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Yesterday I found that I installed a few older versions of after effects a while back, so I decided to uninstall them to not clutter up my computer. But now everytime I boot up my computer, Adobe Creative Cloud just randomly pops up repeatedly with this warning for uninstalling after effects version 15.1.2, even though I have already uninstalled it:
No matter which button I click it keeps popping up. I have uninstalled all CC apps and uninstalled the creative cloud app and then installed them again, it still pops up. I have no idea what is going on... does anyone have the same problem?
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I just got off a chat with Enterprise technical support and they were able to fix the same problem. Here's the number: 1800-685-2950. I am not sure if you have an Enterprise account, so here is the regular customer service line: 1 (800) 833-6687.