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Align text to bottom of text frame (FM2019)

Enthusiast ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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Not sure if this question has been asked before. Is there a way to align the text to the bottom of a text frame, instead of the top.

We have a text frame with legal disclaimers: (text masked for confidentiality reasons)


There are certain clauses in the text that are shown/hidden depending on the context in which the disclaimer is used. Is it possible to have the text always align (for want of a better word) to the bottom of the text frame, rather than the top?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

To make option 2 work, you can set the single-cell table's row height so that it is the height of the containing text frame. That way, not matter what the content, it will be at the bottom of the cell/row/page. Not ideal of course, but workable.


Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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Hi @QuintinSeegers:


You can fully justify the text automatically (so that the first line is at the top of the frame, the last line is at the bottom and the leading is feathered throughout), but no, there is no align text to the bottom of the frame command, in FrameMaker unless the text is in a table cell. You could log it as a feature request on Tracker






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Enthusiast ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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Hi @Barb,

Not sure how we would achieve that. The text isn't a single paragraph, but consists of headings and paragraphs. We use Structured FM (didn't mention that in my original post as I didn't think it mattered as any paragraph styles can be applied to Element definitions as well.)

Maybe something for the 'nice to have' list.




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Enthusiast ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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There is actually a request for this feature already: https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/FRMAKER-9274 




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Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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LOL. I just got an email notification and I was going to go and vote for it, but I already did!






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Community Expert ,
Dec 01, 2021 Dec 01, 2021

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It looks like I voted for it last year too! InDesign does this nicely.




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Contributor ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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In one document I edit that has something similar, that text goes into a special text frame at the bottom of a special master page, like a page footer.




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Advocate ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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Three possible methods to do this, depending on exact use case:


1. If you are not using footnotes in your document you can hijack the footnote mechanism. You would have to define a custom footnote numbering property (setting the pattern to an empty string), and also remove the single line from the footnote heading frame on the Reference Pages. And finally you might need to tweak the footnote styling so that you get the desired font size etc. Sounds nasty and really is nasty but doable.


2. If there is no other content (apart from possible header/footer) on the same page, create a table format that shows no rulings. Create a table with no heading, a single body row and one column only. Enter your disclaimer text into the only cell in the table. Set the vertical alignment of the table cell to bottom.


3. If you need footnotes for something else and the disclaimer is not the only content on the page - use scripting to adjust the space above the top paragraph of your disclaimer so that the full text remains just visible on the page. Unfortunaly, the vertical position of a paragraph is not disclosed in scripting, so you would still have to create a single-cell table, figure out where the top of the table is in the text frame and tweak either the space above property of the empty paragraph holding the table anchor or change the row height of the single row in your table so that it just fits on the page (minus a little bit to avoid overflows).


There is ALWAYS a way to make FrameMaker do what it does not do out of the box. And yes, I voted for that feature request, too. I think I even made another feature request that comes down to the same thing. It would make all of our lives easier (although it might reduce my value as FrameTamer by just a little bit...). 




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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I gave Option 2 a try, but still have the same issue. The text is aligned to the bottom of the single-cell table. However, the table is still aligned to the top of the text frame. So, when certain parts of the text is hidden and the cell height adjusts, it's still aligned to the top of the text frame, not the bottom.

Rather than highjacking a feature to use it for something it wasn't designed for, I'll stick with what we currently have until Adobe decides to implement this feature.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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To make option 2 work, you can set the single-cell table's row height so that it is the height of the containing text frame. That way, not matter what the content, it will be at the bottom of the cell/row/page. Not ideal of course, but workable.




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Advocate ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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What Rick said. I tried to edit my reply to add this remark but the forum software would not let me.




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Enthusiast ,
Dec 05, 2021 Dec 05, 2021

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 I had to change the minimum row height for the table to the size of the text frame and that worked as needed. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 03, 2021 Dec 03, 2021

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The community ticket FRMAKER-9274 visible in Tracker was closed today, as it was duplicating the content of an already existing internal ticket (FRMAKER-2478).

The information provided in ticket FRMAKER-9274 was merged into the internal ticket FRMAKER-2478.

Please note, that ticket FRMAKER-2478 is Adobe-internal and not visible in Tracker.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2021 Dec 03, 2021

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Stefan-Gentz: … community ticket FRMAKER-yyyy visible in Tracker was closed today, as it was duplicating the content of an already existing internal ticket (FRMAKER-xxxx) …

If that's policy, it may not be optimal, as it's likely to result in the community submitting new duplicates because they can't see the internals, nor guess why any pre-existing submits were deleted (if done silently). At the very least the community submit needs to earn a revised remark on status.


Having possibly done it myself, I'm wondering if this is what happened to the vanished FRMAKER-2628 (not mine), resulting in me submitting FRMAKER-10976 (on Unicode SMP).




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