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Not sure I have the correct terms here, so here is a picture of a type of gallery which appeals to me - Mostly because it's simple and functional.
It's essentially the gallery that is described in W3 Schools at...
But I would like to have this gallery autoplaying (like a slider) when the page opens while giving the reader the option of taking control to pause and select slides by the thumbnails or arrows.
Here is the HTML and JS:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
href="d:/webs/helenavista/helenavista P12/css/global.css"
<!-- -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SLIDESHOW-GALLERY 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- -->
<hr class="thick" />
<h3>{GAL1} Gallery 1</h3>
<div class="gallery_1_container" style="width: 50%">
<!-- ------------------------ SLIDES-START -->
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">1 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">2 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">3 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">4 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">5 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">6 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">7 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<!-- ------------------------ SLIDES-END -->
<a class="gallery_1_prev" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(-1)">❮</a>
<a class="gallery_1_next" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(1)">❯</a>
<!-- ------------------------ CAPTION -->
<div class="gallery_1_caption-container">
<p id="gallery_1_caption"></p>
<!-- ------------------------------- THUMBNAILS -->
<div class="gallery_1_row">
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Leon Dormido"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Galeodan Penthouse Suite"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Carola Surf"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Blue Heron"
<!-- ------------------------------- SCRIPT -->
var gallery_1_slideIndex = 1;
function gallery_1_plusSlides(n) {
gallery_1_showSlides((gallery_1_slideIndex += n));
function gallery_1_currentSlide(n) {
gallery_1_showSlides((gallery_1_slideIndex = n));
function gallery_1_showSlides(n) {
var i;
var slides =
var dots = document.getElementsByClassName("gallery_1_demo");
var gallery_1_captionText =
if (n > slides.length) {
gallery_1_slideIndex = 1;
if (n < 1) {
gallery_1_slideIndex = slides.length;
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
slides[i].style.display = "none";
for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {
dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(
" gallery_1_active",
slides[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].style.display = "block";
dots[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].className += " gallery_1_active";
gallery_1_captionText.innerHTML =
dots[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].alt;
<!-- -->
Rather than extract all the relevant parts of the css file, I have left that as a link online to the stylesheet that is used on several websites. I have also uploaded the file (global.css).
I am hoping that some additional Javascript will give me the functionality I am seeking. I know some will say "why bother - just use Bootstrap" but I really would like to do it the old-fashioned way. Speed is not a priority - I am my only client.
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Just Bing the subject and you will see a multitude of solutions. One such a search gave me this
I know some will say "why bother - just use Bootstrap" but I really would like to do it the old-fashioned way. Speed is not a priority - I am my only client.
By @Galeodan
If you mean that the old fashioned way is to copy someone else's code and then use it, then yes, Bootstrap eliminates the copying part. You just go ahead an use it.
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Bootstrap eliminates the copying part. You just go ahead an use it.
By @BenPleysier
No it doesn't. Copying code from the Bootstrap website is just the same as copying from any other website. Using a snippet is just the same, it's all copied code.
I'd encourage anyone if they are in it for the long run or just interested in learning to invest time writing their own code or attempt to write it. It's the only way you're going to get anywhere in the web-developement world, unless you want to be some poorly paid lemming churning out £500 quid websites for a living.
Of course this is all hypothetical as I doubt the majority in this forum have any such interest or intention other than building for personal use and then yes it's a free for all, use anything you like, who cares.
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Back in the day when the majority werent s****ing on each other, unlike now.
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Thanks Ben. I have spent quite a bit of time searching online but didn't find answers. I didn't see this particular one, but it looks pretty much identical to what I have. I may be wrong, but at first glance it seems to be offering an autoplay script to replace the manual control when what I am really looking for is both. I'll check further.
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Pausing a slide show usually requires that it is done by 'hovering' over an element and restarting it by 'leaving' the element......however hover events don't work on mobile devices, so you have to ask yourself is it worth the effort.
You could stop the slideshow using an onclick event but then you would need to click on an element to resume it again if you want to be compatible with desktop and mobile devices. Clicking on either a thumbnail image or a next, previous button would most likely play havoc with the timing interval.
So you will probbaly have to think the process through, maybe have the auto play/onclick for desktop devices and just the onclick for mobile devices without the autoplay.
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I hadn't thought of that aspect, so thanks for pointing it out. I would be fine with having a <Pause>/<Resume> control on the gallery - probably where the titles are. So would it be feasible to have 2 interchangeable scripts? The first one would be for autoplay \ sliding images, and the second would be for manually controlling the images via thumbnails and arrows. The page would open with the autoplay script sliding images and the user could click on <Pause> to reveal manual controls and activate the thumbnails. The manual script would have to start on the correct slide without a blink. You could have a <Resume> button to reverse the process and go back to sliding, but that would be of secondary importance.
My thinking is that its handy to have sliding images to display a series of images of, for example: local scenery. I want the reader to be able to enjoy all the images, with no effort, but allow them to pause and go back to any images that are of particular interest. I find my inability to do so on many sliders to be frustrating.
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I would be fine with having a <Pause>/<Resume> control on the gallery - probably where the titles are. So would it be feasible to have 2 interchangeable scripts?
By @Galeodan
Yes, all that is possible. No real need for 2 scripts, it could all be controlled by the one script and a bit of javascript voodoo magic.
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Project Seven Extensions for Dreamweaver
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Thanks Nancy. I used a slidemaker app for a few years on my websites but it become steadily less useful as HTML4 changed to 5 and Flash died. I looked for a replacement but never found anything that looked better than just learning to do it myself. I'm pretty sure I looked at WOW Slider in my earlier searches but don't recall why I didn't give it a try. Perhaps because, at that time, it appeared to be sliders only and not controllable galleries, or a mixture of both - Which is what I want. I looked at a few of the samples and they don't seem to allow the user to pause the sliding, other than for a few seconds. If I download the demo, perhaps I will find the option in there somewhere.
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What you want is a Carousel with a Thumbnail Gallery.
So combine what you have now with a Carousel
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What you want is a Carousel with a Thumbnail Gallery.
So combine what you have now with a Carousel
By @Nancy OShea
You may be right - I have to admit I find even the nomenclature rather confusing and am not always sure what is meant by:
Sometimes the terms appear interchangeable or perhaps they are simply not used consistently. Can you help?
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What you want is a Carousel with a Thumbnail Gallery.
So combine what you have now with a Carousel
By @Nancy OShea
You may be right - I have to admit I find even the nomenclature rather confusing and am not always sure what is meant by:
- Carousel
- Slideshow
- Slider
- Gallery
Sometimes the terms appear interchangeable or perhaps they are simply not used consistently. Can you help?
By @Galeodan
I would say a 'Carousel and a Slider' could be classified as images which animate from right to left and are infinite or animate the images from left to right and are infinite.
A 'Gallery and a Slideshow' could be classified as images that fade in and out and are infinite.
Of course there are lots of combinations possible and yes I think the terms can be mis-interpreted or interchangable.
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Slideshow is an animated sequence that runs in a loop.
Slider can refer to a range slider for selecting an output value.
Image Slider and Carousel are often used interchangeably to mean large banner size images that slide or fade-in and can include text overlays and controls, or not.
Image Gallery usually has one primary static image with small thumbnails that users can select. But there are many variations from no-frills to ultra slick, with & without modal window viewers.
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You may be right - I have to admit I find even the nomenclature rather confusing and am not always sure what is meant by:
- Carousel
- Slideshow
- Slider
- Gallery
Sometimes the terms appear interchangeable or perhaps they are simply not used consistently. Can you help?
By @Galeodan
well, there is no really such an international definition fro that purpose, each one of us goes for his own way... so some years ago I did a online training about galeries, sliders and carroussels... so befor going further in the training I gave my own definition for that... so
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I'm guessing nobody has has tried running the code I posted above but I just noticed that it is not going to work for anyone else. I left the css link as a local file instead of one accessible from online.
href="d:/webs/helenavista/helenavista P12/css/global.css"
should be
Here is the corrected code...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<!-- -->
<!-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SLIDESHOW-GALLERY 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% -->
<!-- -->
<hr class="thick" />
<h3>{GAL1} Gallery 1</h3>
<div class="gallery_1_container" style="width: 50%">
<!-- ------------------------ SLIDES-START -->
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">1 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">2 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">3 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">4 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">5 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">6 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_Slides">
<div class="gallery_1_numbertext">7 / 7</div>
style="width: 100%"
<!-- ------------------------ SLIDES-END -->
<a class="gallery_1_prev" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(-1)">❮</a>
<a class="gallery_1_next" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(1)">❯</a>
<!-- ------------------------ CAPTION -->
<div class="gallery_1_caption-container">
<p id="gallery_1_caption"></p>
<!-- ------------------------------- THUMBNAILS -->
<div class="gallery_1_row">
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Leon Dormido"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Galeodan Penthouse Suite"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Carola Surf"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
<div class="gallery_1_thumb" style="width: 14.28%">
class="gallery_1_demo pointcursor"
style="width: 100%"
alt="Blue Heron"
<!-- ------------------------------- SCRIPT -->
var gallery_1_slideIndex = 1;
function gallery_1_plusSlides(n) {
gallery_1_showSlides((gallery_1_slideIndex += n));
function gallery_1_currentSlide(n) {
gallery_1_showSlides((gallery_1_slideIndex = n));
function gallery_1_showSlides(n) {
var i;
var slides =
var dots = document.getElementsByClassName("gallery_1_demo");
var gallery_1_captionText =
if (n > slides.length) {
gallery_1_slideIndex = 1;
if (n < 1) {
gallery_1_slideIndex = slides.length;
for (i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
slides[i].style.display = "none";
for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {
dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(
" gallery_1_active",
slides[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].style.display = "block";
dots[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].className += " gallery_1_active";
gallery_1_captionText.innerHTML =
dots[gallery_1_slideIndex - 1].alt;
<!-- -->
I have uploaded the css file again - in case.
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@Galeodan if I understand clearly your request, is that you would like to do it by yourself, without any help of libraries or any plugin out there...
if so, just let us know we could help you in your own script
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@Galeodanif I understand clearly your request, is that you would like to do it by yourself, without any help of libraries or any plugin out there...
if so, just let us know we could help you in your own script
By @B i r n o u
Thanks Birnou. While I am open to all suggestions, that is what I was hoping for. I have some sliders on my sites and some thumbnail galleries. But what I would like to do, in some cases, is combine the two through JS. I described my "wish" in an earlier message to Osgood and I repeat it here as the thread is a little hard to follow:
"I hadn't thought of that aspect, so thanks for pointing it out. I would be fine with having a <Pause>/<Resume> control on the gallery - probably where the titles are. So would it be feasible to have 2 interchangeable scripts? The first one would be for autoplay \ sliding images, and the second would be for manually controlling the images via thumbnails and arrows. The page would open with the autoplay script sliding images and the user could click on <Pause> to reveal manual controls and activate the thumbnails. The manual script would have to start on the correct slide without a blink. You could have a <Resume> button to reverse the process and go back to sliding, but that would be of secondary importance.
My thinking is that its handy to have sliding images to display a series of images of, for example: local scenery. I want the reader to be able to enjoy all the images, with no effort, but allow them to pause and go back to any images that are of particular interest. I find my inability to do so on many sliders to be frustrating."
So I'm wondering if the code I have can be modified, supplemented, or replaced with code that will enable the behaviour described above.
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@Galeodan I'm so sorry for being later on that one, here at the office, there were crowds, traffic jams and intense activity... doubled by COVID (second episodic layer... )
So I don't know if you're still facing your issue...
well without having something optimised, here is a way to get solution on your play pause sliders...
first in your HTML Structure... add a new controller beside your next/prev command, the one to control the play pause statement
add a third line as
<!-- ------------------------ SLIDES-END -->
<a class="gallery_1_prev" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(-1)">❮</a>
<a class="gallery_1_next" onclick="gallery_1_plusSlides(1)">❯</a>
<a id="gallery_1_playpause" data-state="false" onclick="gallery_1_playpause(this)">Play</a>
the A tag contains an attribute (to catch the caller from script, a data-state attribute to contains the state value and a listener to point to the callback function)
then at the end of your HTML after your last current SCRIPT tag, add first a STYLE TAG (containg just the pointer) then a new SCRIPT tag, I will describe the role of this script just after
#gallery_1_playpause {
var btn_playpause = document.querySelector('#gallery_1_playpause')
var mvt_playpause
var slide_duration = 1000
function gallery_1_playpause(arg) {
var state = btn_playpause.getAttribute('data-state') === 'true'
state = !state
btn_playpause.innerHTML = (state)?'Pause':'Play';
btn_playpause.setAttribute('data-state', String(state));
mvt_playpause = setInterval(moveslide, slide_duration)
} else {
function moveslide() {
Three variables...
btn_playpause containing the node of the play pause command
mvt_playpause will contain the interval function caller
slide_duration define the slide duration in milliseconds
Two functions...
before anything else... create, read and define a state variable (could be let instead of var) containg a boolean (true/false) state to know if the slider is currently on or off
this state is stored in a data-state HTML attribute of the command itself (by default in the HTML set as false, because the slider is off when the page load
first step: once read, one have to invert it... true becomes false, or false becomes true.. that the principle of a swap
second step: now is to change the text of the command... play or pause string using a ternary operator
third step... change the data-state value to the new state
fourth step; start or stop the automatic slider using an interval caller, calling a second external function, or clearing it
having an extenal second function as a callback, allow us to get more than one action possible if needed
so from there one can call your own next() function to move the slider on
you can get a demo, of this code, there
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Hi Birnou - Thank you for your suggestion - And especially for providing explanations for the process. I will definitely try it out and let you know how it goes - Or where I need additional help. It may take me a little while as I am now real busy with my dayjob again now that tourism is picking up.
To keep me going, I have been using WOWSlider as recommended by Nancy. It is certainly capable and easy to use. But I still prefer to control the whole process. And will do - Eventually. 🙂
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cool... don't hesitate...