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Changing the settings for publishing a book with fm components in PDF

Explorer ,
Nov 27, 2018 Nov 27, 2018


Is it possible to change the settings file for publishing PDF from a .book file which was saved from ditamap with fm components?

What I tried to do was

- Create a ditamap

- Save as book with fm components

- Try to publish PDF files with different backgrounds (Normal, Confidential watermark, Draft watermark......) Main idea to have exactly same file with different stamps. For the process (write-check-approve) it would be the best.

I know how to add watermarks with Acrobat but I thought it could be done with these settings files in FrameMaker. From help.adobe.com I noticed that PDF is not mentioned in Multi-Channel publishing under Structured authoring using DITA.

I'm asking just to make sure that it really isn't possible.

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Participant ,
Nov 28, 2018 Nov 28, 2018

I can't answer regarding the settings file, but you could use a variable to update the watermark text easily:

On the template master page create the watermark based on a variable field.

Store a variables.fm file in the folder with the book.

Select all the files within the book then use file > import formats to import the variables from variables.fm

I use this method and it lets me update version numbers, release dates etc pretty easily.

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