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I subscribed to Creative Cloud, but it's telling me I'm in Tryout mode

Engaged ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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I just subscribed to Creative Cloud. I downloaded a bunch of apps. Tried them all out. All was well.

But then I opened After Effects CS6 and it was telling me that I was in a Trial mode. Huh??

I then opened Adobe Illustrator CS6 and it's the same thing. What's going on?

The only thing I can think of is: I logged into my office computer (I did this at home so far) and downloaded from there as well.

Is it because I was signed in on my work machine that now my home machine is suddenly in trial mode?

I didn't have any of the applications opened in more than one place.

What's going on?

Creative Cloud






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

Hi All,

What operating system are you using?

I would recommend trying the steps mentioned below:

1. Launch the application which says you are in trial mode.

2. On the Creative Cloud application trial screen, click on "License this Software".

3. Sign in with your Adobe ID associated with your Creative Cloud membership.

Please reply to this thread if the issue persists.




New Here ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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At the end you will see: "Installation Complete - Launch App" and boom!





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Adobe Employee ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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Interesting Iamxande were you previously launching the application prior to the installation being complete?  Did you have the trials installed previously?





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Community Beginner ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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Someone from Adobe, are you working fix or found a issue for this serial number thing. I also want to say that it is very strange that my Illustrator works but PS still asks serial?





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Adobe Employee ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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There are reports that it can take up to an hour possibly a bit longer.  This thread has slowed down a lot since this morning so it appears we are working through the backlog.  You are right lekale that is odd though that one app is registered and the other isn't.  Perhaps try a new administrator account to see if it is a permission based issue.





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Explorer ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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I have installed it on clean systems. On both there are the same problems.





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Community Beginner ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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Thanks for your reply. I will go now to bed and wait what's happening tomorrow. I think that there must be something that will fix this issue, hope you can fix it.





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New Here ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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The same for here - Belgium must wait more then an hour it seems.





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Explorer ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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So in my case problem was in language ver. I bought English ver., but before instalation i did't check in Adobe Aplication Manager preferences, which languager has been choosen. When I choose english, not native everythings gonna work.





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Community Beginner ,
May 11, 2012 May 11, 2012

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I solved this problem almost same time and it was the language

And I want to also say big thanks to employees. I have contacted 3 or 4 via live supporter, talking with 2 peron via e-mail and also writing here. I appriciate this work what you do to solve these problems.





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New Here ,
May 12, 2012 May 12, 2012

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Changing to English indeed works, but what if I want to use the German versions?





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New Here ,
Apr 12, 2015 Apr 12, 2015

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I have the same problem, but when I click on license this product, it tries to sign me in but says the clock on my computer may be wrong or I'm not online. I'm definitely online so theres some kind of system error it doesnt like. any thoughts?





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Explorer ,
Aug 07, 2012 Aug 07, 2012

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I waited until app were installed and even used them with no problem for a few days. This just happened all of a sudden today.





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 08, 2012 Aug 08, 2012

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The License the Software option should be available to you if the software is opening in trial mode.  What happens when you try to open one of Creative Cloud applications?





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 06, 2012 Sep 06, 2012

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Please check if the language settings of your computer and the language of the adobe apps are same. if the language is diffrent please try the following steps:

1. uninstalled all the Creative cloud programs.

2. Clear the browser history

3. Put the language in the adobe Application manager to English (international) and install it

4. Restart computer.

4. Check if install manager was still English (international) , yes.

5. Installed apps one by one. And checked one by one.

if language is same as your OS please try the following:

I dont know which operating system you are working on so i am giving you some steps windows and MAC OS:


In windows 7 navigate to following location:


1. look out for "Hosts" file

2. Open it with notepad

3. Check if you have any entry for Adobe

4. Remove the entries and try again launching any product from CS6

On Windows XP navigate to following location:


1. look out for "Hosts" file

2. Open it with notepad

3. Check if you have any entry for Adobe

4. Remove the entries and try again launching any product from CS6


1. Please click on "Go" and navigate to /private/etc

2. Open "hosts" file and check out for any entries for Adobe.com

3. Remove the entries and save the file

4.  try again launching any product from CS6


Kapil Malik

Kapil Malik





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2012 Dec 28, 2012

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I've seen many different discussions about this problem and many possible solutions, some work for some people, others don't, so maybe the problem isn't exactly the same. I'm writing here because my case may be language related.

Yesterday I uninstalled all Adobe CS3 applications and celaned my computer from anything Adobe (except AIR and the IE Flash plugin) using the CS cleanup tool, CCleaner and manually editing the registry (Windows 7 Professional) and deleting orphan files. That took several hours.

Today I subscribed to Creative Cloud (confirmed in my Adobe account, all available languages). I'm in Spain and I want to use my software in English, so I selected English (North America)language in the Application manager when it installed. The Application manager is in Spanish, like my OS. I purchased the multi-language Creative Cloud option because I wanted to be able to install English or Spanish.

I began downloading and installing a few CS6 applications and they seemed to work fine, in English. Then I saw updates available and I downloaded and installed them as well.

After a while of changing settings and restarting the applications to see if they were applied, they suddenly began showing the "Sign in Required" for trial software window, so I quit every time.

The Hosts file you mentioned has no entry for Adobe or any other IP.

If I change the language in the Application Manager to International English or to Spanish, the applications appear as not downloaded. I want to use them in North American English, so that is what I installed.

What's wrong? How can I get this to work? I've spent all day just installing and troubleshooting.





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New Here ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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My only hope was talking with Tech support, but that actually didn't help either. It might have, but didn't need to. Here is what happened:

Yesterday, afer using all Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) pretty much daily for many months, suddenly I get the 'your trial has expired'. Following instructions here to confirm languages, permissions, global security certificate, Adobe Application Manager update, etc., nothing worked. Reboot multiple times, nothing worked. Oddly, versions on my laptop were connecting and working fine.

Following instructions here to 'click license the software..enter your Apple ID' also didn't work. Only option I then got was to actually enter a license number.

I thought Customer Service would help. First call, wait approx min, explain the situation to someone by online chat, told 'hold while I look into this' and then I get cut off. Call back, explain the situation again (note to Customer Service, when I send my issue with all the details of my Adobe ID, my product order number, etc., please don't ask me right away 'please tell me your Adobe ID and product number' etc., please read what I already just entered). After a long conversation that went nowhere, I was told that this was not a customer service issue, please call back to Tech department M-F (I was calling on the weekend). So here I am unable to work on my home office computer because no one can help me at all on a weekend. Are you kidding me?

So I consider redownloading my cloud apps, because my membership is still active, I've confirmed that, but thought it might screw things up, I wasn't sure. Decided to leave exactly as is and wait until Monday. Very bad for my work hours.

Monday I call Tech with the number I"m given, follow prompts to get to the cloud installation issues, then here 'there was a problem connecting you to a representative' and it hangs up on me. Did it again. And again. And again. So I call and randomly hit a different prompt, I couldn't care less, just get me someone. This person asks the problem, asks to verify the Mac OSX version, and as we are speaking the program launches fine.

I say 'you fixed it' what did you do? He said nothing yet. And his explanation? "Sometimes it's a connectivity issue." Really? That's it? A random, three days of trying "connectivity issue"? A "connectivity issue" on m desktop but not my laptop, both same versions of MAC, both same setup, both same network. Three days of trying and suddenly it launches and the only explanation from tech support is to randomly try relaunching. How many times do  you think? This was about time number 30.

Wow, seriously. There has to be a better explanation, a better process, a better understanding of what is going on. A better tech number would help too.

Needless to say I thanked him for magically fixing the issue without, admittedly on his part, doing anything. And thanked him for the explanation (in good humour on our parts) that this was a hit and miss solution.

He did say, though, one option would have been for me to download it all over again (reinstall the products from the cloud). That seemed even more chance-y to me, and way too much time consumed for something that shouldn't require a 'give this a try...maybe this...or just keep launching and it may magically appear for some reason." Really? What happened to Adobe I used to know and like so well.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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Update to my previous post: the next day, the applications were running OK.

I'm sorry that I can't explain why or how, but suddenly I could open Bridge while I had the "Sign in Required" for trial software window for some other CS6 application. Instead of quitting on that window, I continued as if I had a trial and signed in, clicked on "License This Product" and after I closed everything peace was restored in my installation.

I think in my case it wasn't a language issue after all. Good luck!





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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I've had Creative Cloud active (through a yearly subscription) for a little over 2 months. I've mainly been using CS6 PhotoShop and Illustrator and InDesign. Yesterday, for the firt time, when starting up PhotoShop, I got the same thing being described here: I'm being asked to either:

  1. Join Creative Cloud
  2. License This Software
  3. Continue Trial

PhotoShop Trial.png

I chatted with an Adobe rep yesterday, but was told there was no expert available to help and I should try again later.

Obviously something is going on at the Adobe server end of things. What I've found is that I can continue using my apps if I use the Continue Trial option. I'll keep doing this until Adobe fixes this problem that they seem relatively clueless about currently. Maybe it's intemittent. Maybe it's based on something I need to do on my end, but wasting time trying radom uninstall and reinstall fixes is not worth it to me. At least not yet.

Does someone at Adobe look at these forums?





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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Cyberfactotum this is quite an old message thread but what happens when you choose License This Software?  You should be able to enter the Adobe ID tied to your Creative Cloud subscription?





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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I just chatted with a rep who told me to click the License This Software button on the prompt I show above. Yesterday when I did that, after I signed in with my Adobe ID, I was then asked for my PhotoShop serial number, which of course doesn't exist for Creative Cloud subscribers. But today, somehow I was again "activated", even those my subscription was already active before. Go firgure. In any case, all is good now.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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Ok if you get prompts in the future to enter your serial number please work with our support team directly.  To much personal information would need to be exchanged to verify your account status in a public forum.

This prompt could come up however if for some reason the subscription was not applied properly to your account.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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You're wrong. I'm an Adobe cxustomer. In the middle of impoirtant work, I couldn't use the program I paid for. I did try working with your suppiort team driectly, after waiting .r hr for the chat person to get to me in uyour queue. After 15 minutes, your team told me there were no experts available. Hence, I came to this forum today. I don't care how old this thread is. I'm sure there are others experiemncing this same problem. Why would it arise for me after over 2 months of use of Creative Cloud with no problems.

A forum is a place where those like me can discuss and try to fix problems when your vainted team is either unavailable or unable to help. We don't use your programs at your whim. Sometimes your team is clueless or unavailable. Hence these forums. You need to reexamine your answers from the point of view of your customers, not from your corporate point of view.

I'm sure you won't agree with me, but I bet other users might tend to.





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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Cyberfactotum I am sorry you experiencing difficulties contacting our support team.  I believe we have experienced a high number of users contacting us due to the holiday season.  I know in the download, installation, and setting up forum the volume of inquiries has tripled for the last two weeks.

If you can provide me with a case number I would be happy to review your interactions with our support team.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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There is nothing left to fix. I was simply commenting on your 12/31 post at 10 a.m.where you stated: "...please work with our support team directly." I was saying I had tried that to no avail yesterday, After I posted my first reply to this thread today, I again contacted your team. This time the thing I had tried yesterday that didn't work, now did work. This probably had little to do with your team, unless today they  did something on your server end that they weren't able to yesterday. So if you're saying that we should again and again contact your team to do whatever they did on your server end, even though the previous team member for some lame reason couldn't, I guess that's a take away message that might be useful. It begs some question however, however: why couldn't they do it yesterday, and what exactly are they doing (resetting something?)?

Nothing more needs to be done on my end. However, I suggest some sort of understanding of your customers needs more work on your end. More transparency might help.

I'm done here. No need to reply to me agian.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 31, 2012 Dec 31, 2012

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I am having the same problem and am in tears over it.  I won't belabor the particulars, but it was critical for me to finish a project today and get it out the door (email it), which would have happened if my software was working, and the result will likely cost me the job (i.e., the job will be awarded to someone else). 





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