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My Adobe Dimension is telling me that I'm not logged in. But I am logged in to Adobe CC and can use other CC programs. How do I fix this as I can't currently cloud render.
That also happens with me. Sign out and Sign in back into your CC App Manager (Adobe account)
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That also happens with me. Sign out and Sign in back into your CC App Manager (Adobe account)
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Hey that worked! Thank you!
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ares your so cute babe
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NO...logging in and out does not work... Adobe cannot fix this... been on screen share with them twice in a month for hours... reinstalling... doing all sorts of havoc on my PC... and they said they had to escallate it to the dimension team..and that they would call me back... this has been going on for months... and they NEVER call me back. Adobe support has 100% failed me on a piece of software that I pay for... totally sucks...and is quite sad, really. Adobe! If you're out there!! PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!! Case Id is ADB-22844064-F9N7 - HA! I won't hold my breath.
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OHHH Kaayyyy.... so it seems that there was an issue on Adobe's side... they has to fix my account internally - and finally, I was able to log in. I had to reach out to support multiple times... go to their facebook page... complain multiple times, and they finally had a guy from the "escallation" team work with me... This took me 2 months. After he got on the phone with me (he called me), he asked me to do the same thing... log in, open the app - and it finally worked.
He said, "We've had some updates to our servers, and we had to do some things internally. I'm so sorry for the frustration this caused you. We will credit you 7 days of CC subscription. 7 days? Should have been a month. It cost them nothing. So... yeah... they finally said "It was on our end. Sorry." How much do we have to be the squeeky wheel before getting REAL help? Dissapointed....but also relieved. A mixed bag.
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I think I am having the same issue here. I recently purchased the apps and started using PS and Illustrator, which work fine. However, with Dimension, it's telling me that I am not logged in. I restarted my MacBook twice and logged out of creative cloud 3 times. I am still having the same issue.
Do you know how I can fix it?
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Same issue here..
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Yes, i have the same problem...
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I have the same problem
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Same sign in problem
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I'm having the same issue. The first time I reached out to support, they transfered me like twice and then when the last person left the chat to transfer me, no one else joined the chat so the chat ended even though my problem wasn't resolved. I reached out again today and the second person transfered me to someone else who ended up transfering me back to the same person. They keep telling me to uninstall and reinstall/sign out and sign back in even though I tell them I've already tried that and it didn't work. I just got transferred for the fifth time this morning. I'm spending my morning trying to resolve this instead of doing my work.
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Facing the same problem. 😕
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I am having this same problem. Logging out and back in isn't working.
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Same issue here too
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Udpdate: This problem isn't going to be resolved because Adobe is discontinuing Dimension in order to force us to buy the Substance 3d modeling software separately. So much for the "all apps" plan including all the apps.
I don't want a separate collection of 3D software. Dimension worked perfectly for me based on what I needed. I don't want to be forced to buy a suite of programs when I only need one.
RIP Dimension.
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That's rubbish, may as well end my remote support with them haha
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I was made aware through the support that it's only a glitch and doesn't actually impact any of the CC functionality. Having used it and created CC files to share, this has turned out to be true.
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I could imagine glitches repair in three years. But if it doesn't affect anything, what about it.
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Yes that seems to be the work around for Apple Users. Sadly, does not apply for Windows/Enteprise Users. Half the Tools don't respond, auto-change or just does nothing. Still shows "Not logged in". Adobe advises every time to buy more licenses, never addressing or acknowledging the issue. They've advised us to change our entire infrastructure into a Mac environment (this would impact global services but they don't get it, just do what Adobe wants even though there are no reasons and logic provided, leaving our IT Team confused and bewildered, attitude (always talking over us and talking at us and not to us), ghaslighting, ghosting, etc... Blender is much more reliable for 3D, and DaVinci Resolve is better than Premiere Rush. Also, anyone else noticing how Adobe wants to switch to Tablet Mode after certain updates despite being always on a desktop?
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Same. Non-stop. Always want us to buy another subscription while continue to pay for the bad one. Blender is getting better and better. So is Affinity. Adobe needs to resolve and update their KB (Knowledge Base) ASAP. Lot of troubleshooting steps are deflectionary or de-escalating tactics. Very frustrating. Solution is always buy more, spend more, continue to pay for the bad, buy this now, meet these specs, your fault for following our specs as those are meant for 2 years from now, etc...
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I agree with you, Adobe has become so greedy as it gets bigger and bigger, adding more apps to the point there are no more apps to add, so, divide a Good app into 2 apps and charge for it.
yes, Blender is getting better as well as affinity products. Adobe 3D tools no longer supported in Photoshop as of 2023. In Adobe illustrator you can not export any object that has a mesh tool applied to it as an .obj to export to Dimension to use as a model.
and now with an updated Dn 3.4.8, many models are not loading. Have to revert to older version to get that Coffee Bag in my case.
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Having same issue -- run Adobe Dimension and pick any file or try to create anything, immediately get a notice I'm not logged in but I am. Dimension is suppose to be included in my service (and is listed as such).
I'm logged in fine -- have tried changing password, relogging in, etc.