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License renewal

New Here ,
Aug 21, 2017 Aug 21, 2017

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My license ran out.. .and seems I can't just add a new one, without a 'Adobe Reseller' . I chatted about this, I'm on the phone for a 'service desk employee for over half an hour now', ... so... what to do?

Why can't Adobe just have simple ways of renewals?? I'm a customer for many years, and every year, this license renewal is a pain.
Last year it was arranged the way business licenses should be done.. an employee of Adobe called me, in Dutch, and he arranged everything. I emailed him for this year, but seems he's not working anymore with Adobe [email redacted]

So... now the advice I get from Adobe chat and the information here on Adobe site is:

- contact your reseller ... (duh, I tried, but he's not working anymore at Adobe)

- just go to your membership page, and click on 'add license'... duh... not working, need 'permission' from somebody (why??)

- just contact your reseller... yeah I know, I noted that one down, but.. .this is what a 'helpdesk employee' kept repeating...

So.. Adobe YOU ARE NOT HELPING!!! and I'm a business customer... I paid for this license for a while now. but seems that Adobe make a habbit out of it to make stuff as difficult as possible for their customers!!

Why isn't there a 'Dutch' helpdesk? I know, you gloat about 'coorperate', but... 'international' also means 'in every language you are situated'.

A well, i think I go to torrent website again... find a good hack since that's probably way easier to manage then getting a renewal at Adobe itself... PS still on hold at the sales department... either there are more people having troubles or... they don't do their work right at Adobe... Customer support means PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE in time.... and don't give advice which doesn't help... did any of you Adobe personal every tried the 'help' section on this site???
You always end up here -> support ... no mather what you select...

not a very happy Adobe customer... probably looking for alternatives, because I had it with this cloud license stuff (same troubles with Microsoft btw, seem very difficult to make stuf 'easy' and 'working').

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Aug 21, 2017 Aug 21, 2017

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Contact support - For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat or phone option...

Make sure you are logged in to the Adobe site, have cookies enabled, clear your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect try using a different browser.

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New Here ,
Aug 21, 2017 Aug 21, 2017

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sorry, but... did you try that yourself???

Did you think I'm a 'newby' within software and licenses??? I work 20 years in IT ... software and maintenance. I bloody hell know how to find stuff around, but... YOU try to get a license renewal!! Please do.... I can show exactly what I see, which is ... not much in my account.

I got somebody to send me an invoice, finally, by  very strange method

I chatted twice... First time somebody just adviced me 'to contact your reseller', and... despite the fact I told her that I tried, but that the guy left Adobe, she kept giving the same advice.... and cut the chat.

Second time , the guy finally called me and patched me through to 'a' sales department, but I gave up after 45 minutes of 'hanging'....

Then I tried to call the 'old' number I found in an email of that guy from last year.. Got a confused girl on the line but she patched me through to the Benelux helpdesk ... why isn't that number anywhere on the website????
There i got in contact with Laurant Tack, who's now currently helpling me. but... we still 'await' if the payment now finally worked... (since the 'pay me' button from the invoice didn't work.

So... in your opinion, is this the normal way to get somebody on the line, ... normal for such a big company as Adobe?? And do you think that a guy who's used Adobe products from the beginning (in the nineties) is very happy to get the advice 'to go to the support website, and some silly advice about cookies.....  I AM logged in ... and I AM looking at my account... and... can't do anything there... that's my whole point!! 

Adobe, about sales.... please let them answer the phone in time... you will loose customers this way.





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