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Since I don't have the money anyway to pay for 'subscriptions' on Photoshop and such, I want to remove all applications from my pc. I would rather buy an OLD pc and use an OLD version than this new stuff that requires login, takes up all computer space, comes with unwanted add ons and is impossible to remove or even ask questions about to staff (since you have to select all kind of subjects that are not applicable, then are forwarded to only 'chat' as an option which is not really an option because they are closed).
Because of this user unfriendliness I am completely done with it.
But HOW HOW HOW HOW? (Sorry I am frustrated)
When I click on REMOVE, another screen is opened with a list of installed applications and without the option of REMOVAl. Only option to update, 'buy now' or 'more info'. I suppose I have to install another UNINSTALL programma because Windows has made a deal with Photoshop to make it impossible to remove it? What the hell?
1 Correct answer
You need to uninstall but going into the Creative Cloud app and selecting “Uninstall” for the apps you want to remove. Then uninstall the CC app too.
Alternatively there is a cleaner tool. This should remove everything in a one-er
Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems
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You need to uninstall but going into the Creative Cloud app and selecting “Uninstall” for the apps you want to remove. Then uninstall the CC app too.
Alternatively there is a cleaner tool. This should remove everything in a one-er
Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems
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I have having the same type of issues. The adobe cleaner tool does absolutely nothing as tons of users have mentioned. Why is there not a CC uninstaller that uninstalls everything CC related... registry keys, configs, preferences etc. How hard is it to create this tool when you are ADOBE of all companies.
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the cleaner does work in Windows and does remove every thing if that is the option you select... I agree the instructions for using it cmd command could be better but thats more a Windows issue than Adobe
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Unfortunateley not. This tool always mentions it cannot uninstall because
some app or element of Adobe is still in use. Besides ut us ridiculous
people cannot deinstall within the regular Windows functionality.
Anyway having to depend on a paid subscription for apps that take up all
computer space, that tou gav to login for every time and are impossible to
fully remove makes it clear i dont want to use Photoshop anymore. I will
get another com*uter running an okd windows xp or something and install an
old photosho version on it. And never install the new ps again.*
Op vrijdag 2 februari 2018 heeft Ussnorway <> het
volgende geschreven:
How do I remove all adobe apps? created by Ussnorway
<> in Adobe Creative Cloud - View
the full discussion <>
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I can't believe I had to download a program in 2018 to uninstall this POS malware you call software.
Tried to uninstall through windows and the Creative Cloud software forced me to sign in, and update every piece of adobe software and then crashes before it even allows me to get to an uninstall screen.
I hope your company finally dies this decade.
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Its unbelievable. Adobe, I hope you rot in hell with punitive legal fines for this. I've been a professional since version 3 of PS-and your app has reached the depths of bloated malware for forcing users to login to uninstall your application. I loathe you with all my breath.
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You can uninstall Adobe software without a problem from the tools your OS provides you. Those tools normally do not a full uninstall and there are always junks of config data and may be even executables left over for reasons unknown to me. But the complexity of today’s OSs is that, that even the OS provider does not know how to handle a clear uninstall.
Adobe designed a tool to remove all traces of former CC and CS installs, this to allow users with difficulties to install the software on a clean basis. This tool has not been designed for you to remove the software, but as it effectively does the second best job, besides setting-up the OS from scratch, we recommend using that tool also if a user simply wants to remove the software completly. As said, a simple uninstall either via the CC app or via the OS does the job fine and without hurt.
In no case you need to be logged in to uninstall software. You need to be signed in to run the software.
Well, I suppose Adobe is now will stay in heaven listenig to the nice songs of the angels and their harps.
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No, a user cannot uninstall or remove Creative Cloud. I have manually removed each adobe program, but it still won't uninstall. Now, it claims "camera raw" is causing the issue. Where, pray tell, is that located? It isn't in my program files.
Adobe has sunk to new lows. There should be a simple way to remove an unwanted, bloated program like creative cloud without having to download another POS malware from adobe.
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It's 2020 and this issue hasn't been resolved still. I paid for 2 years to have the Creative Cloud mess up my computer. I miss the days when you could vuy a program in full and use it without the cloud and micro-transactions and the updates failing and causing problems to a computer that is needed to work at home from. I can't work now. Thanks, Adobe!!!
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to remove not just adobe apps but other adobe installed files:
uninstall every cc app including preferences per
then uninstall the cc desktop app, again using the correct uninstaller per
clean your computer of cc files per
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Users should not be FORCED to install another unwanted program to get rid of the original unwanted program.
That's like inviting a rodent into your house to get rid of the other rodents.
I wonder if anyone has lodged a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency?
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ok feel free to ignore recommendations. that's what caused your problems at the start.
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Here are the steps I used to uninstall:
1) Go to Windows settings -> apps
2) Click '...' next to the app you want o uninstall, click 'Uninstall'
3) Click 'Yes' on a popup
4) Adobe 'Creative Cloud Desktop' should open
5) You need to sign in. I did sign in with Google. If it fails, try to connect to VPN in Europe or UK (worked for me)
6) After sign in, click 'Remove' on popup
7) Now, the app should be uninstalling...
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It is my understanding via experience and online research that you cannot completely uninstall Adobe programs. They install "secret" files everywhere. This site gives very detailed instructions to get rid of all their installed files.<Third-party link removed by moderator> The forum rules are to be kind, but how is charging people 50% of remaining subscription that you don't have access to, KIND? Adobe is a rip-off. And it will screw up your computer and access to files you worked hard to research or create. How KIND is that?
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Hi @cheng15B9,
Thank you for sharing your concerns. I understand your frustration. For a full removal of Adobe programs, the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool can help remove all leftover files. You can find it here:
The early cancelation fees is applied only under specific circumstances. You can get more info here:
However, your files remain accessible locally, though some formats require Adobe software to open.
I hope this helps clarify things. Let us know if you need further assistance!