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Hi all. I am trying to create a website that does the function of Parcel2Go. I need to be able to sell postage labels and then for buyers to be able to purchase these (using a payment gateway). I will then use an API to create a postage label once the buyer has paid. I need some guidance on how to do this and how it will work.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I personally agree a little regards Wappler (and I AM a professional) as it does tend to lock one into the use of their plugins etc (some of which do not make any effort at all to follow industry standards), however if it would help the OP achieve something they obviously have no skillset to achieve, then I guess it's a valid suggestion. The sh*t that you two are throwing at each other however, is wasteful of the space and time of professionals who come here to resolve real issues regards Adobe
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There's nothing in Dreamweaver that can do this.
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I'm not sure I fully understand your request. Is this something you are doing to start a business, for a school project? This is a huge ask and doesn't seem well defined. In short, can Dreamweaver help you? Yes. In the same way that a hammer can help you build a home. It's a tool, but it does not make you an architect, electrician, or a plumber.
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Shipping is very complicated. Services offered by USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, etc... have teams of skilled programmers who build, update and regularly improve their systems at considerable costs per year. Maybe the OP should partner with existing online shipping platforms instead of trying to do this solo.
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Hi Ben!
Thank you for your message. This is a completely serious business proposal and I need a complete website to facilitate it. I was told by adobe that Dreamweaver would be able to do the job but is there any other programs that would work better to get the job done?
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This isn't a question of whether or not DW can do it to my previous comparison. Dreamweaver is simply a tool, nothing more. It's like providing you with a hammer, nails, and lumber and having you build a home. What you are asking for is not a simple build. It requires you to first have a website, and then decide how you will integrate. This involves getting hosting, determining the server technologies you will be using, setting up a payment gateway to collect payment from your customers, etc. This type of development, depending on how ambitious your goals are, can run well over $100k in costs and take 6+ weeks to develop. I would highly recommend you research into agencies who can help develop this for you as this is likely going to be your quickest route to success.
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This is what the OP wants to do
This can be done using Dreamweaver; but requires a lot of programming and interaction with Postman (excuse the pun).
A better solution is to use a program that will facilitate using API's
Edit: See
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[abuse removed by moderator]
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As a mere amateur, I am able to incorporate RESTful API's in my projects with very little knowledge of coding. My dreams are turned into reality. Caveat is to use a program that is easily dismissed in this forum.
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So now you are removing the posts of those whose opinions you don't personally agree with to silence what you don't want to hear because its too near the very corrupt but lm in no way surprised at that.
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I personally agree a little regards Wappler (and I AM a professional) as it does tend to lock one into the use of their plugins etc (some of which do not make any effort at all to follow industry standards), however if it would help the OP achieve something they obviously have no skillset to achieve, then I guess it's a valid suggestion. The sh*t that you two are throwing at each other however, is wasteful of the space and time of professionals who come here to resolve real issues regards Adobe software, not your psychological ones.
To the OP:
You are in the wrong place. This is a forum that supports the use of a development tool. You need a forum that explains the basic concepts of web programming. Try something on stackexchange or similar. However, you do not seem to understand some basic premises and until you do (as pointed out) you will have little chance of achieving what you want. Ben has at least tried to give you a picture of some of the elements you will require, but you need more skills if you intend to do this yourself. It isn't the world's hardest piece of software to create (but nor is it the easiest), but from your queries, it seems as if this is currently far out of reach of your skillset, or understanding. Start with basics - use a programming forum. Good luck.
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Hello all,
I understand how complicated this project is after seeing all the replies. If anyone has the expertise to do something like this then send me a message and we can discuss.
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If you want more professional advice, then go to You could also post in the Jobs section:
Edit: This is documentation on implementing REST API's:
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A few questions:
1. Is this a recognized business — incorporated, LLC, LLP or dba?
2. Does company have a merchant bank account set-up yet? If yes, have you interfaced with your bank to find out which payment gateways are compatible with your bank account?
3. Have you procured a domain name and commercial web hosting services?
4. Do you have a website & shopping cart yet? If not, do you have a font-end and back-end web developer?
5. Are you working with an experienced web graphics & UI/UX designer to create logo, branding and other artwork for the site?
6. Do you have a project manager and a written prospectus which details the project goals and talent required?
7. Who is responsible for maintaining and updating the website & shopping cart — you, in-house staff or outside experts?
8. Who is handling search engine optimization, annual server certificate renewals & keyword advertising -- you, in house staff or outside experts?
9. What's your budget?
10. What's the target completion date?
I'm just scratching the surface here. There's a lot more involved, of course. Hopefully, you have your preliminary ducks in a row.
Adobe Talent on Behance might be a good place to start your search. You can post jobs there for free for a limited time.
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This thread has been edited by our employee moderators. I'd like to post a reminder of our Community Guidelines:
1. Be Respectful
The Adobe Support Community is a platform that helps people deepen their knowledge of Adobe products and services and connects learners to teachers from around the world. To maintain the quality of content and resources on the platform, we don’t allow you to post mature, abusive, or illegal content to Adobe Support Community, including but not limited to, the following:
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We are a community designed to promote and encourage creative expression and a learning environment. Keep your posts, comments, private messages, and other communications on-topic, constructive, and encouraging.
Conversations that do not meet this criteria may be locked by our team of moderators. Thank you.
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I'd like to ask why ALL of my posts have been removed silvia? I don't think what I said is abusive, its just being frankly honest with someone and not giving them false hope.
Similarly l have no idea why some of the others which give a broader opinion and point of view about certain products which are being freely promoted in this forum should be removed.
[abuse removed by moderator]
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[disrecpectful towards staff - comments removed by moderator]