installing CS6 (error message in German)
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Hi i have the issue that my photoshop CS6 wont install fo rsome reason. Can you please tell me what to do to get it up running.
the installer shows the folloging (picture atached) for a realy long time. ive tried installing it on my old computer wherer it work seamlesly. (and yes i also uninstalled it there so the licence shouldnt be blocked by that
sorry for the installer being in german
Thanks for your help
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Mac or Windows, and exactly which version of the operating system?
If Mac, Apple did not maintain backward compatibility, so try this
If Win10, Two ideas that MAY work to install and/or run old programs in Windows 10
-RIGHT click the program icon or EXE and select a compatibility mode in the pop up option window
-and/or select Run as Administrator to assign FULL Windows permissions
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thanks for your answer,
im running win10,
the issue is that i dont run the .exe but the .bat file that was on the installation DVD. the .exe file never worked for me somehow. but the .bat always worked perfektly.
and there is no option shown to run the .bat in compaility mode
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ive also tried to run it on a new account, but it didnt work either.
edit: ive been able to screenshot the weird error message
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Are you attempting to run legacy software on a non-supported operating system? See links below
Install Creative Suite on Sierra+
Catalina kills 32-bit apps including old installers and helper apps.