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Reset Activation Count

Sep 08, 2014 Sep 08, 2014

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I got a new nook and when I try to activate it it says I have too many devises. When I troubleshoot it tells me to contact customer support to reset my activation count. When I call the # it hangs up on me. There is not e-mail address to customer care? At a loss as to what I can do at this point??? Looks like its in Adobe's hands but there's absolutely NO SUPPORT.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Sep 08, 2014 Sep 08, 2014

Go to helpx.adobe.com/contact.html. The first site that comes up will be "Contact Customer Care". It will ask you what product you need help with. Click on Adobe Digital Editions. It will then ask you what do you need help with. Click Adobe ID signing in or something to that effect. A blue bar should pop up asking if you still need help. Click on this blue bar and a form will pop up asking for a brief description of the problem. Tell them you need your Adobe ID authorization number reset.

Some of



New Here ,
Sep 08, 2014 Sep 08, 2014

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Go to helpx.adobe.com/contact.html. The first site that comes up will be "Contact Customer Care". It will ask you what product you need help with. Click on Adobe Digital Editions. It will then ask you what do you need help with. Click Adobe ID signing in or something to that effect. A blue bar should pop up asking if you still need help. Click on this blue bar and a form will pop up asking for a brief description of the problem. Tell them you need your Adobe ID authorization number reset.

Some of the techs are better than others. They have to reset your activation count from their system. A good tech can do this in 5-15 minutes. Once they have successfully reset the number wait about 10 minutes before you activate your new device because it takes a few minutes for your number to reset itself. I have had much success with the live chats because most of the techs are pretty knowledgeable. Just let them know all you need is your number reset so you can use your TABLET. Otherwise they will give you the instructions for activating a PC. I've had to contact live chat about 10 times in the past few months because I am always experimenting with different apps and constantly exceeding my limit.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 12, 2014 Sep 12, 2014

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I agree that your explanation matches my experience when I was fortunate enough to chat with a knowledgeable technician during the last few years. However, here are some of the responses received recently from two technicians when I asked them to perform the reset. One of them agreed to perform the task but only after I strongly insisted that she do so.

  • "I have checked that you are facing issues with a free product of Adobe,let me inform you that we do not have any chat support for freewares so kindly visit forums.adobe.com to get help from our experts."
  • "So kindly visit forums.adobe.com to get help from our experts as there is no chat support available for this."
  • "I am sorry but ADE is a freeware as per Adobe policies".
  • "Please visit forums.adobe.com for the support of your product"
  • "We currently do not have phone and chat support available for Adobe Digital Editions and older products (How-To issues) ; however, we do have support documents available on our support portal".
  • "... we are not trained on digital editions and support is only available on forums.adobe.com"

I'm going to use your excellent response as a platform for my concerns regarding the inconsistent service provided by Adobe because the sample comments (listed above) made by the technicians are unhelpful and, frankly, unacceptable.

  • First of all ADE isn't "freewares". Each time a customer "purchases" an ebook or a library licenses an ebook for patron use, a fee is paid to Adobe. The content provider undoubtedly pays a large fee to obtain the Adobe Content Server utility (I've read this is around $15,000) and a maintenance fee yearly (some say this is $1100). These costs are passed to the end user (us), one way or another.
  • Secondly, a request by an end user to reset his/her authorizations doesn't constitute a "How-to" session. Forum members, virtually the only individuals to respond to forum questions (how often does an actual Adobe employee respond?), are the only people closely matching the tech's term for "expert". Obviously, none of us can reset each other's activations.

Thanks again for your clear explanation of not only the required procedure but also the, gently implied, warning that a member may have some difficulty obtaining needed assistance.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 12, 2021 Jan 12, 2021

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I Got the same issue  , the support refuse to help , they said it was a free product, they cannot support.

please help?




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Sep 09, 2014 Sep 09, 2014

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Thank you so much that worked!




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