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Some of Why Adobe is HORRIBLE: Cloud Subscription, Log In Problems, Font Problems, etc.

Participant ,
Oct 26, 2022 Oct 26, 2022

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So much is wrong with Adobe. The subscription fee for one is outrageous. I can't even use the most recent version of Premiere because despite having 64 gig ram, 2080 Ti, etc... the 2022 version has a memory leak. But the membership only allowes for two computers and I have three so I contstantly have to log into and out of another. (feature request, MAKE IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO SIGN IN EVERYTIME I CHANGE COMPUTERS, MAKE IT SO WE CAN TERMINATE MEMBERSHIP WHEN WE NO LONGER NEED UPDATES AND HAVE ALREADY PAID ENOUGH FOR THE SOFTWARE). If I don't have internet this creates problems. Furthermore, it doesn't remember my computer when I am signed in so I have to sign in again and then log out of one of my other computers. This makes completely no sense since it requires being online it should know I'm not logged into the other computer(s). So, I'm paying for updates I can't use and having to buy the software over and over every year for the worse customer support on the planet, the software is completely useless without internet and then requires more steps just to start using it. Not to mention constantly having problems with fonts. And don't even get me started on the [cursing removed by moderator] I have to endure moving a large project from computer to another. If I wasn't so dependent on old projects I would have moved to DiVinci Resolve years ago. I long for the day to get far away from Adobe forever. Having to deal with this trash for so many years now I only hope the worse for Adobe. Thank you for making life expensive and difficult so I can lose days and sometimes weeks while you keep getting paid. Yours truly, miserable adobe customer.

Activation , Creative Cloud , Feature request






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Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2022 Oct 26, 2022

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these are user forums.


is there one problem you would like help with?





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Community Expert ,
Oct 26, 2022 Oct 26, 2022

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Ranting is OK if it makes you feel better airing your grievances. However, keep in mind that these are user to user forums so most people here are Adobe customers just like you. There's not much we can do to help with general antipathy towards Adobe.


These forums work best when addressing specific issues in a Q&A format. So if you'd like help with specific issues, please post back in the appropriate product forum.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 10, 2022 Nov 10, 2022

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You are right. But most long time users think exactly like Sarah. Myself included. [Abuse removed by moderator] . Use the software please. And don't ask me which one ... any. Useless updates constantly, programs like AE that have not changed in decades and become more and more unusable ... Maybe you have a ton of new customers everyday that don't have to do demanding professional work in your software, I assume that because the features you add are all for beginners insted of fixing very important bugs that turn the program useless if anyone with experience use them. Get real man. Get some [cursing removed by moderator] work done. I don't even want to think how messy your code must be. Adobe tried to cover way too many areas and it's [cursing removed by moderator] at the moment.



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