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Me and my colleague are creating 2 different pages but using the same CCS template file. So any changes that are saved by the other user is replicated on each others pages.
Example if i change a button to green and on my colleagues page he has the same button red if I then save my changes his button will turn green. How can we use the CSS template and not effect each others work.
1 Correct answer
Hello, Thanks for all your inputs..
we shortly after I posted figured to change the file in the link tag. Although we had already saved CSS style file in different locations, we had done this after the fact and was still impacting eachothers work.
All working as intended.
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Make separate copies of the css file, save them as different names, a and b. Link a.css to your page and b.css to your colleagues page.
You can't share the same css files which is linked to both your pages, make a change in that css file and not have it affect both of your pages as its linked to both pages.
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You can also use GIT and fork one work to develop an alternative solution whithout affecting the previous repository.
Each branch can then be merged together if needed
start using GIT in DW
then this tutorial is not perfect but enought clear to start with forking…
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an mix of both solutions listed above, will be to add beside the CSS template page, a new blank CSS file to each pages.
Each one of you will write on the blank page the needed modifications without affecting the olter page.
None of you will modify the template CSS page.
Page A
|__ template.css
|__ pageA.css
Page B
|__ template.css
|__ pageB.css
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Use File check-in/out feature so you're not messing with the same files at the same time.
Or as @osgood_ said, use separate stylesheets.
My guess is that you each want to do your own thing. If that's the workflow, you should have one global stylesheet for sitewide styles, and use embeded styles in the document <head> tag for page specific styles.
Hope that helps.
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I agree but checkin / checkout, is really messay... you need to always acquire the file to place any modification, but as far as I understand from @Adam252620424e5k , each developers need to change the content for its own page. So CI / CO wont work for that case.
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I agree but checkin / checkout, is really messay... you need to always acquire the file to place any modification, but as far as I understand from Adam252620424e5k , each developers need to change the content for its own page. So CI / CO wont work for that case.
By B i r n o u
Check-in/Check-out is not messy. It's a prudent precaution for collaborative work enviroments with sitewide CSS files, scripts and other common assets to prevent one user from stepping on another user's work.
It goes without saying that all such logistics should be supervised by the project manager in charge.
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without being provocative, have you really worked in production with remote teams using this feature 😉
To tell you the truth, from the very beginning we all switched to WebDav because CI/CO was quickly becoming out of use, out of control and out of efficiency...
in addition, the workflow quickly becomes anti-ergonomic
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I understand what you're saying. But the question isn't what you or I do. It's what the OP can do.
WebDav has known vulnerabilities. Many have stopped using it.
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I completly agree... but hey I was talking about the time when CI/CO first appear in DW... it was quite a lot before web dav starts to get holes... :)... CI / CO never change its mood since... so said in different words :
- CI/CO apear... messy... unusable
- WEbdav was a solution... we run for it
- external subversion was out (CVS, SVN...)... we run for it
- DW tried to integrate one of them with no success (it was better to externaly use it, as a third part)
- GIT started to take over
whatever the history... CI/CO as you suggest @Adam252620424e5k use... wont help him, and his team to get two different pages, without affecting each other.
@osgood_ , @L e n a , @BenPleysier , or mine, are working solutions to obtain this possibility of discrepancies between pages... not CI/CO
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I suggested using check-in/check-out for sitewide assets. Along with embedded stylesheet for page specific styles. Nothing wrong with that workflow.
I think you're just making an issue where there is none. Perhaps because you're biased, I don't know.
The OP has several options. They just have to pick one that works best for them.
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I dont know what the problem is here. If 2 artists share the same canvas and each start randomly splashing different colors all over it, one would expect the outcome. Turn the light bulb on - get different canvases and share the colored pencils. What you do on your canvas wont affect the others canvas, seems logical to me.
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I think you're just making an issue where there is none. Perhaps because you're biased, I don't know.
By Nancy OShea
I beg your pardon, I'm not making a problem, I'm just pointing out that CI/CO doesn't work properly, and is very unstable in production with a real team working remotely... and moreover you don't answer my question... have you ever used CI/CO in production with a team, and a real project? if so, as I assume, you should understand then what I'm talking about, and that I'm not making a problem... just point out one fact 🙂
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I have worked in production environments where WebDAV & GIT were not an option. Again this isn't about me or you.
The OP stated there are two people collaborating on a site. The OP is working on page 1 and the colleague is working on page 2 yet they are sharing site styles which is causing conflicts. For reasons I don't understand, you're elevating this beyond its stated proportion.
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I have worked in production environments where WebDAV & GIT were not an option. Again this isn't about me or you.
By Nancy OShea
Sorry but you didn't answer to the question "... Have you ever worked in production with a team on a real project using CI/CO..."... that was the question 😉
because if you have actually used this feature, you must understand what I said... without taking it out of perspective...
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Use CSS classes carefully. If a button is red then give it a class of red. If you then want to change it to green, give it a class of green. That way it will not affect the red buttons as in {
background: red;
You could also give the BODY-tag an ID of say `index`. That way `index` can be used as part of the selector as in
#index .button {
background: red;
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Hello, Thanks for all your inputs..
we shortly after I posted figured to change the file in the link tag. Although we had already saved CSS style file in different locations, we had done this after the fact and was still impacting eachothers work.
All working as intended.