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[Dúvida] - Dreamweaver

Community Beginner ,
Feb 22, 2020 Feb 22, 2020

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Olá Pessoal.

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Queria tirar uma dúvida sobre o programa dreamweaver, aprendi alguns recursos do maravilhoso programa e tal.

Mas ao criar um site de vendas, posso faço para inserir pagamento de cartão de crédito?

How to




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Feb 22, 2020 Feb 22, 2020

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Dreamweaver is a tool to help you build that feature, keeping in mind that you are best off using a third party payment gateway such as Stripe or Square.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.




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Feb 22, 2020 Feb 22, 2020

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If youre asking that question then you dont have the necessary skill or knowledge to accept credit card payments through the website you build with Dreamweaver as it would be a huge security risk. I would use something like Paypal, still the easiest third party payment gateway to integrate into your website, the credit card payments are taken and processed on their secure server.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 22, 2020 Feb 22, 2020

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When you learn everything there is to know about Payment Card Industry compliance and web server security, sure you can take credit cards.  But until then, you're dangerous because you don't know what you don't know.



Start with your Merchant bank and ask them which payment gateway you must use to process online payments.  It's important to start with your bank otherwise you won't get paid.   When you know which gateway you can use, then you can look for a PCI compliant shopping cart that's compatible with your gateway.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 22, 2020 Feb 22, 2020

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Bom gente não é nem questão de confiar ou não, para se aprimorar seus conhecimentos precisa estar praticando diariamente, se eu apenas aprender e não praticar nunca irei melhorar meu conhecimento.

MAS claro paypal é uma ótima opção para começo, além do mais eles fornece código-fonte para isso.




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Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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Paypal IS, as you say, a very good option to start - often for small sites it satisfies the requirements very quickly, without going down the path of setting up a merchant bank account. Paypal provides various options to integrate, from the simplest, which can be set up in a few minutes, to the complex which requires much more coding knowledge. Stripe, as mentioned in another reply is supposed to be simple to implement as well but when I investigated it a few years ago and more so recently it seemed more obtuse to include the necessary code. Again I think they provide various options,  'ready to use' payment button code, you can set up via your Stripe dashboard, which you can then copy and insert in your website or a more complex workflow which requires linking the stripe payment library, neither of which, if my memory serves me correctly worked for me.  I guess its  a case of, as with a lot of coding, it's simple when it works, if it doesnt it can be frustrating, especially when you follow a set of intructions to the letter, which works for someone else, but fails in your case!




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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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You may do better with Square or with Stripe, they have made it very easy to setup a complete e-commerce site. The latter is the more popular although I tend to use the former.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.




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Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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Can you elaborate on 'they have made it very easy to set up a complete e-commerce website'?


As far as I know, with Stripe at least, there's nothing which would infer its any easier to set up an e-commerce website. That is something that is largely undertaken by the web-developer themselves. A payment gateway, which ever you choose, is just a means to an end, accepting payments securely.


I think Stripe is aimed more at the technically advanced developer (there is currently no default cart option available) and perhaps its more suited to larger companies, whereas Paypal is aimed more at the non-technical user (a default cart option is available) and is mainly suited for your smaller company/indvidual. Then of course you can go for WorldPay or SagePay or something in that sector, where a Merchant Bank account is required.


Again I think it is a case of thinking this through and what is suited to the job in hand but as we all to readily know most newer web-developers these days use a sledge hammer to crack a  nut. As an example I would not use Paypal or Stripe if I was producing a website for a blue chip company BUT I would consider using either if I were building a website for a low end company.




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Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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See https://squareup.com/au/en/ecommerce

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.




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Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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Not yet another automated process.


I guess that's ok for businesses with absolute zero budget or those 'developers' who point blank refuse to learn anything, other than click and drag for short term financial gain. Good luck when the freelance work runs out - I'm sure they will happily accept work as a shelf-stacker or bog cleaner.  Wix, Wordpress, Weebly and the rest I'm pretty sure have options for implementing an ecommerce store via a  plug-in of one sort or another, which integate well with Stripe or Paypal.


I unfortunately happened to come across a website built in Wix the other day, code was total crap but hey it looked ok on the surface and I guess worked ok. I hope it was an individual who built it and not some spurious web-developement company selling a 'pup' to yet another unsuspecting client.




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 02, 2020 Mar 02, 2020

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Eu percebi que para fazer o que eu pensei em fazer era mais fácil.

Acho melhor solução de caso, é criar uma conta paypal como vendedor, usar as tag que eles mesmo dão para colocar no site.

Embora não ter desistido que mais para frente com mais experiência criar carinhos de compras e usar o cartão, mais isso será como foi dito, ter experiência para criar algo seguro.




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