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CS6 div problem

New Here ,
May 09, 2012 May 09, 2012

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I have a problem with transparent DIVs. In Dreamweaver CS6 Design view the background is displayed white. Therefore you can not see the background image of the body tag. If I view the page in a browser everything is displayed correctly. Is this a bug in CS6? When I open the same page with Dreamweaver CS5.5 eveything is viewed correctly, too!

Anyone an idea?




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New Here ,
Jun 07, 2012 Jun 07, 2012

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Actually, pvb-sf hasn't misconstrued a thing. It’s the inserting content part that Design view is so essential for (for some of us) and this bug is devastating for us.

Alas, pvb-sf is probably mistaken regarding Coda as an alternative. Coda has no comparable functionality and has a slew of its own problems.




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New Here ,
Jun 07, 2012 Jun 07, 2012

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I was not misconstruing anything that Carey, the representative said. Her post states how important it is to Adobe to fix this problem which I find both hilarious and totally unacceptable.

Thank you, MDoudoroff for pointing that out and I agree that Coda would not substitute for the same features we have in Dreamweaver.

What I don't understand is HOW Adobe could release DW CS6 with this obvious bug in it. It is not only unprofessional but it is insulting to their customers and then to get on this forum and say the following as a representative of Adobe:

"The team will investigate the issue, but at this point I have no idea if it's expected behavior (this seems unlikely) or when they might be fixing it."

This in itself is beyond hilarious. If you haven't checked out the problem to the point that you have no idea if it's expected behavior - YOU SHOULD NOT be posting on here. Then to go on and address the problem as a "preview" problem is once again to not understand the problem. If you don't take the time to read the posts stating the problem, go replicate it (easy to do in this case) and get it - don't post!!

And don't release a product with this huge of a bug. Unprofessional! Unacceptable!

If you have as I do a lot of sites and an especially large one with with a black background, then divs with other backgrounds, the text which is on a background of none is white and it is also making the type white - thus I can't see any of the text I am editing throughout the whole site/s.

AND I spent forever trying to figure out what setting I needed or what I did wrong to cause this as who would think a company the size of Adobe would allow a product with this huge flaw to be released??????

So, YES.... get a representative from Adobe on this forum with some acknowledgement that this is a big problem, acknowledge they understand the problem (how could anyone not) and either let us know it is very important to them to fix it and ideally a ballpark timeframe for results!!

I do worry that if this glaringly huge problem were easy enough to fix - they would have done it before release. So... what I was saying about Coda and other products is the one thing that does keep me strongly in DW is the ability to so easily see a rendering of the design (not expected to be perfect) but easier to visualize while writing text, etc. - if I wanted to use live preview to keep seeing what I did visually then why NOT use Coda, etc. The new Coda is quite amazing and its iPad companion is extremely convenient when not at a computer!!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 07, 2012 Jun 07, 2012

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This is NOT an official support site. This is a user-to-user forum.  Participation here is strictly on a volunteer basis.  That goes for Employees, Community Professionals and Community Members.

So, YES.... get a representative from Adobe on this forum with some acknowledgement that this is a big problem, acknowledge they understand the problem (how could anyone not) and either let us know it is very important to them to fix it and ideally a ballpark timeframe for results!!

Since this is neither an official support or bug reporting site, don't expect an official response here.

If you want to make an official bug report where it will be seen by Adobe's product engineers, use the link below. 


Nancy O.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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New Here ,
Jun 07, 2012 Jun 07, 2012

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Seriously!!!! Here is the domain:


NO ONE puts data on their own domain they don't pay attention to or want to know about. Someone has already (if you read this whole thread) reported the bug properly - would a redundant report help anything? If so, I will do that!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 07, 2012 Jun 07, 2012

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Ever hear the expression "The squeaky wheel gets greased?"  A bug with many reports get noticed more than a bug with very few reports.

Nancy O.

Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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New Here ,
Jun 05, 2012 Jun 05, 2012

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Has any fix been found for this?




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New Here ,
Jun 05, 2012 Jun 05, 2012

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See response #15, above. The Dreamweaver team has acknowledged the issue, but not promised a fix.




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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2012 Aug 24, 2012

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I don't know if this will help others with this bug, but here goes...

I just bought CS6 to edit a website on a PC (it was originally built on a Mac, and not in DW). Had the same problem of a completely white Design window in Split or  Design view which was very frustrating.

By chance I found that if I just double-clicked in the white space of the Design window that a working Design view appeared (had to slide over to the right to see it fully) and I was able to start work on the site. Phew!

I'd like to know if anyone who is experiencing this bug can reproduce the effect?




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Aug 24, 2012 Aug 24, 2012

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The fact that a double click on Design view revealed additional content indicates that the outer element has an overflow:hidden style applied to it and is therefore hiding its contents from view until you tell DW to show those contents by double clicking.  This is an intended feature of Design view, since if Design view always showed content that was to be hidden (as in a scrolling text area, where content is hidden below the bottom of a fixed-height content region with a scrollbar), then any layout would be unexpectedly and adversely affected by that unintended extra content. 

Just sayin'....




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New Here ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Hi There,

I recently had this problem myself with DW6 using my new iMac. I managed to resolve the display issue within my CSS screen file.

I have the Eric Meyer 'Reset' code at the beginning of my file, the problem 'for me' was:-

background: transparent;

I have commented this out of the CSS file and now in Design View my pages view just fine and as good as 'Live View'.

Hope this helps for what its worth, I know how dreadfully frustrating it can be!!!! Grrrrrr.





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New Here ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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You are brilliant. I also use Eric Meyer's "Reset" code at the beginning of my files. That totally fixed the problem. I was going to look into this and wondered if there was an issue there and then got sidetracked - you saved me a lot of time!!

None the less... it seems this shouldn't be something that should happen, but now with the reason behind it - it seems insignificant.

Thank you!!!!

Very happy Friday!




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Advisor ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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I feel like you could have saved yourself a lot of typing and frustration as this fix was discussed at the very beginning of this thread.

This issue has come up a few times in the forum, recently as well so a quick search may have saved you some time. In fact, the following link is even linked at the top off this thread.


Glad you got it sorted though.




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Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Further illustrating how dangerous it is to use the shorthand "background" to set a single style like color, and Eric should know better.  Why is it dangerous - because unlike other shorthand styles, this one sets all of the other missing attributes of the background style to their default values.  If you want to set the background color, just use 'background-color'.




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Mentor ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Background and background-color are often used together these days to

provide a fallback for old browsers when using RGBA values to set both

color and transparency for modern browsers.


Al Sparber - PVII


The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets

Since 1998




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Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Those dang older browsers!

It's still dangerous to use the shorthand style alone without recognizing what will happen to the missing attribute properties.  I guess there is no substitute for understanding, huh?




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Mentor ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Some people substitute all the time

Actually, the default values for the set of background properties is

usually not going to cause problems. Using font shorthand, on the other

hand, can have unintended consequences with more frequency.


Al Sparber - PVII


The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets

Since 1998




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New Here ,
Jun 08, 2012 Jun 08, 2012

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Thank you Al - I LOVE and own so many of your products. Project Seven is terrific!!!

And to Rik Ramsey - I did read all the thread and did search for background-color. Until the reset issue was also cited as the problem, I was not able to identify the issue, especially when all the past versions including 5.5 which I were fine. This is still an issue DW needs to fix and it is a bug. So breath was not wasted and frustration is reasonable.




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New Here ,
Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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Thats great, glad I could be of some use. I'm not a hardcore coder like some of these guys but nonetheless I never give up, its in my nature!





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New Here ,
Jun 04, 2013 Jun 04, 2013

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Gary you are a lifesaver! This new bug in DW is so annoying but even more annoying is when someone asks a question and people have to leave know-it-all responses or links to places where other people have posted the problem, instead of actually trying to help with a constructive answer! So thank you! The hint about the Eric Meyer reset was just what I needed!




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 24, 2012 Jun 24, 2012

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Thank you! Removing the excess code worked like a Dream!





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