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Are the Creative Cloud Applications available on DVD?

New Here ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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My subscription for Master Suite CS5 was converted to a Creative Cloud subscription.  I had problems downloading the software for Master Suite 5 and opted for the back-up DVD which was the only way I was able to successfully load all of the programs.  Most of the downloads would install but not run, but from the disk they worked fine.

Now with CS6, I still have issues with the downloads, some worked fine, while others do not.  Photoshop downloaded (2 hours) and installed fine but cannot save preferences.  InDesign downloaded and installed but crashes on the splash screen.  Muse downloaded and installed perfectly.  Illustrator downloads fine and hangs up on installing. All of this is through the Application Manager.

So I ask... are the CS6 applications available on DVD if my subscription was converted to a Creative Cloud subscription?

Creative Cloud






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Adobe Employee ,
May 15, 2012 May 15, 2012

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Hi MFP_Keith,

Unfortunately getting installation media in relation to Creative Cloud is not possible. Its unusual you would have so many download, install, and launch issues. What kind of internet connectivity do you use? (cable, satellite, DSL, etc.) Are you on Windows or Mac, what version of the OS?






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New Here ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Hello David,

Supposedly we have a T-1 or fractional T-1, anyway by the time it gets to my office it's just 10/100 and there are about 50 people sharing the connection.  I have a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 iMac with 16GB memory and a 1TB HD running OS 10.7.4, and I'm the only Mac in the entire company.

I had the same issues with CS5 downloads, (Master suite took almost 2 days to download completely, including the times I had to restart due to timeout issues) when I finally got the download finished most of the programs would crash on start-up.  The back-up disks arrived a few days later and I uninstalled everything, loaded Master Suite from the disks and everything worked fine.

With CS6 I managed to download Muse and Acrobat, both work fine, Photoshop, works fine except for it stating that it can't write the preferences file.  Illustrator will open for a few seconds, then crash.  InDesign has a nice splash screen then it too crashes.  Also, something peculiar, if CS5.5 and CS6 are supposedly independent from one another, why did InDesign CS6 tell me to close InDesign CS5 when it was being installed?

I guess I'll have to resort to taking this computer home with me and using my home internet to download the programs.  I've already downloaded a few of the programs to my home Laptop (according to the User License it's OK to do this).





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Adobe Employee ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Hi Keith,

Thanks for the additional details. Hmmm, that is unusual. Typically if the issue is with the download it will report as being corrupted when extracting the installation contents or attempting to install. It sounds like many of the programs appeared to install successfully but had issues launching after the installation. First launch is often significant because it sets up various preference folders and such for running the application. Often with Mac launch issues are related permissions, it might be worth just creating a new user account with administrative rights and try launching the software from a new account just as a test. In relation to downloading, if you have a Mac at home, downloading the trials there and then moving them to work might be an option, taking the computer home would work too, or maybe even downloading at off business hours at work.

Sorry to hear about things not working well,






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