How find the broken link?
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DW makes a broken link report and shows the file the broken link emanates from, and what the link is you created. But then how to you find that link on a busy page, for example, a site map with a lot of anchor text to those links?
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Do a find or find and replace
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Too vague an answer, does not help. Some pages have 30 links... And the links are not text or code, so I'm lost.
I'd have to click on each link and look manually at properties tab?
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It's been quite a few moons ago since I last worked with CS3.
You need to go into Code view of the page that contains the link. A link looks like <a href="">My Link</a>. All you need to do is a find for to make your changes.
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larry4545 wrote
Some pages have 30 links... And the links are not text or code, so I'm lost.
What does that mean exactly?
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Are you talking about the link checker dialog box ?
if so when the search and repport are done, you will get a list of all the broken list, if you then want to accees to a specific link, just double click on this line, and you will get directed to the appropriate location?
if that wasn't the question... please could you reformulate ?
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Nancy, Birnou, Ben:
DW says I have a broken link. I export that to an excel sheet.
Then I go into DW, and I go to the page that has the broken link. That html page could have 30 live links on it - of which I created . To find this link I'd have to click on all 30 and visually look at properties. I don't get it.
I tried filling into that code Ben... but too tedious and did not work anyway. Did not help
Clicking on the folder icon while in DW did not work, just brought up Mac finder. No help.
So what the point of the Broken Link checker if you cannot quick find the broken link in DW?
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when you have the results panel filled of all the broken link, you just have to click on one specific result, and DW will open the appropriate document (if not) and give the focus and select the right link cliked.
if you empty the result panel, the feature is not present anymore...
that is why I have posted a FR to be able to save the results in a panel and be allowed to get multiple results panel
does this make sense or did I stilll missed a step ?
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See screenshot.
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Thanks Nancy and B.
B what does this mean?
"that is why I have posted a FR to be able to save the results in a panel and be allowed to get multiple results panel"
And how do you achieve that? I just see export to excel.
Nancy, nice screenshot. I double click the file, but I don't see the <a href come up. Is is because I'm in CS3? When I double click the white html page comes up but with no indication of there the <a href is. It's then a easter egg hunt to find it -- but maybe I'm doing something wrong.
If either ofyouyou can or would like to help offline, PM me or I'll PM. I don't want to send screenshots here of my site.
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CS3 is 10+ year old software that lacks many modern coding features. Beyond that I can't say because I don't have it and never used it.
FR is Find & Replace or Ctrl+F on Windows.
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Thanks Nancy, mine --- simple html site and did not want to do the 100 HOURS to learn CSS which Adobe forced after that version. So file that away for me so you remember my case. (I don't need 99% of what DW offers)
Still don't understand B sentence
I do have copy of CS5 let me try there.. Maybe there as online tool does better job?
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Just tried CS5, it freezes up when click/ but did say only 300 broken links whereas CS3 said 1200.
BTW I could do free trial on new version of DW just for this use?
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I think you have much deeper problems starting at the code level. Please verify that your code is free of errors with the W3C validation service.
The W3C Markup Validation Service
300 or 1200 broken links sounds to me like a) you're not working in a defined local site folder. Or b) the links referenced are all pointing to outside URLs for which DW is useless at link checking. For example, DW cannot verify a link to But it can verify a link to page1.html where page1.html resides in your local site folder.
Does that make sense?
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Nancy, Many of these bad links were created by interns/ apprentices over 15 years. Many were manually typed in or have errors, and DW says they are not on local hardrive.
Yes, I'm in a defined local site folder.
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larry4545 wrote
Many of these bad links were created by interns/ apprentices over 15 years. Many were manually typed in or have errors, and DW says they are not on local hardrive.
Best of luck with that.
If your site has that many bad links, it's time to start thinking about why you're are clinging to old school methods that aren't working fro you.
Static sites are OK for approx 20-30 site pages. Beyond that and it's time for something dynamic. WordPress is one example.
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Thanks, Nancy, this site, cannot be changed to a dynamic site without
20k in labor cost.
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Sorry Larry, I didn't see your question until now... so
B what does this mean?
"that is why I have posted a FR to be able to save the results in a panel and be allowed to get multiple results panel"
When one get the result panel populate, it always remove all the previous content of this panel... so when one launch a request... like for exemple, all the broken link, it give us a long list to work on... now imagine, that you need to launch a temporay new request... like finding a specific and particular broken link in all the site... (to replace all of them by the same new value)...
the result panel, will remove all the preivous long list and replace it by the new results... so we loose all the revious list that we was working on...
(so now my sentence)
I have poste an FR (Feature Request) to one save all the results in an appropriate format to DW... to be able to reload the results (if needed) and two to get the possibility to have more than one panel results... because currently all the queries request use and share the same results panel... that would be nice that each query request open and use a brand new results panel.
does this make sense, ? is it more clear explained that way...?