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I found this amazing CSS code class for a responsive table. I love it. The problem is that the media query for the mobile screen overrides other table classes I created. I tried to name the table something else, to avoid the problem. I named it ".table-lead-sheets". The first section workd perfectly, there is no override. The second section with the media query overrides the other table classes. Please advise on any suggestions. I have the code below. It is a great asset, if I could only figure out that one bug.
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You would need to insert the table class infront of the td, th, tr. That would then target ONLY the td, th and tr in a table with the class name .table-lead-sheets - see if that helps.
.table-lead-sheets tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
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Thanks, that worked well. The answers I saw in stackoverflow were confiusing, and did not work. One issue with your solution was that the hidden headers were suddenly exposed. I was able to hide them by leaving one of the tr tags alone and not naming it. Strange. I hope that doesn't cause any future inheritance problems. The other table looked fine though. CSS is not always logical.
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If you must use tables to present spreadsheets or charts, don't use absolute positioning hacks.
On the off chance you're using Bootstrap, use responsive & striped classes. No added CSS required.
<table class="table caption-top responsive-table table-striped">
<caption>Bootstrap Responsive Table (Striped)</caption>
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">First</th>
<th scope="col">Last</th>
<th scope="col">Handle</th>
<th scope="row">1</th>
<th scope="row">2</th>
<th scope="row">3</th>
<td>the Bird</td>
Optionally, you can change bg-colors with contextual classes.
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@Nancy OShea wrote:If you must use tables to present spreadsheets or charts, don't use absolute positioning hacks.
The OP is obviously using a solution which labels the information vertically on small screens, not just deploying a simple table. Whether or not the solution is a good one or not is debatable. I try and avoid using tables like the plague and if and when its a necessity I don't know if I would have the desire to jump through hoops to make them fully responsible, maybe, quite possibly yes if I was doing me job properly, its not something I need to consider these days.
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Why is absoulte positioning bad?
Thanks for the bootstrap table code, it looks interesting. I have also been experimenting with bootstap 3 column grids.
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Why is absoulte positioning bad?
By @default0vaokg78cv42
Its NOT in the context that you are using it. A lot of responsive table solutions make use of absolute positioning to good effect.
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Thanks, Nancy, for the bootstrap table code, it looks interesting. I have also been experimenting with bootstap 3 column grids.