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CS6 Build reverting to unlicensed on imaged machines.

Explorer ,
Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012

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Mac Environment, 10.6.8, 10.7.4, and 10.8.1   DeployStudio for Imaging Machines, current version.

I used the AAM 2.0.97 to create a "Build" of CS6 that has the serial and activation embedded per our corporate License.

I can "push" out the build to machines just fine.

The apps launch, and run no problem. I can update them on the Admin side as it should be. All is well.

So, I take one of the machines with CS6 and create a new "Build Image" with DeployStudio.

I wipe a machine and put the updated "Build" on it which now includes CS 5.5 AND CS6.

When I log onto the fresh machine as Admin and Launch Photoshop 6, I am greeted with a "Design Premium and Web Trial" box stating that I can continue to use this product in Trial mode for 32767 days, or, Buy now.

The CS 5.5 apps work fine. So it's something specific to CS6 and it's Activation/serialization/registration.

Something is going wrong. I have used this method for updating my base builds in CS2,3,4,5,5.5 It's always worked. I've always used DeployStudio for imaging my machines.

What am I missing in order to add CS6 to my "Build Image" to deploy to all new users?

I'm jsut using the defaults in AAM to create my CS6 Build, see screenshot.

Screen Shot 2012-09-07 at 3.03.14 PM.png






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Sep 07, 2012 Sep 07, 2012

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Explorer ,
Sep 08, 2012 Sep 08, 2012

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Thanks for the reply, but that's not it, none of these apps are in Creative Cloud.

I can't be expected to have to deactivate, close, relaunch, accept the license, close, relaunch, sign in with an Adobe ID, close, relaunch, license, and then run Every time i build a machine?

What's the point of using the AAM to create a Build to push out to users then? There has to be a way to image up machines for deployment that keeps the serialization in tact. It worked in all the previous version is CS products.

I guess i'm mostly "hoping" that your reply is not the corrrect answer. What about pushing out a Serialization File? DeployStudio can be scripted to run after a machine is built that installs the serial file. Anyone had any luck with that?

Thanks for the reply though..





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Sep 08, 2012 Sep 08, 2012

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Have a look at


Check the Known issue sevtion and may help.





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Explorer ,
Sep 10, 2012 Sep 10, 2012

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Ok, so I do have to create a Serial file and push that out. I will give that a shot and report back if I have any problems.






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Explorer ,
Sep 10, 2012 Sep 10, 2012

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So, I'm running into a couple problems.

I got the AAM 3.1 and created a serialization file, but there's an error in the build log:

Mon Sep 10 09:09:58 2012[INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Build Version -
Mon Sep 10 09:09:58 2012[INFO] AdobePackageBuilder - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
Mon Sep 10 09:09:58 2012[WARN] AdobePackageBuilder - Error in processing the UpdatesInfo tag.

I think it's OK, and put the serialization folder on the desktop of the client machine. I then use ARD to run the UNIX command:


It starts, but i get an error 1:

SFW-Mac (172.the rest of the IP)

          Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated

          All rights reserved.


          adobe_prtk --tool=StartTrial --leid=LEID

          This is to start the trial for a given LEID.

          adobe_prtk --tool=Serialize --leid=LEID --serial=serialNum --adobeid=AdobeID [--personGUID=personGUID]

          This is to perform the online serial validation and to update the internal databases with the serial and

          Adobe ID information. 

          adobe_prtk --tool=Serialize --leid=LEID --serial=serialNum  [--regsuppress=ss]

          This is to perform the online serial validation and suppress the Adobe ID registration

          adobe_prtk --tool=UnSerialize --leid=LEID [ --locale=locale ] [--deactivate] [--removeSWTag]

          This is to remove all existing non-trial serializations applied to the product with the given LEID.

          Specifying the --deactivate argument deactivates the corresponding license from the machine. 

          Specifying the --locale argument removes serialization for that specific locale. 

          Specifying the --removeSWTag argument removes SW tag files.

          adobe_prtk --tool=Type1Exception --generate | --accept --serial=serialNum [--responsecode=responseCode] --leid=DriverLEID

          This is to generate a Type1 Exception request code or to accept a Type1 response code. If --accept is 

          specified, then the responsecode and leid are required. 

          adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=AbsProvFilePath [--stream]

          This is to serialize using a prov.xml file.

   Specifying the --stream will locally save the offline license for imaging

          adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial=<serialnum> --leid=<LEID of product> [--regsuppress=ss] [--eulasuppress] [--locales=<comma delimited list of locales in xx_XX format or ALL>] [--provfilepath=<Path to folder where prov.xml will be cre

          This is to generate a prov.xml file.

          adobe_prtk --tool=RegisterTrial --driveradobecode=driverAdobeCode [--adobeid=adobeID] [--personguid=personGUID]

          This is to register the trial so that the sign-in screen is suppressed at launch.

          adobe_prtk --tool=EULA --leid=DriverLEID [--eulasuppress] [--eulaaccept  --locale=locale]

          This is to suppress/accept EULA silently at launch of Adobe Application.

          adobe_prtk --tool=Register --leid=DriverLEID --regsuppress=ss

          This is to suppress adobe id registration silently at launch of Adobe Application.

          adobe_prtk --tool=UpdateSuppress --leid=<LEID of product> 

          This is to suppress updates for leid

Return Code = 1

Any ideas?






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Explorer ,
Sep 10, 2012 Sep 10, 2012

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OK, So i found there is a new AAM 3.1 that i think was released 9/4. I re-created my builds (it now includes the Updates, yea) and these seem to work much better for deployment on System Images.

I guess that's the answer, get the new AAM 3.1 and re-create your builds.





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