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Inside the Dreamweaver's user preferences folder (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration), now there is a folder called "Brackets" and inside of it there are the same structure of the default Brackets' default installation folder. Does it that mean I can now use Brackets features inside Dreamweaver? If I copy all my Brackets extensions and paste into that "Brackets" folder inside Dreamweaver's user configuration (appdata), will I able to use those extensions in some way?
This is the full path for the folder I'm talking about (Dreamweaver CC 2019):
- Main folder: C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets
- Extensions folder: C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions
- Extensions subfolders:
- C:\Users\WinUser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\disabled
- C:\Users\WinUser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user
If you use Brackets, you already know its extensions are kept inside \Brackets\extensions\user .
I've just got a little bit confused with that folder there and what its function within DW.
Note: I'm on Windows 10 (1803 build).
1 Correct answer
Copying response from the team here
On copy pasting Brackets extensions into below path, Dreamweaver will load them on launch.
However not all functionalities of Brackets can be used as we do not have all Brackets features like file tree, etc available in DW.
%appdata%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user
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it doesn't cost anything to do a test and check... right?
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If you are not willing to answer a QUESTION, which was posted just to know if someone here has already seen that folder and knows how to use the feature appropriately, just don't answer. It would be a polite behavior.
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we are here on a forum, based on exchanges, remarks or suggestions... the answer to the question is not in my opinion an obligation... sorry to have hurt you, if I did, however I do not see how impolite my answer is...
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I tried what you are suggesting back in Dw 2017, with no success.
I did not try it with an extension that just adds something to the code editor window, but with extensions that require access to the code and used the UI.
This is my theory, (I have asked the Dw team to publish the api for extending Dw 2017+) I think that there are now two distinct code bases, one for the brackets code editor in Dw, and one that uses the original Dw code base for the UI. What I did find was that if I was just creating an old type of Dw extension that only required UI type of extensions, I could get it to 'sort of' work, and add code to the document.
I only spent a few hours exploring the way Brackets has been included, but just using the Brackets extension folders did not work.
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You won't get any Brackets extensions working to my knowledge. Its a half baked Brackets integration which was something of a disaster anyway ... The old Dreamweaver code editor was a lot more stable and offered better performance. No one has ever owned up to being the being the numpty that thought it was a good idea to shoe-horn Brackets into Dreamweaver ... IMO Brackets fans should use Brackets and Dreamweaver's old code editor just needed a few tweaks and a few new features. It's typical of Adobe, they're slowly screwing Dreamweaver up and then they'll EOL it.
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Yes, Adobe is always trying to screw us up whereas not everyone have a computer faster than Nasa rockets.
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The code view in Dreamweaver is mostly based on Brackets. It is probably the reason why you see that folder, although I am not very sure. Let me check with the team and get back to you.
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Copying response from the team here
On copy pasting Brackets extensions into below path, Dreamweaver will load them on launch.
However not all functionalities of Brackets can be used as we do not have all Brackets features like file tree, etc available in DW.
%appdata%\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user
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Thank you, your answer is what I was supposed to get when I opened this discussion. I always search on the internet and on the forums in order to search about my issues or doubts, and then if nothing was found, I post.
Could you check/confirm with the team what features we will able to enjoy from Brackets inside DW, I mean, what kind of extensions will work? The two great features Brackets offers is, 1st, convert "px" to a relative "rem" (px to rem extension) value on css and, 2nd, an extension called JS CSS Minifier (GitHub - abagshaw/brackets-minifier: Minifies and Concatenates JS and CSS in Brackets using UglifyJS... ).
That is something Adobe really should inform us on its official blog and on that page where Adobe tells about new features regarding the products updates.
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FYI I managed to get the bookmark line extension here GitHub - JeffryBooher/brackets-bookmarks-extension working in Dreamweaver
I had to change the the shortcut keys in main.js (lines 368-370):
menu.addMenuItem(CMD_TOGGLE_BOOKMARK, "Ctrl-Shift-K"); | |
menu.addMenuItem(CMD_GOTO_NEXT_BOOKMARK, "Ctrl-Alt-K"); | |
menu.addMenuItem(CMD_GOTO_PREV_BOOKMARK, "Ctrl-Alt-Y"); |
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Amazing! Thanks for sharing it! I couldn't reply your answer earlier because I had to format my PC (thanks to Adobe for giving me a new headache) and, obviously, I had to install all Adobe CC again.
I will try out and come back here to say if it's worked. Thanks again!
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Also managed to get this minify Bracket extension here working in Dreamweaver, again you'll need to update main.js (line 130) and change to an available keyboard shortcut to triggers it:
menu.addMenuItem(cmd_min_id, "Ctrl-Alt-Q");
Then you can create a minified version of the current open CSS or JS file.
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I will try it out with the previous one together. But minify is really amazing if it works!
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the bookmark one works well also, I've been using it ....
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What does bookmark extension do actually? I haven't got it yet.
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In code view you can bookmark a line or lines then jump to next or previous bookmark. Useful in large files.
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I copied the minifier extension folder into my DW configurations folder (C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user) but when I hit Ctrl-Alt-Q, nothing happens, actually, DW only inserts a slash / on the mouse cursor.
Have you made minifier to work on your DW?
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You'll need to update the shortcut key:
Update main.js in the extensions 'brackets-minifier' folder (line 130) and change to an available keyboard shortcut to trigger it, in my case Ctrl+Alt+Q worked:
menu.addMenuItem(cmd_min_id, "Ctrl-Alt-Q");
It creates a new copy of the file, so for example if your file is named myfile.js it will create a new minified copy called: myfile.min.js
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also make sure the file name does not contain .min for example mystyles.min.css as it will fail
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"Ctrl-Alt-Q" was already assigned to a "special character" which is slash /, that's why it wasn't working, now it worked, however any popup notification is displayed to confirm the operation, it just take some seconds and then the minfied file appears on the file tree. Aren't there notifications, such as an alert "file generated" or something like that?
Regardless that detail, you're a genius!
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I don't get a notification but it works on JS and CSS files so its good enough for me That's two things I wanted in Dreamweaver for a long time; bookmarks and a minification tool. Maybe Adobe will integrate properly/fully these features into Dreamweaver in the future. People had been asking for bookmarks for years ....
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It worked, but some files were been generated with errors. I had to compress them through other ways in order to have them working.