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HOW do I create a SIMPLE fading slideshow in dreamweaver CS5?????

Sep 08, 2010 Sep 08, 2010

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I would like to have a slow fading slideshow of a few images relating to the web page that the user is on.

I have a seperate div tag, with the space 235 x 440 pixels allowed for the images. All I want is the slideshow to fade in and out of one another using 3 or 4 photos, no text, no control panel or thumbnails or any other frills, just basic good quality photos fading in a looped slideshow.

I just want that when the page loads up that the slideshow starts automatically and slowly loops continuously until the user changes page.

I have seen animated gifs from photoshop, which are no good because the image quality is awful, and in fireworks, where it comes with either thumbnails or a control panel for the user to navigate manually the images. I don't want that. Can it be done easily in flash? or does dreamweaver have an answer?

Surely there must be a simple and basic way in dreamweaver alone to just swap/fade an image with another image a few times and thats that? no?

If it can't be done in dreamweaver, PLEASE tell me which program it can be done in and how.

Many many many thanks in advance for anyone with an easily explained solution.







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Sep 08, 2010 Sep 08, 2010

Do this with jquery:


Look at the pages source code below to see how it was achieved.

Basically you need to insert the below section of the code into the <head></head> section of your pages code and change '.slideshow' to the class name or id name of the <div> your images are in.

<!-- include jQuery library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- include Cycle plugin -->
<script type



New Here ,
Jul 30, 2012 Jul 30, 2012

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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<title>Untitled Document</title>
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font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

<!-- jQuery latest core library -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js">


<!-- Cycle plugin -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js"></script>


<ul id="breadcrumbs">
  <li><a href="Homefile:///C|/Users/sglass/Documents/globalpartnershipsnew/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; </li>
  <li><a href="http://www.aap.org/international/initiatives.html" target="_blank">Initiatives</a> &raquo; </li>
  <li>Global Immunizations </li>
<div id="left_sidebar"><img alt="2" src="img/initiatives.jpg" width="222" height="400" />&gt;</div>
<!-- end sidebar -->
<div id="content">
  <h1 class="style42">Global <span class="style43">Immunizations </span></h1>
  <p class="style38"><span class="style44"><a class="style41" href="#currentissues">Current Issues</a> || <a class="style41" href="#AAPsGoals">AAP's Goals</a> || <a class="style41" href="#GetInvolved">Get   Involved</a> </span><span class="style49 ">|| <a class="style41" href="#News">News</a> || <a class="style41" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html" target="_blank">Resources</a> || </span><a class="style48" href="Contact" _mce_href="mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Contact">mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Contact Us</a></p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
  <p class="style45"><a id="CurrentIssues" name="CurrentIssues"></a><span class="style37">Current Issues in Global Immunizations </span></p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
    <div align="left">
      <p><span class="style47">Global Causes of Child Mortality</span></p>
  <p class="style45"><img alt="chartandcapt" align="left" src="img/Small_cause_of_VPDs_deaths.jpg" width="430" height="239" />Immunization prevents about 2.5 million deaths a year   globally.  It is one of the most successful and cost-effective life saving   interventions of the past century.  Without immunizations, hundreds of thousands   of children and adults would die needless deaths or suffer lifelong effects from   diseases such as diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, and smallpox. </p>
  <p class="style45">As seen in the chart to the left, WHO estimates that 1.5 million deaths among children under five years of age were due to vaccine preventable diseases, with rotavirus and pneumoccocal disease being the top killers---this represents 17% of global total mortality for children under five. </p>
<p class="style45">In the United States, we have a successful immunization program   with coverage rates over 90% for all childhood vaccines.  Many state governments   operate programs to provide access to low-cost or free vaccines for those   children and adults who cannot afford them, while the federal government sets   aside funding for immunization programs in the US and also for immunization   research and safety programs.</p>
<p class="style45">Many other countries around the world are not able to maintain   the level of immunization that the US has. The American Academy of Pediatrics   (AAP) advocates for the health of all children, including those outside of   America.  With this in mind, the AAP recently has begun to expand its efforts to   inform and advocate for global immunization issues.  There are many actions   pediatricians can take locally while thinking globally.</p>
<p class="style45">As healthcare professionals know, infectious diseases have no   boundaries.  With our world increasingly becoming smaller and smaller, we must   be aware of what is happening globally, specifically in terms of disease   outbreaks.  One of the best ways to eliminate disease outbreaks or   reintroduction of diseases in the US is to make sure all children in the world   have access to immunizations.  The first decade of the 21st century has been the   most productive in the history of vaccine development. Unfortunately, one in 5   children globally do not have access to the important benefits that vaccines   provide. <a class="style41" href="Learn" _mce_href="http://www2.aap.org/international/initiatives/currentneeds">Learn">http://www2.aap... more</a> about the curent impact that vaccines have had globally along with the   challenges we still face. </p>
<p class="style45">It is important to understand that keeping children healthy   across the world reduces health care costs associated with treatment of vaccine   preventable illness to not only the family and individual but to the country.    Additionally, by keeping children healthy, immunization helps extend life   expectancy and the time spent on productive activity, thereby contributing to   poverty reduction, which also is a priority for the health of children and   families, particularly in developing countries.<strong> </strong><a class="style41" title="read more" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalimportance.html" target="_blank">Read more</a> about the importance of international   immunizations.</p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"><a id="AAPsGoals" name="AAPsGoals"></a><span class="style37">AAP's   Goals </span></p>
<p class="style45">The AAP understands the importance of global immunizations and   is dedicated to health of all children, no matter where they are born.  With   this in mind, we recently proposed and were <a class="style41" title="Grant" href="http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/33/2/7.1.full" target="_blank">awarded a grant</a> from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to   focus efforts on increasing global immunization awareness and advocacy.</p>
<p class="style45">The Academy&rsquo;s role will center on fostering partnerships to   support global immunization initiatives and programs.  The AAP intends to   provide you as pediatricians with tools and materials to be advocates locally   for these issues.  The AAP intends to promote strategies among pediatric leaders   in both developed and developing countries for advocacy</p>
<p class="style45">The AAP also will be working closely with its Chapter   International Immunization Champions and other FAAP Advocates to accomplish its   goals. </p>
<p class="style45">Additionally, the AAP is a partner in many global vaccine   campaigns.  Learn more about our involvement with <a class="style41" title="shotatlifeaap" href="http://www2.aap.org/immunization/about/globalshotatlife.html" target="_blank">Shot@Life</a> and <a class="style41" title="ONEaap" href="http://www2.aap.org/immunization/about/globalONE.html" target="_blank">ONE</a>. </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style50"><a id="News" name="News"></a>News</p>
<p class="style45">The AAP President-Elect attends the US Government Call to   Action for Child Survival in June 2012, <a class="style41" href="full" _mce_href="http://5thbday.usaid.gov/pages/ResponseSub/Event.aspx">full">http://5thbday.usaid.g... story... </a>. </p>
<p class="style45">AAP endorses WHO recommendation to retain use of thimerosal ( <a class="style41" title="AAPThimerosal" href="http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/06/01/aapnews.20120601-1" target="_blank">full story...</a> ) and Thiomersal Vaccines debate ( <a href="http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(12)61002-2/fulltext?rss=yes" target="_blank" class="style41">full story... </a>)</p>
<p class="style45">65th World Health Assembly and the Decade of Global Vaccines   Plan <a title="65th world health assembly" href="http://www.gavialliance.org/library/news/gavi-features/2012/194-countries-endorse-landmark-global-va..." target="_blank"><span class="style41">full story..</span>.</a> </p>
<p class="style45">Global Polio Eradication Initiative <a class="style41" title="Polio Eradication" href="http://www.polioeradication.org/tabid/461/iid/219/Default.aspx" target="_blank">full story...</a> </p>
<p class="style16"><span class="style45">AAP among newest partners of the Measles   & Rubella Initiative <a class="style41" title="Measles and Rubella Initiative" href="http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=4d894438a86d1a64376ab0629&id=9045940b09&e=e5cccc5797" target="_blank">full story..</a></span></p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"><a id="GetInvolved" name="GetInvolved"></a><span class="style37">Get   Involved!</span></p>

<div class="slideshow">
<img alt="one" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/_Terrell_IL SnJessieJackson.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="dcsn" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg 1.JPEG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="one2" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg.JPG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ShotatLifeSaltLakeCity.JPG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/Dr Sato, Ohio ONE vols and Portman.jpg" width="592" height="502" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/photo_4.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/UNEP4 Mtg.jpeg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2035.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><span class="slideshow"><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2052.JPG" width="592
" height="509" />

<!--Cycle function code-->

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade'

<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>
<p class="style45"><em>&ldquo;Pediatricians should support global immunization to reduce   the risk of disease, disability, and death from vaccine-preventable diseases in   children living in other countries as well as reducing the risk that these   infectious agents will be imported back to the United States and cause   outbreaks.&rdquo; Dr. Walter Orenstein, MD, FAAP</em></p>
<ul class="style45">
    <p>Become an AAP Global Immunization Champion.  Email <a class="style41" href="globalvaccines@aap.orgmailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">globalvaccines@aap.org</a> to sign up and   learn more.</p>
    <p>Educate patients on global immunization issues by making sure patients who   travel are up to date on their immunizations and get any additional vaccines   recommended for traveling abroad.</p>
    <p>Become involved in local <a class="style41" title="campaigns or organizations" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html" target="_blank">campaigns or organizations</a> that are fighting for global   immunization issues.  As a pediatrician, you are a useful resource of technical   medical information. </p>
    <p>Contact AAP about becoming involved in advocacy <em>(link to document) </em>about global immunization issues to the federal government or your state   government.</p>
    <p>Write letters to the editor <em>(link to document) </em>or submit Op/Ed   articles to your local media outlets.</p>
  <li>Continue to look back at this page for up-to-date resources and news<br />
    . </li>
<p class="style45">Contact your AAP Chapter Global Immunization Champion <em>(link   coming soon)</em> or the AAP <a class="style41" href="Manager" _mce_href="mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Manager">mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Manager of Global Immunization Programs</a> for more information.</p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style50"> </p>
<p> </p>
<p class="style45">For more information, see our <a class="style41" href="resourceshttp://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html">resources</a> page</p>





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New Here ,
Jul 30, 2012 Jul 30, 2012

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Here's the JS:

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<title>Untitled Document</title>
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font:bold medium Arial;
.style50 {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.style16 {
font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

<!-- jQuery latest core library -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js">


<!-- Cycle plugin -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js"></script>


<ul id="breadcrumbs">
  <li><a href="Homefile:///C|/Users/sglass/Documents/globalpartnershipsnew/index.html">Home</a> &raquo; </li>
  <li><a href="http://www.aap.org/international/initiatives.html" target="_blank">Initiatives</a> &raquo; </li>
  <li>Global Immunizations </li>
<div id="left_sidebar"><img alt="2" src="img/initiatives.jpg" width="222" height="400" />&gt;</div>
<!-- end sidebar -->
<div id="content">
  <h1 class="style42">Global <span class="style43">Immunizations </span></h1>
  <p class="style38"><span class="style44"><a class="style41" href="#currentissues">Current Issues</a> || <a class="style41" href="#AAPsGoals">AAP's Goals</a> || <a class="style41" href="#GetInvolved">Get   Involved</a> </span><span class="style49 ">|| <a class="style41" href="#News">News</a> || <a class="style41" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html" target="_blank">Resources</a> || </span><a class="style48" href="Contact" _mce_href="mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Contact">mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Contact Us</a></p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
  <p class="style45"><a id="CurrentIssues" name="CurrentIssues"></a><span class="style37">Current Issues in Global Immunizations </span></p>
  <p class="style45"> </p>
    <div align="left">
      <p><span class="style47">Global Causes of Child Mortality</span></p>
  <p class="style45"><img alt="chartandcapt" align="left" src="img/Small_cause_of_VPDs_deaths.jpg" width="430" height="239" />Immunization prevents about 2.5 million deaths a year   globally.  It is one of the most successful and cost-effective life saving   interventions of the past century.  Without immunizations, hundreds of thousands   of children and adults would die needless deaths or suffer lifelong effects from   diseases such as diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, and smallpox. </p>
  <p class="style45">As seen in the chart to the left, WHO estimates that 1.5 million deaths among children under five years of age were due to vaccine preventable diseases, with rotavirus and pneumoccocal disease being the top killers---this represents 17% of global total mortality for children under five. </p>
<p class="style45">In the United States, we have a successful immunization program   with coverage rates over 90% for all childhood vaccines.  Many state governments   operate programs to provide access to low-cost or free vaccines for those   children and adults who cannot afford them, while the federal government sets   aside funding for immunization programs in the US and also for immunization   research and safety programs.</p>
<p class="style45">Many other countries around the world are not able to maintain   the level of immunization that the US has. The American Academy of Pediatrics   (AAP) advocates for the health of all children, including those outside of   America.  With this in mind, the AAP recently has begun to expand its efforts to   inform and advocate for global immunization issues.  There are many actions   pediatricians can take locally while thinking globally.</p>
<p class="style45">As healthcare professionals know, infectious diseases have no   boundaries.  With our world increasingly becoming smaller and smaller, we must   be aware of what is happening globally, specifically in terms of disease   outbreaks.  One of the best ways to eliminate disease outbreaks or   reintroduction of diseases in the US is to make sure all children in the world   have access to immunizations.  The first decade of the 21st century has been the   most productive in the history of vaccine development. Unfortunately, one in 5   children globally do not have access to the important benefits that vaccines   provide. <a class="style41" href="Learn" _mce_href="http://www2.aap.org/international/initiatives/currentneeds">Learn">http://www2.aap... more</a> about the curent impact that vaccines have had globally along with the   challenges we still face. </p>
<p class="style45">It is important to understand that keeping children healthy   across the world reduces health care costs associated with treatment of vaccine   preventable illness to not only the family and individual but to the country.    Additionally, by keeping children healthy, immunization helps extend life   expectancy and the time spent on productive activity, thereby contributing to   poverty reduction, which also is a priority for the health of children and   families, particularly in developing countries.<strong> </strong><a class="style41" title="read more" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalimportance.html" target="_blank">Read more</a> about the importance of international   immunizations.</p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"><a id="AAPsGoals" name="AAPsGoals"></a><span class="style37">AAP's   Goals </span></p>
<p class="style45">The AAP understands the importance of global immunizations and   is dedicated to health of all children, no matter where they are born.  With   this in mind, we recently proposed and were <a class="style41" title="Grant" href="http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/33/2/7.1.full" target="_blank">awarded a grant</a> from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to   focus efforts on increasing global immunization awareness and advocacy.</p>
<p class="style45">The Academy&rsquo;s role will center on fostering partnerships to   support global immunization initiatives and programs.  The AAP intends to   provide you as pediatricians with tools and materials to be advocates locally   for these issues.  The AAP intends to promote strategies among pediatric leaders   in both developed and developing countries for advocacy</p>
<p class="style45">The AAP also will be working closely with its Chapter   International Immunization Champions and other FAAP Advocates to accomplish its   goals. </p>
<p class="style45">Additionally, the AAP is a partner in many global vaccine   campaigns.  Learn more about our involvement with <a class="style41" title="shotatlifeaap" href="http://www2.aap.org/immunization/about/globalshotatlife.html" target="_blank">Shot@Life</a> and <a class="style41" title="ONEaap" href="http://www2.aap.org/immunization/about/globalONE.html" target="_blank">ONE</a>. </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style50"><a id="News" name="News"></a>News</p>
<p class="style45">The AAP President-Elect attends the US Government Call to   Action for Child Survival in June 2012, <a class="style41" href="full" _mce_href="http://5thbday.usaid.gov/pages/ResponseSub/Event.aspx">full">http://5thbday.usaid.g... story... </a>. </p>
<p class="style45">AAP endorses WHO recommendation to retain use of thimerosal ( <a class="style41" title="AAPThimerosal" href="http://aapnews.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/06/01/aapnews.20120601-1" target="_blank">full story...</a> ) and Thiomersal Vaccines debate ( <a href="http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(12)61002-2/fulltext?rss=yes" target="_blank" class="style41">full story... </a>)</p>
<p class="style45">65th World Health Assembly and the Decade of Global Vaccines   Plan <a title="65th world health assembly" href="http://www.gavialliance.org/library/news/gavi-features/2012/194-countries-endorse-landmark-global-va..." target="_blank"><span class="style41">full story..</span>.</a> </p>
<p class="style45">Global Polio Eradication Initiative <a class="style41" title="Polio Eradication" href="http://www.polioeradication.org/tabid/461/iid/219/Default.aspx" target="_blank">full story...</a> </p>
<p class="style16"><span class="style45">AAP among newest partners of the Measles   & Rubella Initiative <a class="style41" title="Measles and Rubella Initiative" href="http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=4d894438a86d1a64376ab0629&id=9045940b09&e=e5cccc5797" target="_blank">full story..</a></span></p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style45"><a id="GetInvolved" name="GetInvolved"></a><span class="style37">Get   Involved!</span></p>

<div class="slideshow">
<img alt="one" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/_Terrell_IL SnJessieJackson.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="dcsn" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg 1.JPEG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="one2" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg.JPG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ShotatLifeSaltLakeCity.JPG" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/Dr Sato, Ohio ONE vols and Portman.jpg" width="592" height="502" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/photo_4.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/UNEP4 Mtg.jpeg" width="592" height="509" /><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2035.jpg" width="592" height="509" /><span class="slideshow"><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2052.JPG" width="592
" height="509" />

<!--Cycle function code-->

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade'

<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>
<p class="style45"><em>&ldquo;Pediatricians should support global immunization to reduce   the risk of disease, disability, and death from vaccine-preventable diseases in   children living in other countries as well as reducing the risk that these   infectious agents will be imported back to the United States and cause   outbreaks.&rdquo; Dr. Walter Orenstein, MD, FAAP</em></p>
<ul class="style45">
    <p>Become an AAP Global Immunization Champion.  Email <a class="style41" href="globalvaccines@aap.orgmailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">globalvaccines@aap.org</a> to sign up and   learn more.</p>
    <p>Educate patients on global immunization issues by making sure patients who   travel are up to date on their immunizations and get any additional vaccines   recommended for traveling abroad.</p>
    <p>Become involved in local <a class="style41" title="campaigns or organizations" href="http://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html" target="_blank">campaigns or organizations</a> that are fighting for global   immunization issues.  As a pediatrician, you are a useful resource of technical   medical information. </p>
    <p>Contact AAP about becoming involved in advocacy <em>(link to document) </em>about global immunization issues to the federal government or your state   government.</p>
    <p>Write letters to the editor <em>(link to document) </em>or submit Op/Ed   articles to your local media outlets.</p>
  <li>Continue to look back at this page for up-to-date resources and news<br />
    . </li>
<p class="style45">Contact your AAP Chapter Global Immunization Champion <em>(link   coming soon)</em> or the AAP <a class="style41" href="Manager" _mce_href="mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Manager">mailto:globalvaccines@aap.org">Manager of Global Immunization Programs</a> for more information.</p>
<p class="style45"> </p>
<p class="style50"> </p>
<p> </p>
<p class="style45">For more information, see our <a class="style41" href="resourceshttp://www2.aap.org/international/globalresources.html">resources</a> page</p>





Community guidelines
Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
Jul 30, 2012 Jul 30, 2012

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I'm not sure why youre refering to the last post as 'Here's the JS' - that's just plain ole html and css, NOT javascript.

The page won't work unless you upload the jquery scripts......the script is not where the link is trying to find it:


Also I see no link to the jquery.min.js file in your pages code, why not?


All you have is two links to the .lite.js file which is why it does not stand a chance of working.

However once I introduce the code I asked you to insert into your page the image cycle through works perfectly.





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hmm then i am not sure how to creat the js page....what is the min.js file? I just downloaded the lite page code and copied it exactly so im not sure why it didnt work...i will try and re-do with your code again





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i copied your code and got it to work a lot better--now the only problem is the images are cut off and it doesnt fade from one image to the next. looks like this:







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Replace the below in your pages code

<!-- jQuery latest core library -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js">


<!-- Cycle plugin -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://aap.org/international/jquery.cycle.lite.js"></script>

With this

<!-- include jQuery library -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- include Cycle plugin -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cloud.github.com/downloads/malsup/cycle/jquery.cycle.all.latest.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {


          fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...




<style type="text/css">

.slideshow {

height: 509px;

width: 529px;

margin: auto;

position: relative;


.slideshow img {

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;



Delete the below in your pages code:

<!--Cycle function code-->

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade'

delete the redundant <span class="slideshow"> before your last image entry (see below)

<div class="slideshow">

<img alt="one" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/_Terrell_IL SnJessieJackson.jpg" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="dcsn" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg 1.JPEG" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="one2" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ONEorg.JPG" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/ShotatLifeSaltLakeCity.JPG" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/Dr Sato, Ohio ONE vols and Portman.jpg" width="592" height="502" />

<img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/photo_4.jpg" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/UNEP4 Mtg.jpeg" width="592" height="509" />

<img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2035.jpg" width="592" height="509" />

<span class="slideshow"><img alt="saltlakecity" src="img/WebsiteSlideshow/DSCN2052.JPG" width="592

" height="509" />


Delete the redundant closing </span> tag from the code below: (just before the paragraph after your slideshow <div>)


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>

Your cycle through image gallery should then work. IF you follow the steps above carefully.





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Close the space between 'latest' and '.js' in the script link below

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cloud.github.com/downloads/malsup/cycle/jquery.cycle.all.latest .js"></script>





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okay so significant progress!!! it now works except the images are still cut off.  also, in regards to the redundat coding, it just looks like this:


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>

to me, so I didn't delete anything





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salliyahg wrote:

okay so significant progress!!! it now works except the images are still cut off.  also, in regards to the redundat coding, it just looks like this:

Do you have any css other than the below which is controlling the width/height of the 'slideshow' <div>?

If your images are 509px in height and 529px wide they should sit correctly in the 'slideshow' <div>

.slideshow {

height: 509px;

width: 529px;

margin: auto;

position: relative;


salliyahg wrote:


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>

to me, so I didn't delete anything

You don't need the two </span> tags in the code below:


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>


<p class="style45">As a pediatrician, you can play an important role in issues   around global immunizations.</p>





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yeah, i fixed the height and width to reflect those of my images, i think its a problem with the border---it can be seen on the left, top and bottom of each picture, but not on the right hand side





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salliyahg wrote:

yeah, i fixed the height and width to reflect those of my images, i think its a problem with the border---it can be seen on the left, top and bottom of each picture, but not on the right hand side

If the slideshow <div> or images have a border then you must have some more related css. I can't see it in what you have posted. If you can't link me into the live page so I can identify where problem is ocurring all I can suggest is you play around with the width and height set on the 'slideshow' css.





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Have you still got the below set somewhere by any chance?

.slideshow img { padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #eee; }

if so you need to change the dimensions of the slideshow <div> to 541px for height and 561px for width (as below)

.slideshow {

height: 541px;

width: 561px;

margin: auto;

position: relative;






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okay will try that thanks





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that did not seem to help--now that i look at it, it seems to be cutting off some of the image as well...do you think it could be a problem with the template dimensions? i dont know though because the text extends further to the right than the image.





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salliyahg wrote:

..do you think it could be a problem with the template dimensions?

I don't know. Unless you can put the page up somewhere live so I can see exactly what is going on I can't help any further with the minor issues. The issues will be caused by the code and css and as I cannot see them I cannot provide you with the answers you are looking for.





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Thanks--site should be live this week or next, so I can re-post then.  Otherwise I can show you the print-screen of what the site looks like now: 


I'm going to keep playing around with the border px size and see what I can do.





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salliyahg wrote:

Thanks--site should be live this week or next, so I can re-post then.  Otherwise I can show you the print-screen of what the site looks like now: 

If you can't sort it out between now and when you launch the site post back once the site is live and I'll take a look. It's something simple but I would need to see the page before I can detremine what it is. It seems to me its likely to do with the width of the slideshow <div>.





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thanks, will do.  yeah, i tried changing the height and widtth of the slideshow but that didn't work either.  im currently thinking it has something to do with the margin/overflow setting





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perhaps you know something about float vs. absolute positioning--this may be another suspect





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update: I removed the border so its definitely not a problem with the border--just for some reason the image is being cut off





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My goodness; thousands of lines of mind-boggling coding when with a pair of eyes and just a couple of lines of actionscript 2 used to suffice.  Adobe you are putting creative design - and I emphasise the word creative - into the hands of of machines.  No wonder the World Wide Web is in such a mess.  Macromedia - we miss you. 





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here is the live site: U:\aap2\international\globalimmunizations1.html

not sure if you have access to it though, it basically looks exactly like the post with the picture i showed you earlier, just larger---i also dont see anything related to a border within the code--i have just been making the pixel width larger and larger but that doesnt seem to do the trick...hmm





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Mar 05, 2013 Mar 05, 2013

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I know this is an old post, but still exactly what i wanted. I have followed instructions and can see all my images, but  I need it to be the background image of a div, so other divs or content ie a menu could be on top. can this be combined with css??

thank you for any help at all.





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porterWeb wrote:

I know this is an old post, but still exactly what i wanted. I have followed instructions and can see all my images, but  I need it to be the background image of a div, so other divs or content ie a menu could be on top. can this be combined with css??

thank you for any help at all.

I don't think this particular solution provides for background images which are a slideshow BUT if you Google for something like 'background images to <div> as slideshow using jQuery' you will probably find something.

I found something a while back but I didn't do enough testing to see what the results were.

Might be as well to start a fresh thread asking for what it is you want as your post is getting buried in an old thread.





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Mar 07, 2013 Mar 07, 2013

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ok, so i modified my header so it doesn't have to be the background anymore. the problem now and it is dual...the coding for linking the script files and the coding at the bottom for the script tag makes my navigation menu disappear completely. the second part of my problem is actually the menu in itself, it used to be just below the slideshow now it is at the bottom. but i've desperately played with my css and js and probably screwed something up there  too.

so now, if i hide the code i mentionned above, of course the slideshow is disabled but the menu appears at the bottom, you can see the results at sample with code removed and with code included, Help pleeaase!  ;o)





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