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[Locked: Outdated information] How auto-renewal works

New Here ,
Oct 13, 2012 Oct 13, 2012

How can I turn auto renewal off of my creative cloud subscription? Adobe FAQ says that there is an option for that in account management but I can't find such option. I have one year subscription.

Creative Cloud
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 24, 2012 Oct 24, 2012

For a yearly subscription you go to the cancel option within account management on the last month of your membership. Monthly subscribers can cancel at anytime.Cancel your Adobe Creative Cloud membership

New Here ,
Apr 02, 2017 Apr 02, 2017

How about for month-to-month subscriptions? i bought mine in adobe Philippines now i can't seem to cancel or change my subscription. whenever i click on the manage plan, there's no "cancel plan" button. Now i have no idea how to cancel my plan and whill adobe keep on renewing my plans?

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Community Expert ,
Apr 02, 2017 Apr 02, 2017
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New Here ,
Apr 18, 2017 Apr 18, 2017

Heads up - LOOPHOLE....So, I am 6 months in to the CC student edition which is £15.49. I wanted to cancel my plan or at least turn off autorenewal, so I clicked 'cancel plan' since there was no place I could see for turning off auto-renewal.

It gave me 3 options -

1) get 2 months free and keep plan for last 6 months,

2) cancel at £46.67 fee for the 50% remainder, or

3) switch to the £8.08 a month plan for just PS and LR

.....so I contacted Chat support to see if option 3 was for remainder of my contract or a whole new 1-year contract. It was a new plan not a switch, and would start a new year - not what I wanted. So then I clicked on option 1, saving 2 months as at least I can use it until October and only costs £20ish more than cancellation fee. While I did this, still talking to support, the chat agent said they could NOT TURN OFF AUTORENEWAL and I would have to cancel between sept 30 and oct 30! I would never remember to do this, so I went back in and said stuff it, I'll take the hit and cancel it.

When I went back in to cancel my plan this time, the fee was only £30 since I got the 2 months free (50% of remainder june-oct)!  SO if you are cancelling do option 1 first! I get to use the software until june and only had to pay £30 which is about what 2 months of the plan costs, so I didn't actually get hit too hard.

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New Here ,
Jul 28, 2017 Jul 28, 2017

This may be old, but it is still an ongoing issue. Additionally, I'm pretty sure this is illegal. See [USC03] 15 USC 8403: Negative option marketing on the Internet

Which specifically states

§8403. Negative option marketing on the Internet

It shall be unlawful for any person to charge or attempt to charge any consumer for any goods or services sold in a transaction effected on the Internet through a negative option feature (as defined in the Federal Trade Commission's Telemarketing Sales Rule in part 310 of title 16, Code of Federal Regulations), unless the person-

(1) provides text that clearly and conspicuously discloses all material terms of the transaction before obtaining the consumer's billing information;

(2) obtains a consumer's express informed consent before charging the consumer's credit card, debit card, bank account, or other financial account for products or services through such transaction; and

(3) provides simple mechanisms for a consumer to stop recurring charges from being placed on the consumer's credit card, debit card, bank account, or other financial account.

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New Here ,
Nov 27, 2017 Nov 27, 2017

this is a completed trap! they design the whole procedure of stealing customer’s money annually , despise this theft company! cut off them immediately is the best way to stop this burglary. I can’t believe this company still doing this continuously. is there anyone make compliant to this case by accuse?

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New Here ,
Jan 07, 2018 Jan 07, 2018

If did not end my annual contract does that mean I am locked into another year with Adobe and Have to pay the 50% cancellation fee?

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Community Beginner ,
Jan 08, 2018 Jan 08, 2018

Laura, the tutorial they have does not suit for latinamerica. If you want to cancel, you have to contact an agent through the chat.

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New Here ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

Funny to read that I am not the only one.

This is real bullafter that Adobe is doing. Why can I not cancel my autorenew option?

Of course, they want to milk more money.

I ve got better things to do than remembering for 1 year when my subscription automatically renews.


Tried to cancel my subscription and it said, you will no longer be able to access your software. Great, so why do I pay for 1 year if I can cancel it in advance, for the sake of deactivating auto renew.


<insult removed>


Clicking on Support, -> contact a real person. Again only predefined text.


What a piece of junk.


<insult removed>

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