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css, 2 conflicting interests, and why I, You, and the Dw team get it wrong.

Oct 25, 2017 Oct 25, 2017

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I could have posted this in 'that other' discussion, but this is not about 'splitting Dw up', more about 2 different types of user and why we will never 100% understand each other, but do need each other in one program.

First I would like to point out that I do not work for Adobe, do not take part in any decision making, and do not participate in Dw CAB or pre-release..

I read this article a few days ago, then looked at how the W3C specs are written, and took a really good look at this and other forums posts concerning web development. No I will not include web design because if you are writing any code then that is development -


The passage in the above linked to article that got me thinking was -

"Peter Linss, then Co-Chair of the CSS Working Group, also suggested that they incorporate the concept of grid lines in the spec (instead of only talking about tracks). He believed including this familiar graphic design concept would make the spec more accessible to designers."

(It's about 2/3rds of the way down "The spec evolves" section)

The bit about making the spec more accessible to designers, really made me laugh, because if a designer can understand the specs for css grid layouts, then actually use those specs to produce a working rwd layout. without lots and lots of of trials and errors, they are a much better coder than I.

That is where I think the understanding of coders and the Dw team, regarding designers knowledge and requirements, even those who may like to code, is being miss understood, (and visa-versa).

The Principal Dw product manager, is also responsible for the Brackets project. This means that he is probably more of a coder than a designer, but like Peter Linss of the css working group thinking that the specs from css grid layouts makes the feature more accessible to designers, does it really?

This is no insult to the Principle Dw product manager, as I am just as guilty as he is of the following -

If you watch -


In the section about the roadmap, if you listen carefully you will hear an audience member ask the question, "Does Dw support Flexbox?". To which the answer is a simple, "Yes".

The answer should have been, "Yes, but only in code view", (Live view is irrelevant for this discussion).

Now why is the simple "Yes" wrong.

css is no longer the simple 260 properties it was in the 2.1 specs, but is now well over 700 properties, many of which like flexbox and css grid layouts, are not 'so simple' to understand, even for someone who has been reading specs and interpreting the meaning of them for years. For someone who does NOT know how to read and apply them, such as a designer who has no interest in keeping up with what is happening, beyond what is required of him/her for their work, simply needs more info, and I am not talking about telling them what the specs say, which is all that is currently provided.

They need visual info, or feedback of how the property will look and work, not after they have applied the property to their code, but before they apply it. Even coders learning how to apply many of these 'newer' css features, and then using them in their actual work, would I think appreciate such feedback, and that is to me what Dw is or should be about.

So why is Dw, me and you wrong?

Dw now simply assumes that everything is so easy when it comes to html, css js, and even php, without even looking at the terminology or the requirements of the modern web site or browser based app. It has stopped being about web development and more about the 'other' trends in  web development, (the 'what 3rd party feature is missing' ones). After all who creates custom sites anymore, now that we have frameworks and cms's. Code hinting, mvc, object/function referencing, databases, etc. etc. are things of the past no one requires them or would use them, and even if you would you can still use code view, but just remember to turn linting, code completion, hinting and anything else you may require off, (and that's if it is included).

Nothing in Dw is provided for anyone not willing to work with frameworks and cms's. Designers and developers are at war trying to get their requirements included, and the coder has become a 'dirty word' in these and a number of other forums when it comes to Dw, and trying to get ideas across and accepted that are not based on css 2.1 is no longer allowed.

We have all decided that, 'It's never going to happen', 'no one is listening', or that it does not matter what we say, but maybe it's time for everyone to take a good look at Dw anyway. Time for the Dw PM's, and other Dw/Adobe staff to take part in discussions, and all 'camps' to stop looking at Dw as 'their personal program', thinking that it should be based on past or their personal requirements, and as a complete heresy, maybe the Dw team should actually look at what is required without thinking 'they know best, and dam the rest'.

More to come!!!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Nov 02, 2017 Nov 02, 2017

Thank you, Paula. The product team posted this info some time ago Message from the Dreamweaver Product team , and while I understand that this does not directly speak to the kinds of users, it is pretty much in line with what we have seen in DW updates so far and the direction it is headed. During my discussions with the team at MAX, I did not hear of anything that isn't already addressed in this post.

In my opinion, these improvements still stay true to the promise of helping designers that want




replies 189 Replies 189
Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Nancy+OShea  wrote

Hey Paula,

I streamed an interesting film last night called Arrival (2016) - IMDb   If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it.

The film's protagonist is a linguistics professor tasked with interpreting  communication from an alien life form.  Trouble ensues when the alien symbols are misinterpreted by humans.   Go figure! 


According to Forum Guidelines, we're all supposed to be supportive.  And owing to language & cultural differences, we should make every effort to assume the poster's remarks are well-meaning in intent even if it doesn't always seem that way.   

I tried to back out of the discussion way back when I posted this:

'These discusions always decsend into a chaotic mess which is to be expected given the wealth of different opinions. No one is ever going to convince a non-believer from either stance. This one has run its course l think.'

I was trying to be diplomatic towards everyone who has contributed in this thread and then along came Al and posted something derogatory about 'a few select posters' which obviously included myself.





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Thanks for the recommendation Nancy, it sounds like a must watch movie.

We all assume we are speeking english, but which version .





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Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

That's not what I was implying, Paula. I not only like some of your posts, I like you. But that doesn't change the fact that Osgood lied. I don't hate him, but I'm confounded whenever someone feels the need to use untruths to make a point... or to attack someone. The fact that he can skate through this with thin rationalizations is mind boggling. It truly is.

Al your paronid. Lied about what exactly?

I mean you are throwing accusations at me that I was singling your extensions out when I was not and you can produce no evidence to back-up your ridiculous fabrications, youre complety insane, you really really are. It doesn't show you in the best light Al but then I've known you for quite a long time so I'm in no way surprised. A leopard never changes it's spots.





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Mentor ,
Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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osgood_  wrote

ALsp   wrote

That's not what I was implying, Paula. I not only like some of your posts, I like you. But that doesn't change the fact that Osgood lied. I don't hate him, but I'm confounded whenever someone feels the need to use untruths to make a point... or to attack someone. The fact that he can skate through this with thin rationalizations is mind boggling. It truly is.

Al your paronid. Lied about what exactly?

I mean you are throwing accusations at me that I was singling your extensions out when I was not and you can produce no evidence to back-up your ridiculous fabrications, youre complety insane, you really really are. It doesn't show you in the best light Al but then I've known you for quite a long time so I'm in no way surprised. A leopard never changes it's spots.

You are truly dangerous, pal. Allow me to quote the self-serving lie:

Osgood said: "All lm try to establish is why you think coding is so bad and yet are hugely proud and continuosly gloat about how splendid you are it, that's what l term as a split personality"


You attempt to portray me as saying that coding skills are unimportant. That is untrue, which essentially means you lied in an attempt to support your argument. It's very obvious.





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Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

You are truly dangerous, pal. Allow me to quote the self-serving lie:

Osgood said: "All lm try to establish is why you think coding is so bad and yet are hugely proud and continuosly gloat about how splendid you are it, that's what l term as a split personality"


You attempt to portray me as saying that coding skills are unimportant. That is untrue, which essentially means you lied in an attempt to support your argument. It's very obvious.

Well you certainly stated the below in post 100, which sounded to me as though you thought coding was not that relevant?

'Your obsession with coding is, I believe a bit over the top, and perhaps not relevant to today's extensions, and this is where I disagree with your opinions.'

I thought the argurements and points I was making against using extensions was very relevant simply because I'm seeing more and more posters that use extensions/fameworks etc that can't solve a simple html coding problem, possibly as a result of too much reliance and dependancy on such products or workflows.

Plus can you qualify and produce the evidence where in this debate I am supposed to have singled out your extensions, which you seem to now be trying to avoid.

I like the use of the word pal and dangerous in your reply. its rather funny and entertaining. Youre certainly bothered by something and I dont think its just me. Perhaps things arent going so well at the moment if youre worrying about fickle things like who and who is not liking your posts. Never seen you quite so ruffled and incoherent.





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Mentor ,
Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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osgood_  wrote

ALsp   wrote

You are truly dangerous, pal. Allow me to quote the self-serving lie:

Osgood said: "All lm try to establish is why you think coding is so bad and yet are hugely proud and continuosly gloat about how splendid you are it, that's what l term as a split personality"


You attempt to portray me as saying that coding skills are unimportant. That is untrue, which essentially means you lied in an attempt to support your argument. It's very obvious.

Well you certainly stated the below in post 100, which sounded to me as though you thought coding was not that relevant?

'Your obsession with coding is, I believe a bit over the top, and perhaps not relevant to today's extensions, and this is where I disagree with your opinions.'

I thought the argurements and points I was making against using extensions was very relevant simply because I'm seeing more and more posters that use extensions/fameworks etc that can't solve a simple html coding problem, possibly as a result of too much reliance and dependancy on such products or workflows.

Plus can you qualify and produce the evidence where in this debate I am supposed to have singled out your extensions, which you seem to now be trying to avoid.

I like the use of the word pal and dangerous in your reply. its rather funny and entertaining. Youre certainly bothered by something and I dont think its just me. Perhaps things arent going so well at the moment if youre worrying about fickle things like who and who is not liking your posts. Never seen you quite so ruffled and incoherent.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Your obsession with coding, as it relates to Dreamweaver users, is obsessive, and that obsession led you to make a completely ridiculous assumption. What I meant is that coding knowledge makes our modern extensions even more powerful, as each one contains the ability to assign user-defined classes with which to drive user-defined style sheets. But you wouldn't know that, because you have been talking about extensions that you have never even used, or perhaps you believe that all extensions are the same as the ones you have used in the past.

I never said you have singled out our extensions. You are obviously against all extensions.

I am bothered by you. You, pal, bother me .  But that's a human response and, in light of what you have written, and continue to write, you really ought not be surprised, unless, this is another facet of being from your particular part of the UK (Paula's theory, not mine).

There is a psychological term for the behavior evidenced in your last paragraph. It escapes me, and I've no time to research it, but there is a clinical name for it. Obviously, you relish the idea of ruffling me and waiting for an incoherent or reactive comment. Sorry to disappoint, but it seems that in trying to get under my skin, you've gotten under your own... or at least fooled yourself into showing your true colors.

Game, set, and freaking match





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Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

I never said you have singled out our extensions. You are obviously against all extensions.

Post 156  this is what you stated

"I think it's obvious that your insinuations about this customer of ours you helped lacks clarity and was intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular"

Quite clearly you have no-recall of that. I don't think one can take you seriously or have any respect if you throw out accusations then deny you ever said something when you are called up about it and asked to explain . At least I think I have cleared myself on that point and was shown to be truthful, unlike yourself.

I am bothered by you. You, pal, bother me .  But that's a human response and, in light of what you have written, and continue to write, you really ought not be surprised, unless, this is another facet of being from your particular part of the UK (Paula's theory, not mine).

There is a psychological term for the behavior evidenced in your last paragraph. It escapes me, and I've no time to research it, but there is a clinical name for it. Obviously, you relish the idea of ruffling me and waiting for an incoherent or reactive comment. Sorry to disappoint, but it seems that in trying to get under my skin, you've gotten under your own... or at least fooled yourself into showing your true colors.

Game, set, and freaking match

I think you are bothered because you can't accept that someone will challenge your views, period. If you present yourself as you have done in this debate then I can see why the hierarchy at Adobe might not wish to entertain your opinions and views because 'its your way or no way' - far too high maintenance. I see you fancy yourself as a pshycologist as well now, quite frightening really.





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Mentor ,
Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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LOL. You're like the little Energizer Bunny

You're making up stuff again. I really don't mean to sound as if I'm insulting you personally, but when someone distorts what you've said or written, or outright fibs about it... well, a guy has to do what a guy has to do. I really wish you could just see that the only thing we disagree about is the usefulness of extensions... even to [gasp] coders. I rarely post on this forum. You live here. In my view, it obviously disturbs you when people disagree with you. So, back atcha. And I don't fancy myself a phycologist (sic). If I were good at it, I probably could have cut the legs out from under your silly arguments a long time ago .

So, to summarize...

1. We both value that coding is something that all web designers should endeavor to learn.

2. I never said that the ability to code is unimportant.

3. Our extensions are useful to both non-coders and coders.

I have no problem with you not liking to use extensions yourself. My problem is that when you evangelize against using extensions, without even knowing how ours work, you are being closed-minded and, at least to me, a bit mischievous.

I really hope that someday your views will at least soften and that you might at least take the time to learn what we do so that you at least know what you are speaking out against...and how they actually work.

That sounds pretty fair to me.





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Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

LOL. You're like the little Energizer Bunny

You're making up stuff again. I really don't mean to sound as if I'm insulting you personally, but when someone distorts what you've said or written, or outright fibs about it... well, a guy has to do what a guy has to do. I really wish you could just see that the only thing we disagree about is the usefulness of extensions... even to [gasp] coders. I rarely post on this forum. You live here. In my view, it obviously disturbs you when people disagree with you. So, back atcha. And I don't fancy myself a phycologist (sic). If I were good at it, I probably could have cut the legs out from under your silly arguments a long time ago .

I guess you never said the below then, that must have been your alta-ego, funny that! Did I mention split personality, I think I did.

"I think it's obvious that your insinuations about this customer of ours you helped lacks clarity and was intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular"

You need to use some of the pshycological analysis on yourself before trying it on others.

ALsp  wrote

I really hope that someday your views will at least soften and that you might at least take the time to learn what we do so that you at least know what you are speaking out against...and how they actually work.

It's unlikey that will happen. I believe I have a good understanding of web-developement and don't see many who I would class as web-developers diving into DW so they can use yours or anyone elses extensions. Of course there is always going to be exceptions to the rules which are the few coders you are talking about.

I have no issues and have always stated that with what I class as amatuer developers using extensions, those may include the people who just want to produce a fast, one off site or those that may be updating infrequently, those that wish not to learn to code etc.

I wonder if they teach this workflow in universitiy or college web-development courses - is that on the course curriculum these days. I really have no idea. Maybe, worryingly it is. I guess they teach bootstrap so maybe out-of-the-box components is something they address. I can only hope they teach some coding which will enable students to make a subjective decision what workflow they think is correct for there own long term amibitions.

I think we will have to agree to disagee here.

I agree with you on point 1, clarified your stance on point 2 and point 3 I'll  accept that some coders will find your extensions useful. Phew, some common ground, I think





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Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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I guess you never said the below then, that must have been your alta-ego (sic), funny that! Did I mention split personality, I think I did.


"I think it's obvious that your insinuations about this customer of ours you helped lacks clarity and was intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular"


Of course I wrote that, and I meant it. If you put the whole discussion in a quote, it would make perfect sense. You could have simply answered at the time, by citing a URL to the actual post where you helped this non-coder customer of ours.

Simple, no?





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Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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ALsp  wrote


I guess you never said the below then, that must have been your alta-ego (sic), funny that! Did I mention split personality, I think I did.


"I think it's obvious that your insinuations about this customer of ours you helped lacks clarity and was intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular"


Of course I wrote that, and I meant it. If you put the whole discussion in a quote, it would make perfect sense. You could have simply answered at the time, by citing a URL to the actual post where you helped this non-coder customer of ours.

Simple, no?

Its not the initial part of the string, its the part below, in bold, which, I think anyway, accuses me of singling out your extenisons in particular, which I have not done and would never do.

'intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular'

I was saying it just so happened that a poster came to the forum, whilst this debate was in full swing, with a very small coding issue. I happened to notice that they were using an extension which happened to be one of yours, it could have been anyones. It was probably just unfortunate it was one or yours. Although the problem was not related to the extension, which I confirmed, I was questioning if the poster and many like them were relying too heavily on extensions and neglecting the necessity to learn at least some basic html and maybe some basic css.

That is all, I dont think I was being mischievous as you put it.





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Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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osgood_  wrote

ALsp   wrote


I guess you never said the below then, that must have been your alta-ego (sic), funny that! Did I mention split personality, I think I did.


"I think it's obvious that your insinuations about this customer of ours you helped lacks clarity and was intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular"


Of course I wrote that, and I meant it. If you put the whole discussion in a quote, it would make perfect sense. You could have simply answered at the time, by citing a URL to the actual post where you helped this non-coder customer of ours.

Simple, no?

Its not the initial part of the string, its the part below, in bold, which, I think anyway, accuses me of singling out your extenisons in particular, which I have not done and would never do.

'intended to shade your opinions about extensions, ours in particular'

I was saying it just so happened that a poster came to the forum, whilst this debate was in full swing, with a very small coding issue. I happened to notice that they were using an extension which happened to be one of yours, it could have been anyones. It was probably just unfortunate it was one or yours. Although the problem was not related to the extension, which I confirmed, I was questioning if the poster and many like them were relying too heavily on extensions and neglecting the necessity to learn at least some basic html and maybe some basic css.

That is all, I dont think I was being mischievous as you put it.

It's the aggregate, Osgood. You are mischievous, and in most settings it could be one of your endearing features, but sometimes there are better ways to convey a message. That said, helping someone who either has not yet learned enough coding to help themselves, doesn't have the time to, or simply is unable to pick up the necessary skills is not a bad thing. It's kind of a nice thing, a neighborly thing.

But you cite what is very likely an anomalous situation to point out that people should not depend on extensions (anyone's yes, but in response to me: an extension developer ). You still fail to allow that certain extensions can be powerful tools for code-savvy designers, too. And this is the attitude, especially when you inject it into threads that I am involved in, that is simply not nice. You don't know enough about our advanced tools to imply that they cannot be valuable to a coder. You're like the kid you hates peas, but has never actually tried them. And don't say you have, because you are not one of our current customers and any extension of ours you may have tried would be very old.





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Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

It's the aggregate, Osgood. You are mischievous, and in most settings it could be one of your endearing features, but sometimes there are better ways to convey a message.

I think you just mis-interpreted the message, perhaps as a result of cultural language differences, as has already been pointed out. Im not in any doubt there are some excellent extensions available. Its not the quality that concerns me. Its rather like do we think the use of calculators in schools is directly attributing to the degrading amounts of young people that are able to perform some simple mental arithmatic without aids, the answer I think must be, yes. The more automation we use the less skilled we become.

ALsp  wrote

But you cite what is very likely an anomalous situation to point out that people should not depend on extensions (anyone's yes, but in response to me: an extension developer ). You still fail to allow that certain extensions can be powerful tools for code-savvy designers, too. And this is the attitude, especially when you inject it into threads that I am involved in, that is simply not nice. You don't know enough about our advanced tools to imply that they cannot be valuable to a coder. You're like the kid you hates peas, but has never actually tried them. And don't say you have, because you are not one of our current customers and any extension of ours you may have tried would be very old.

No, No, No. I'm just makng people aware of the consequences that may result which is very different to what you are implying. I let those people make up their own minds. Most are bright enough to do so. It's not always about you as you keep wanting to inject into the posts for some reason beyond my comprehension.

But you have to accept I do not share your opinions so I will be injecting it into threads beacuse that is my opnion. When, or if I should say you understand and learn to accept other peoples views and opinions you wont find it so personal, I won't hold my breathe though





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Mentor ,
Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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There should be a way to open a topic and block ACPs.





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Nov 05, 2017 Nov 05, 2017

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ALsp  wrote

There should be a way to open a topic and block ACPs.

I'll second that proposal .





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