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Just purchased CS5.5 and it works fine however I am not able to activate it. The program says I don't have an internet connection but I clearly do I as I am able to connect to all websites & email etc...
I have tried to contact customer support 6 times:
Contact 1: on hold for 1 hour and 20 minutes after which I was disconnected
Contact 2: on hold for 35 minutes then told it was out of business hours
Contact 3: on hold for 45 minutes then someone picked up the phone and then hung up on me
Contact 4: on hold for 15 minutes then someone hung up on me
Contact 5: on hold for 5 minutes then someone spoke with me and told me to delete a "host" file in Windows32 folder on our system. This didn't fix the problem and then the support person simply hung up on me...
Contact 6: currently on hold for 55 minutes and still waiting...
What is happening at ADOBE? You used to be so reliable now I am not even able to get through to support? It is very worrying... I have no options available any more... what do I do?
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See the topic "Your computer cannot connect to activation site because of network problems" on the page
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i have tried this with my activation and it still won't work... i have internet connection and its not my fault adobe can't activate my software.... i just want someone to manually activate it for me I have already provided proof of purchase, education proof and the serial number to adobe support chatters and they have been no help whatsoever!
I am very very disapointment with adobes lack of customer support and help for this simple matter.
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For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issues you describe.
You could even activate by phone: contact Adobe Support to activate by phone using the dedicated Activation helpline, 1-866-772-3623
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hi vikrant - i have spoken to 3 different chat representatives who have been unable to resolve this matter.
Also I am in australia so the number for your 'dedicated activation helpline' is also unavailable for me to use.
I am able to provide all the necessary information to a human who can manually activate it but apparentlt that can't be done and I don't understand why.
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Hi LuLuMil--I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be able to personally assist you, but I'm doing some legwork here to get you some help. I am so sorry you've had such a horrible experience--this is not at all the type of service that we want to deliver. I hope we can turn things around for you quickly.
In the meantime, could you also run through the steps in this doc, just to see if there's something getting in the way of reaching the activation server:
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Hi Jeri,
Thank you, I have previously looked at these tips and while I have been able to test some (to no avail) some of the others I am uncertain about trying on my computer as while i thinnk im relatively computer savy, codes, proxies and firewalls are not my speciality.
Are you able to provide me with the name and number to call someone who can manually activate my software for me. if I continue to have this problem which I am activately trying to fix and the time expires in which to do then what am i left with.... useless expensive software????
I have spent the time and money to legally and correctly by this software.... not download a torrent or watch a video on youtube about how to get free photoshop and yet i still have to go through all this hassle to activate it?
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Hi LuLuMill,
There is no manual activation option so we are not able to offer you such a thing. Activation can only occur online. Our tech support reps can walk you through these processes and watch your screen if they are intimidating to you. The tech support number for your region is 1 800 614 863.
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... on the phone waiting for 12 minutes so far
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.... 21 minutes waiting....
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LuLuMil, I have sent you a private message requesting your contact info so that we may contact you directly. My apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced activating your product.
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I am also having the same issue as LuLuMil.
I've spoken to Live Chat Customer Support who were unable to help and referred me to technical support. Spent 45 minutes on hold with Aus Technical Support before I had to hang up.
I've tried the troubleshooting links that have been posted in this thread and OS X Terminal shows that I am connecting to the Adobe server just fine.
It would be greatly appreciated, if you could please PM me as soon as possible to get this issue rectified. I only have 19 days left to activate the software. If you take a look at my account, the software has already been registered successfully. It just needs activation.
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Lingbotphoto if you have tried all the solutions in this thread and are still having issues with activation then you will need to work with our support team directly. For the best assistance, I recommend our chat support at Our chat representatives can provide a personalized experience to resolve the issue you have described.
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Jeff, I spoke to chat support before finding this thread. Both have not solved the problem.
There has to be another way to activate the software right? Please advise.
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No really the only options are chat or voice support. Although tech support via voice and chat is closed for the weekend. Which country are you in?
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I'm in Australia.
Chat support referred me directly to Voice support as they couldn't help me. I then got stuck on hold for 45 minutes before having to hang up as I have a life and really needed to get back to it.
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Hi DVexpert,
Please go to this URL:
If you receive an "error" 404 message then please do the following:
If you receive a "status" 404 message then please try the steps here:
One or the other should allow you to activate successfully. I do see successful activations in the this a new computer?
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Greetings everyone,
I started this thread. Since the thread was posted, my activation issue has dissappeared - HOW I do NOT know. As a last desparate attempt, I uninstalled Norton 360 completely and this might have helped, however I am not sure. Doing the "ping" of still doesn't work even with Norton 360 uninstalled and all firewalls switched off. It is very strange that I am not able to ping and get a 404 error on but my issue is resolved... strange this seems still to be unresolved.
In fact, I tested that URL and the Ping from over 8 different internet locations within Sydney (friends homes, offices, internet cafe etc) and NONE were successful. How does THAT make it a USER problem when NO ONE can access it???
An Adobe rep contacted me directly by email and supported me directly, which was fantastic, but didn't actually help as all the support he provided was exactly the same as what I had done with other support by phone at least 5 times with no success.
I organised a very skilled computer tech to assist me with my issue and he did everything he could to try and open ports and gain access for the activation but after 6 hours of trying his conclusion was "Adobe is having the issues, not the users".
This seems to be a big problem with Adobe at the moment and should not be.
To Adobe:
I remind and highlight your responsibilities as a service/product provider, under the ACCC law:
As a customer:
"If a service fails to meet a consumer guarantee, you may be entitled to a remedy—either fixing the problem with the services, a refund or compensation for any drop in value from the original price paid—depending on the circumstances."
Amongst other information within that page, I bring your attention to the fact that this issue your users are experiencing would be considered a "Major failure":
There is a major failure when (as the customer):
"you would not have engaged the service if you had known the nature and extent of the problem."
"the service does not meet the reasonable expectations for that type of service, and the problem cannot be rectified within a reasonable time."
and lastly, who is to fix the problem:
"The guarantees are made by the person or business that is providing the service. This means the service provider is responsible for fixing a problem when the service does not meet a consumer guarantee."
The runarounds Adobe is creating for customer, and hours of "on-hold" resulting in little or no customer service, is simply unacceptable and, in fact, a breach of your responsibilities and the law. Adobe... you seem to forget that our businesses or services rely heavily on your software to learn, teach, conduct business or whatever it may be. Our time is precious and the hours wasted to fix issues that shouldn't be there in the first place cost us a non-trivial amount.
Although my issues have been resolved, I am still nervous as it may happen again - I have received no indication of any rectifications of the issue and it appears it is still a major failure with other customers, meaning it could happen to me again at any time.
I would, and so would the rest of the people with these issues, like to know what your steps are, at a higher management level, to fix it and make sure it does not happen any more.
I highly recommend that you escalate these issues as a matter of priority and get your best people onto it urgently.
In the hope of a positive outcome,
A frustrated customer
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Wow, up until 5mins ago I though this problem was isolated to my computer, but now I realise it is not. I have exactly the same issue, live in Australia, have paid for and recieved a serial number for my software but the Adobe software will not connect to the internet and activate! I have tried calling Adobe, and was on hold for over 20min's each time with no answer! I have tried the online chat, but they keep telling me it is an error with my internet, which is it obviously not considering i'm on it right now! Did anyone ever get a real answer about what to do???? Very Annoyed!
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Welcome 1995_tier,
so sorry you are having the same problem - it is frustrating... VERY frustrating!
I will be waiting a day or two and if there is no _serious_ response and plan of action from Adobe we will start to make some serious noise until we are heard. It is simply unacceptable to have such poor customer support with waiting periods of that length.
Let's hope we don't have to go down that path. I know we would all rather have working software and get on with our work.
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I'm trying Australia Technical Support again. Been on hold 20 minutes so far - I better get an advisor soon.
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Hey guys,
Finally got through and the advisor was able to help me out.
OS X Instructions (hopefully these work for you):
Quit all Adobe applications.
Click on Finder > Go > Click "Go To Folder"
Type "/etc"
Search for the "hosts" file.
Drag a copy of that file onto your Desktop and then open it in TextEdit.
There should be a line in the file that says something like "[IP address]"
Add a "#" in front of the IP address. e.g. "#" (no space needed between # and IP address)
Save the file and then drop it back in the /etc folder (replacing the old file).
Try opening up an Adobe application again. Should be ready and active.
The advsior could see on his system that my serial number had become active and I just made sure by checking in the Help menu that the "Deactivate..." option was available.
Hope this sorts out people's problems.
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Hi Lingbot, glad your issue is resolved - unfortunately already ruled that out in my list of things I tried - no mention of adobe in my list.
Adobe, please help me.
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Lingbotphoto great job on checking your host file. This does indicate that your host file was modified at some time in the past. That modification is what was preventing any Adobe software, including subscription edition, to activate properly.
In regards to the many other users who continue to post while there is some steps which can be recommended via the forum. Such as checking your host file, making sure your software firewall is allowing the Adobe Application manager to connect to the internet, verifying you have a good internet connection. There are other components which are best handled by the support team. These include such steps as checking your subscription status, make sure the subscription is still active and in good standing, and reviewing your AMT3.log and OOBELIB.log files.
There are several great steps within this thread to try to self solve your subscription/activation issues. If you have completed these steps and you are still having difficulties then it is best to contact the support team for your region at that time.
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Hi Jeff,
That's funny that you say that. I've never installed Creative Suite on this computer before so that's a bit odd. The problem has been solved anyway.