library customers with Kobo ereader authorization issue ADE 4.0 - 4.5, "Oops! This document couldn't be opened."

created by lindat99044596 in Adobe Digital Editions - View the full discussion

I believe I might have discovered the reason why people with existing ADE installations (mine was ADE 1.7.2) have suddenly become unable to download EPUB eBooks from the library.


The reason is a recent change in the .acsm file in the <operatorURL> stanza from http:// to https:// secure socket layer communication.


This change must have been implemented on the servers which provide the library eBook lending service and create the .acsm files.  My guess is that ADE 1.7.2 does not support https:// communication.


This change in communication protocol would explain why many people using ADE 1.7.2 have suddenly experienced problems downloading library EPUB eBooks.

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New Here ,
Jan 13, 2017 Jan 13, 2017

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The following procedure worked for me (Kobo Glo, Windows 8):

delete .acsm and .epub-files from Kobo and computer

unauthorise computer

unauthorise Kobo

uninstall ADE 4.5

install ADE 3.0 (as Admin)

authorise computer

download .acsm-file

connect kobo bla bla.... et voila!

The Kobo finally opened my library book, no complaints, no "Oops-message". 🙂






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Jan 18, 2017 Jan 18, 2017

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Thank you Michel from Montreal for your answer.  Unfortunately I cannot connect as administrator in Windows 10.  i have checked some procedure, but my computer never showed the same screen as theirs. 

Any hope of Adobe and Kobo working together to resolve this issue?

Linda, Vaudreuil




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Jan 19, 2017 Jan 19, 2017

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@Linda, how about this:

To enable the Windows 10 administrator account do the following:

  1. Tap on the Windows-key. This should open the start menu or bring you to the Start Screen interface depending on how Windows 10 is configured on the system.
  2. Type cmd and wait for the results to be displayed.
  3. Right-click on the Command Prompt result and select "run as administrator" from the context menu.
  4. To activate the inactive administrator account, run the command net user administrator /active:yes

The administrator account is active now which means that you can sign in to the system using it. It is not password protected by default which means that anyone with access to the system can use it to sign in to it.

Source: ghacks.net




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New Here ,
Jan 19, 2017 Jan 19, 2017

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Thank you Nicole.  I will try it . 

It is so frustrating not to be able to read library books on Kobo.  I have been using a Kobo for about 7 years.  I changed computer recently, and now I cannot load borrowed books onto Kobo!  The worst of it is that it seems the problem is ongoing for over a year, and yet it still has not been fixed by the developpers of those softwares.




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New Here ,
Feb 24, 2018 Feb 24, 2018

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The steps noted by Holy worked for me.  An important point is to make sure to unauthorize both the computer and reader before uninstalling 4.5.

It is quite clear from my research here and other sites that 4.5 is not friendly with Kobo.

delete .acsm and .epub-files from Kobo and computer

unauthorise computer

unauthorise Kobo

uninstall ADE 4.5

install ADE 3.0 (as Admin)

authorise computer

download .acsm-file

connect kobo, authorise and load book from Digital Editions




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