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I have cancelled my CC subscription but feel I might want to reactivate. There have however been some updates since I last used the product and I need to know if LR/PS et al will still work well enough on my Mac. Is is possible to get a trial period prior to re-subscribing?
1 Correct answer
SOME programs are available Monthly instead of Annual
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You didn't say how long it's been since you cancelled—or what your set up is.
Every so often Adobe does reset the trials, so it will work or it won't—try using the trial and see if it works!
Remember that you can download previous versions if the most current does not work. I have two Macs—the one with Yosemite can only run CC2017, and the one with High Sierra runs the current versions.
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Cancelled about three months ago in the hope that Luminar was going to deliver something worthwhile doh! Looking at the Adobe control panel there is not a LR/PS trial available. As I understand it I cannot cancel an Adobe subscription part way through which means if subsequent (to my cancellation) updates make the apps unstable I cannot just walk away.
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SOME programs are available Monthly instead of Annual
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But not the Photography Plan.