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How do I replace one of my two Macs?

New Here ,
Sep 03, 2022 Sep 03, 2022

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I have Photoshop and Lightroom Classic running on my iMac and an aging MacBook.  I'm replacing the MacBook soon with a new M1 MacBook Pro.  How do I transfer my Adobe subscriptions from the old laptop to the new one?

Activation , Creative Cloud , Installation




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Community Expert ,
Sep 03, 2022 Sep 03, 2022

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excellent question that's going to save you a lot of aggravation and time.


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simply install the cc desktop app on your new mac and sign in with your adobe id and password.  use the cc desktop app from here https://creativecloud.adobe.com/apps/all/desktop?action=install&source=apps&productId=creative-cloud to install your adobe subscription and trial programs.


if you have trouble downloading, use the alternative download site at page bottom here, https://helpx.adobe.com/in/download-install/kb/creative-cloud-desktop-app-download.html


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*************** beginning of answer to a different (migration) question ************


do not use time machine or any other migration tool to move your adobe programs from one computer to another.  if you are going to use a migration tool:


on your old computer


1. uninstall every cc app including preferences, https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/uninstall-remove-app.html

2. uninstall the cc desktop app, using the correct uninstaller, https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/uninstall-creative-cloud-desktop-app.html#sa_src=web-mes...


3. clean your computer of cc files per http://www.adobe.com/support/contact/cscleanertool.html

4. use your migration tool to migrate your old (adobe-free) computer to your new computer.


on your new computuer


1. install the cc desktop app


2.  sign in to the app


3.  use the app to install your adobe programs


************** end of answer to a different (migration) question ***********




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