What programs are included in the Adobe 'All Apps' monthly plan please?
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What programs are included in the Adobe 'All Apps' monthly plan please? I am finding it difficult to find the precise information.
Also, I am currently running Adobe CS6 Suite (Illustrator, InDesign and Photohop) if I then install the newest version of any of these programs will they save over my CS6 versions or will I still be able to open and use either of the versions (new or old) of each of the programs on my Mac?
And one last question, can I legacy save back to CS6 in the newest versions of these three programs?
Many thanks.
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MissSparkles75, good evening.Check here for a list of applications included in All Apps.
It appears when you press [See plan & pricing details] at the bottom of the All Apps description.
Illustrator and Photshop can be saved in a format compatible with CS6, and data created with CS6 can be opened with CC.As for Indesign, I only have knowledge of the Japanese version, so I'm sorry for the halfway explanation.Indesign recognizes that there is no compatibility between versions in Japan.Regarding whether or not both CS6 and CC can be run, since CS6 has already been discontinued, operation guarantee is up to MacOS 10.9, so coexistence with CC seems to be severe.Some people are aware of their own risk and have actually installed it on 10.14, but it seems that the operation may be unstable or it may not be installed. Also, as you may already know, the latest OS Catalina (10.15) is no longer able to install 100% CS6 due to the lack of support for 32-bit apps.