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Yea, adobe cut my paid CD's over $500 CS6 suite stopping the disk load on my PC.

Community Beginner ,
Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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Yea, adobe cut my paid $500 CS6 suite off stopping the disk load knowing it's hard to locate out-of-business resellers with who adobe registered your software with your name and serial number back then. People blame windows 10 but I found out its Adobe that wants everyone to do the CC subscription especially after going public stock market. Adobe doesn't care about making enemies, only $$$ money. Actually, they did me a favor because it forced me to try and learn other programs like free DaVinci resolve and perpetual easier up-to-date Ai programs like Filmora, Affinity Photo, ''Luminar Neo from Ukraine'', inPixo, and a host of others. These programs may not have longevity user support establishment, but I'm very satisfied and will never look back at Adobe.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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it's difficult to understand your post, but adobe's done nothing to block the usage of its cs6 programs.  they are still downloadable, installable (if you have a computer with a compatible os), and activatable on adobe's servers.



in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/


p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.


<moved from using the community>




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 22, 2023 Jun 22, 2023

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Thank you for your reply, What's So hard to understand in my previous post. Adobe told me that my paid disk was listed under another owners name, The buisness that I baught the CS6 Suite from went out of busness years ago so I couldn't get any help of payment but I have the confermation paid info reciept. The serial # is under my name at Adobe sigh in. When I called a few times, Adobe offered me a month of free cloud service for my inconvenience I didn't want to eventualy start paying for what I previously paid hundreds for (CS6 Suite Discs) When I try and load and put in the serial number of the disk, It will not install my CS6 any longer. Adobe told me that it is not under my name so I would not be able to load the disk again and since the software is no longer servicable they couldn't offer any other help other that a subscription service. I hope this explanation is clear. I'm also open and will appreceate any sugestions.IT Direct Adobe CS6 PR2 JPG.JPG


Adobe CS^ PDF EDIT Jpeg.jpg







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Community Expert ,
Jun 22, 2023 Jun 22, 2023

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so why can't you install and activate your cs6?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 23, 2023 Jun 23, 2023

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Hi Reginald,


Looking closer at the screenshots you posted, it appears that "IT-Direct deals" was not an actual authorized reseller of Adobe software. Per the Internet Archive, that site was taken down within a few months of your purchase... Reviews from that time period corroborate this:






The $389 price you paid in 2013 was too low to be genuine anyway, and no legitimate vendor was/is allowed to sell digital downloads of CS6 (sending you a serial number), per the email you posted. This is why it's so important to only buy software from a company whose name is familiar and who you already trust, and avoid "deals" which sound too good to be true or come from untrusted sources.


So it seems Adobe was within their rights to flag the license as invalid, although this process does sometimes take some time or happens after a reactivation. You were probably lucky to be able to use it for as long as you did (illegally, as it turns out), and hopefully your system did not contract a virus or trojan from the counterfeit, which is all too common.


Sorry the news isn't better in this case, but Adobe does not appear to be in error here.




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Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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So what is your question?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 22, 2023 Jun 22, 2023

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You say CD but the screen you show says download


I am going to guess that you were sold a volume license from a business, and Adobe finally realized that


Lots of information in these links that  MAY cover your situation

Invalid Serial Number https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/invalid-revoked-serial-numbers.html
-and revoked volume number https://community.adobe.com/t5/Get-Started/Feeling-cheated-CS6-serial-number-revoked/td-p/9807405
-Problems with software validation https://community.adobe.com/t5/Get-Started/Has-anyone-had-a-POP-UP-problem-I-get-a-pop-up-window-tha...
-Warning that software is not genuine http://www.adobe.com/genuine.html
-Invalid software https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/digital-certificate-revoked-aam.html
-and more information about fraudulent sellers in https://community.adobe.com/t5/Get-Started/My-CS6-serial-number-has-been-revoked/td-p/9162503




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Community Expert ,
Jun 25, 2023 Jun 25, 2023

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Let's stick with the facts, shall we? 

1. Adobe had nothing to do with this transaction. 

2. You chose to buy a "too good to be true" suite of software form an unauthorized seller who subsequently went kaput for shoddy business practices.

3. Adobe never saw a cent from that transaction.  They are the victims here.

4. Your gripe was with the SELLER who took your money; not Adobe. 







Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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