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Since I have never produced an HTML file from Frame, I was wondering why Heading numbering, ordered list numbering, and bullets are not created in the HTML file. Am I missing something or is that just what the HTML file conversion does?
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Are you Publishing to HTML or doing old HTML save as?
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And if Publish, check the Style Mapping for the settings (.sts) file.
The default, curiously, is apparently not:
◉ Convert to List (using CSS autonumbering)
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Didn't find the .sts radio butotn you are referring to. I am using 2020.
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I did a File Save As from the File menu. Going to try Publish Basic HTML now.
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That's in the Publish > Settings > edit screen.
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And exists in the /Style Mapping\ for both Basic HTML and Responsive HTML5.
It would need to be touched for each autonumbered Paragraph Format entry.
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Ok set mapping for each tag and when I click to produce output, the progress indicator stops about half way and sits there for quite a long time. Any known issues, or does it just take an hour to translate?
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Absolutely no response after several minutes of processing.
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All patched up? Got rights to wherever you told it to produce the output?
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Somewhat. It's not the output I was looking for because there are formatting issues, TOC aligns at almost the center and titles are cut off on the screen, some text and generated sections are missing, etc. I could attach the HTML files if you want to take a look. Let me know.
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So the output did generate then? The appearance is governed by the CSS applied - but what are you using this HTML for? If you picked the Basic HTML output option, that's usally going to be imported into some other system for display in it; if you choose Responsive HTML5, you'd be ready to display it on a webserver (or LAN server) "out of the box".
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Yeah, I let is site for a long time (over night) and it finally created an output. I honestly am not sure which one I chose (Basic HTML or HTML 5). However, you are saying that the outputs are different. I suppose I would be using it for LAN, so I am guessing I didn't produce HTML 5. Will give it another shot and see what I get.
Not sure why text would be missing though. Not going to worry about the last output for now. Want to see what I get with HTML 5, first.