cant install photoshop 7
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hi im trying to install photoshop 7 on my window but it does not. it does not even extrac the data file
when i checked the task manager the process for the setup is there but it seem stuck
can someone help mee
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You are trying to install your PS 7 on what? Win 7? If so, you are installing ancient software on a modern OS and from UAC to virus scanners and firewalls to basic user permission issues that such an old program can't handle there could be a million things here. You need to provide much more details and check these things. Anbyway, no guarantees that this will ever work. It's jsut the nature of the beast.
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Krishwar, Mylenium has a point as we certainly have never tested Photoshop 7 with Windows 7. Are you receiving any type of error message when trying to install? What features are you looking for? Perhaps a current version of Photoshop Elements 10 would suite your needs? Photoshop Elements 10 has certainly been tested and works with Windows 7. We also have a free 30 day trial available to see if it has the features you need.
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actually photoshop seven is very much compatible with win seven i had installed it on my previous machine also having the same version of win 7.
anyways i have sucessfully install it now through the windows safe mode option
thanx for the replys by the way