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Hello... I have my CS2 that I purchased from Adobe that was a download upgrade many years ago.. I have a new laptop computer now but I'm unable to complete the download from the disc that I used to download the CS2 program from the Adobe website many years ago... I would like to use my CS2 on my new laptop but do not have the serial number, I was told by Adobe help to place the message here in the forums and somebody would help me retrieve my serial number to the CS2 download I purchased.. Thank you
1 Correct answer
Hi 831infrared,
You will not be able to re-install CS or CS2 using the disks and serial number you initially used, but we do have a solution.
The activation server used for both CS and CS2 suite is no longer in service. Because of this, we have made a version of these software titles available that does not require activation. It is for users who have previously purchased the affected software.
Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2 products, Acrobat 7 –
http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.htm l
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moved from Forum Lounge to Creative Suites
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Hi 831infrared,
You will not be able to re-install CS or CS2 using the disks and serial number you initially used, but we do have a solution.
The activation server used for both CS and CS2 suite is no longer in service. Because of this, we have made a version of these software titles available that does not require activation. It is for users who have previously purchased the affected software.
Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2 products, Acrobat 7 –
http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.htm l
Instead of your old serial number, use the one listed next to the download link: Download Acrobat 7 and CS2 products
( Moving to Downloading, Installing, Setting Up​ )
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I have a new laptop computer now
Hopefully running Windows.
CS2 will not install or run on modern Macs.

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Thanks everyone for the help.. CS2 is up and running on the new laptop!
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Hi, I have the same issue for CS3. Is there a similar solution and link?? Thanks
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The activation server for CS3 is still in operation. There is no special version of it available.
Download and Installation Help -
CS3 - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs3-product-downloads.html
You can also download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
CS3 and CS4: http://prodesigntools.com/download-adobe-cs4-and-cs3-free-trials-here.html
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Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure whether you can help me but I have the following issue:
I have the CS3 design suit on my desktop computer. I am hoping to sell this as I have recently bought a new laptop and install the software on my laptop. Unfortunately I do not have the serial number and my online Adobe ID shows no reference to me having the program. I have gone into the settings of photoshop on my desktop and have found a serial number. Unfortunately it is only 20 digits as opposed to 24. How do I go about finding my 24 digit serial number?
Many thanks
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