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Aïe, Want sécurise my place Internet with Dream,Weaver, CS4, on Windows . and I Don't manage it. I have certificate SSL from OVH. I turned on dream SFTP....
I have tried, many things...but I Can't manage it. Please help me. How to do to have HTTPS ???
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There are dozens of online tutorials, so the process is simple in itself, especially as you have all the elements ready to go.Give a try to
in cas that you have a trouble reading french,
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Secure HTTPS has nothing to do with Dreamweaver.
Contact your web hosting provider and ask for rates on SSL/TLS certificates for your hosting plan.
For a fee, your host can install the necessary certificates on the server for you.
NOTE: You will have to renew your server's certificates annually.
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Contact your web hosting provider and ask for rates on SSL/TLS certificates for your hosting plan.
For a fee,
By @Nancy OShea
@Agnes31764532qag0 said she has an SSL certificate from OVH... so that is not the point, so as I assume from her ISP that she's French and shouldn't have any trouble following the Puce et Média article tp ewicth from HTTP to HTTPs.
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Secure HTTPS has nothing to do with Dreamweaver.
Contact your web hosting provider
By @Nancy OShea
It's true that this question has nothing to do with Dreamweaver but given the low traffic that the forum follows every day, we can nevertheless answer this kind of question, and not dismiss it out of hand. After all, it's part of our daily lives. Do you think we can come up, anyhow, with an answer?
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These days, most reputable web hosts offer secure HTTPS servers as part of their standard hosting plan. Other, lesser hosts may charge extra. It varies by which hosting plan you use.
I purchase my SSL/TLS certificates from For reference, Namecheap has an excellent knowledgebase on this topic below.
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Am I misunderstanding English (I certainly am), but there's something tart about your answer. I'm sorry if I've offended you.
1 - If you wish, your answer is correct, there are no worries on the subject... the main thing is that @Agnes31764532qag0 is supported in her approach
2 - Of course it starts on the server side, noone said the opposite, but do you know OVH? have you ever heard about this compagny???... For your own infos, OVH is the biggest French hosting company and supplies all types of certificates.
So don't worry, if @Agnes31764532qag0 can't configure her certificate, we'll be able to help her without any problem.
2 - A -
3 - it's not a problem of Dreanweaver settings, of course, but can't we help her ?... we do it for CSS, for Javascript, for PHP... why not for SSL ????
because... it's not only affair of the web host and the certifcate... it's important to understant that HTTP and HTTPs can't be mixed... and that's web developer seems to me that, as a community of Dw users, we owe it to ourselves to help each other on this subject... don't you think ?
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but there's something tart about your answer.
By @B i r n o u
No. Just pointing out that I did not dismiss the question as you claim.
I answered it the best way possible because it's a server issue, not a Dreamweaver issue.
If you think that's tart or prickly, I think that's in your head, not mine.
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I'm sorry again, certainly due to a misinterpretation of English, however, for my vision of the web, changing HTTP links to HTTPs links remains a matter of HTML coding, and therefore of Dw
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Bonjour , merci pour les réponses de toutes les personnes. effectivement. Je viens de me rendre compte que je dois payer, en plus, pour avoir la sécurisation.ssh
Mais n'est il pas possible que je fasse cela soit fait par moi-même comme avec FILEZILIA ou autre?
Sur mon site (dreamweaver) J'ai rajouté S à tous les http et je viens de me rendre compte que sur le Web. Mon site est en double: http +https. N'Est-Il pas possible de supprimer le Http???
quelqu'un peut-il m'aider car je galère.
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si bien sur que vous pouvez automatiquement rerouter les requetes HTTP sollicitées par vos utilisateurs vers du HTTPs... cela ce fait au travers d'un fichier .htaccess
tout est détaillé dans le premier article vers lequel je vous avais orienté
ensuite dans le second lien que je vous ai donné, vous trouverez le pas à pas pour installer, activer et paramétrer un certificat chez OVH.
ce n'est pas nécessairement payant, Let'Sencrypt est intégralement pris en compte chez OVH et est gratuit.
beaucoup vous dirons que les certifcats gratuits ne sont pas intéressant et qu'il vaut mieux passer par des certificats payants. Quelque part cela est vrai mais totalement discutable et surtout relatif, mais bpn ici, ce n'est pas le sujet, et cela devrait faire l'objet d'un autre tciket pour cela.
donc, dans de grand nombre de cas, let's encrypt est largement suffisant.
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"My site is double: http +https. Is it not possible to delete the Http???"
Not exactly. Please contact your web host. Ask them to configure your server to redirect all inbound HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
If your hosting plan has C-panel, you can do it yourself by amending the server's .htaccess file.
The code below will remove WWW from URLS and rewrite HTTP to HTTPS. Be sure to change your_domain . com to your actual domain name.
## Remove www from URLs ##
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
## Change http to https ##
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
Hope that helps.
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I think the problem here may be the use of DW CS4.
That particular version was released in, and unchanged since, 2008. It's likely the type of secure connection being attempted simply didn't exist at the time the program was considered "current" and just can't be done.
I would suggest downloading the free Filezilla FTP Client, which has been kept up to date over the last 15+ years. That program along with the connection info given by OVH should work without issue, even with the newest secure connection methods.
If it doesn't, contacting OVH and having them walk you through the connection with Filezilla should reveal any error in your credentials or connection method.
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what you're saying could make sense, but then it would be a problem of FTP connections, not HTTPs.
When reading the post title, @Agnes31764532qag0 would be facing a problem switching between HTTP and HTTPs, i.e. using port 443, not ports used in FTP (990, 989, 21, 222, 2121... etc...), which would justify a test with Filezilla.
How to do to have HTTPS ???
By @Agnes31764532qag0
what do you think?