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Can't Print All Code in 'Print Code' in DW CC 2018

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Sep 20, 2018 Sep 20, 2018

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I tried printing out a couple of documents using print code from the drop down menu for the file tab and it doesn't print all of the code. It cuts out the code that is word wrapped in the Code View. It prints the code on the line as one line and then it cuts off all of the other code that was word wrapped in DW.

Here's an example of what I am talking about. The first line of code (a comment) is how it is displayed in DW code view using Word Wrap.

//this variable holds a ton of text that doesnt really make any sense and looks like a giant paragraph. Its

actually supposed to be 5 paragraphs

The second line of code is how it actually prints out. It cuts off in the middle of the word 'supposed' and then it doesn't print any more of that line of code.

//this variable holds a ton of text that doesnt really make any sense and looks like a giant paragraph. Its actually suppo

Here's another example of what it is supposed to be printing and doesn't with this first line of code:

$stanza = "start Cookie cotton candy icing toffee. Cake marshmallow toffee sweet roll toffee macaroon danish. Gummi bears cotton candy cake bear claw. Apple pie lemon drops croissant. Bonbon tootsie roll tart chocolate bar icing sweet roll powder pudding. Jelly beans tart chupa chups pudding sugar plum chocolate cake. Jelly cake gingerbread candy sugar plum sweet roll. Toffee icing jujubes lollipop pudding bonbon. end start Pie halvah jelly beans gummies bear claw candy tart apple pie. Marzipan pudding jujubes pie. Cake croissant gingerbread icing. Fruitcake pastry powder macaroon bear claw oat cake oat cake dragée donut. Liquorice cake cheesecake halvah danish icing. Pie wafer lollipop jelly-o. Soufflé tootsie roll chocolate bar icing gummies sweet roll oat cake oat cake dessert. end start Jujubes sweet gummi bears sesame snaps. Biscuit wafer brownie apple pie topping toffee muffin croissant. Gummi bears candy tootsie roll sugar plum. Caramels ice cream bonbon pastry biscuit cake cupcake. Gummies croissant cheesecake brownie. Lemon drops cheesecake cotton candy soufflé caramels chocolate cake pudding sesame snaps cotton candy. Macaroon bear claw danish tart brownie apple pie pudding. Jelly beans candy canes gummies gummies sesame snaps cupcake. end start Pudding tart icing toffee. Soufflé cookie marzipan cake candy. Sugar plum dragée gummi bears bear claw danish macaroon candy canes. Chocolate cookie chocolate cake toffee lemon drops macaroon. Topping dessert jelly danish sugar plum biscuit cake carrot cake. Fruitcake jujubes bear claw wafer chocolate bar gingerbread chocolate ice cream donut. Sweet roll sweet roll lollipop sweet. end start Jujubes powder jelly beans ice cream cotton candy. Gummi bears jelly-o danish danish candy canes jelly jelly-o. Gummi bears brownie apple pie. Tart muffin tiramisu. Chocolate cake toffee jujubes croissant lemon drops gummies biscuit lollipop. Cake gummies gingerbread sugar plum cupcake topping. Topping carrot cake cake jujubes cheesecake carrot cake cake dessert. Tiramisu caramels toffee jelly beans.end";

The code that actually prints on my fairly new HP Officejet Pro 6978 printer:

$stanza = "start Cookie cotton candy icing toffee. Cake marshmellows toffee sweet roll toffee macaroon danish. Gummi bears c

Even worse, is what my laser jet printer printed out of the above code.

Can this be fixed and how can I fix it?






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Community Expert ,
Sep 20, 2018 Sep 20, 2018

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I have no problem with the Print Code function in Dreamweaver as the following printout will testify

Please give us a look at your document by pasting the code here. That way we may be able to replicate the problem.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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New Here ,
Sep 22, 2018 Sep 22, 2018

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Here's all of the code of the whole document. I will scan in how Notepad++ printed out all of the code on my inkjet and laserjet printers. I even used my IDE Code::Blocks 17.12 and it printed all of the C++ code without any problems on my inkjet and deskjet printers. I can scan in and post links on what printed out on my deskjet and the inkjet which partially printed out from a DW index.php document if needed?


//the title that we want to use for the page title and for the first h1 element on the page

$title = "Working with AND maNipulating strings.";

//this variable holds a ton of text that doesnt really make any sense and looks like a giant paragraph. Its actually supposed to be 5 paragraphs

$stanza = "start Cookie cotton candy icing toffee. Cake marshmallow toffee sweet roll toffee macaroon danish. Gummi bears cotton candy cake bear claw. Apple pie lemon drops croissant. Bonbon tootsie roll tart chocolate bar icing sweet roll powder pudding. Jelly beans tart chupa chups pudding sugar plum chocolate cake. Jelly cake gingerbread candy sugar plum sweet roll. Toffee icing jujubes lollipop pudding bonbon. end start Pie halvah jelly beans gummies bear claw candy tart apple pie. Marzipan pudding jujubes pie. Cake croissant gingerbread icing. Fruitcake pastry powder macaroon bear claw oat cake oat cake dragée donut. Liquorice cake cheesecake halvah danish icing. Pie wafer lollipop jelly-o. Soufflé tootsie roll chocolate bar icing gummies sweet roll oat cake oat cake dessert. end start Jujubes sweet gummi bears sesame snaps. Biscuit wafer brownie apple pie topping toffee muffin croissant. Gummi bears candy tootsie roll sugar plum. Caramels ice cream bonbon pastry biscuit cake cupcake. Gummies croissant cheesecake brownie. Lemon drops cheesecake cotton candy soufflé caramels chocolate cake pudding sesame snaps cotton candy. Macaroon bear claw danish tart brownie apple pie pudding. Jelly beans candy canes gummies gummies sesame snaps cupcake. end start Pudding tart icing toffee. Soufflé cookie marzipan cake candy. Sugar plum dragée gummi bears bear claw danish macaroon candy canes. Chocolate cookie chocolate cake toffee lemon drops macaroon. Topping dessert jelly danish sugar plum biscuit cake carrot cake. Fruitcake jujubes bear claw wafer chocolate bar gingerbread chocolate ice cream donut. Sweet roll sweet roll lollipop sweet. end start Jujubes powder jelly beans ice cream cotton candy. Gummi bears jelly-o danish danish candy canes jelly jelly-o. Gummi bears brownie apple pie. Tart muffin tiramisu. Chocolate cake toffee jujubes croissant lemon drops gummies biscuit lollipop. Cake gummies gingerbread sugar plum cupcake topping. Topping carrot cake cake jujubes cheesecake carrot cake cake dessert. Tiramisu caramels toffee jelly beans.end";

//this is a string that holds a comma seperated group of course numbers

$courses = "cgs1060,cgs1520,cgs1820,cop2830,cop2840";


<!DOCTYPE html>













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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2018 Sep 22, 2018

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No matter what I try, I cannot get better than

Time to start bugging the Dreamweaver Team by going to

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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New Here ,
Sep 23, 2018 Sep 23, 2018

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🙂   Thank you so much!





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