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Dear users,
Learn how to change the default language for installing your Creative Cloud apps with help of this article-
For already installed apps- Un-install the application, change the language setting and reinstall the app.
Feel free to share your feedback on our community.
Hope this helps!
Kanika Sehgal
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Photoshop got installed in French, but I need it in English. How do I proceed. I used AAM to do this with CS6, but cannot find the way to select the language and download again. Do I need to uninstall first?
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Hi Jacques - This link may be helpful: Please let us know if you require further assistance.
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Did you had to unistall the app before noticing the language change?
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Actually no. I modified the language in Creative Cloud options and closed it. After re-opening, It did allow me to download again. It retained both the initial (English) and the new language (French).
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Cgrmz it will depend on your operating system. Windows users have reported the need to remove and reinstall the application for the langauge to switch.
Macintosh users have mostly reported the same behavior Jacques posted with the language changing without the need to reinstall.
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Hi Jeff, this is very important for me!
Can you confirm that on Mac it's possible to change a languages without a new complete install of the software?
I modified the language in Creative Cloud options and closed it. After re-opening, It did allow me to download again.
Download again what? Sorry, i do not understand - you have to download again the all software or only the new language pack?
It retained both the initial (English) and the new language (French).
This is interesting. So now you have photoshop in 2 languages and you can switch in real time using ui-language preference? Confirm?
Last: Jeff this solution can be used also for Illustrator CC or InDesign CC?
In other words: i need all 3 software in 2 languages (English international and French).
It could be a great feature of CC! Please let me know if possible!
Many thanks!
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Folobo you need to adjust the language setting in the Creative Cloud application. Please see Adjust the install language | Creative Cloud applications | CCM - for additional details.
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Thanks !
I finally had succeeded in the way you describe. My problem was that I had not closed CC to reset the option to download again. I appreciate your r espons e.
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Found no way but change language option in CC, uninstall ad reinstall PS. It keeps the initial language and adds the new one.
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Hi Jeff, i see the link but uninstall them and reinstall is a always big problem.
Are there other solutions to use to do this? I use Mac (no pc)!
To change the user interface language of currently installed applications, uninstall them and reinstall using the Adobe Application Manager.
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It keeps the initial language and adds the new one.
Please Jacques, can you explain better explain what you have to do?
Now do you have 2 languages?
Many thanks!
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Yes now I have the 2 languages. I had installed French initially, and
then I changed the language in Creative Cloud-Preferences-App, and
downloaded PS again. It reinstalled and added the second language.
To switch, in PS, you select Preferences-Interdace and select the
language for the UI in the Text section.
You can see the languages files in Programs/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop
xxx/Locales. If the reinstall does not leave the 2 languages, you could
first save aside the current language file and move back afterwards.
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If I install twice PS in two different languagee (i.e, French and English) what happen when there is an update ? Do I have to apply the update twice?
Thanks Jules
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Folobo you can uninstall the applications by using the Uninstaller located in Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers.
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Hi Jeff, many thanks for your reply.
Last question is: can i have the CC software in 2 languages?
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It will depend on if you have to uninstall and reinstall to switch to the proper language.
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It will depend on if you have to uninstall and reinstall to switch to the proper language.
Sorry again Jeff, but i do not understand.
I need my software in 2 languages on the same 10.8.4 installation.
In other words: today i want launch Photoshop or InDesign in English and tomorrow in French.
Is it possibile? This is very important for me.
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It should allow you to switch languages since you are using Mac OS. On Windows the reports are that to adjust the UI language you need to remove and reinstall in that language.
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Many sorry Jeff but is so difficult to understand your opinion.
Sure i use mac and i do not understand if i can installed 2 software languages.
I need my software in 2 languages on the same 10.8.4 installation.
In other words: today i want launch Photoshop or InDesign in English and tomorrow in French. Is it possibile?
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Folobo I am sorry if I made this more complicated than it needs to be. Please follow the steps offered in message #6 to adjust your language.
You are welcome to post your results to this discussion once you have compelted the steps.
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In my case I wanted to change After Effects from Italian to English without having to uninstall and install again. Here's a quickfix:
- go to: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files\AMTLanguages
- find file it_IT and rename it to en_EN
that's it. now After Effects loads in English.
It's not so easy with PS and AI. If soemone can tell me how to change it for those two I would appreciate it.
bye tnx
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Will it be possible to change the language on Windows without the need to remove and reinstall it any time soon, too?
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No ThorP if you wish to change the language for your already installed applications you will need to remove the current installation and reinstall with the new language.
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Thanks for the information......