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I want to install Adobe campaign classic in my personal computer. I think I need to get server url and login credentials. Please guide me that how to get details and install the Adobe campaign software.
that has its own forums where you should post your issue. unforunately, i cannot move your message to that forum, or i would do so.
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You need to ask program questions in the forum for the program you are using
To ask in the forum for your program please start at
Moving from Using the Community (which is about the forums) to the Install forum
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that has its own forums where you should post your issue. unforunately, i cannot move your message to that forum, or i would do so.
general info -
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If you don't have this information, you may need to reach out to your systems admin or account representative at Adobe. But this video explains the entire setup process. As others have mentioned, this is the creative community here so for future reference you should head over to the community for your specific offering as the communities for campaign/marketo and others are separate from the creative group here.