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Cross Reference Link Not Working in PDF Form

Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

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Hi everyone!

I was hoping someone might have some insight on an issue I'm having in FM...

So at the beginning of chapters in my document, I have links/cross references to the sections within it (if that makes sense). For example, clicking the New Column link would bring me down to the New Column section (note this is not my table of contents though, that's separate). 


Anyways, my issue is that one of my links is being directed to the wrong section in the document... but only when in PDF form. When I'm on Frame and test the cross reference link, it directs me to the correct spot. But as soon as I generate a PDF of the document, it directs me to another spot a few pages above.


Neither me nor my coworkers can figure out what's going on here... We've tried regenerating the PDF, deleting the cross reference link, re-entering it, and regenerating the PDF, but none of that works and it looks like all the correct settings have been chosen. 


Thank you to anyone who is able to give me any kind of help with this!

Formatting and numbering , PDF output




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

A paragraph tag. I went in and tried deleting the whole heading (and all markers) and readding the link but that didnt work either. But then of course my coworker went in and grabbed the doc and did the same thing and it fixed it??? I dont know what's going on, I think Frame just hates me haha 😂😂😂


Community Expert ,
Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

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Check the total length of the path & filename of the xref target - I've found that there can be an invisible limit on the total number of characters FM can handle when converting to some other outputs (I ran into it on Webhelp created via FM imported into RH). Once I shortened down the path of the FM content (preserving the relative paths between files), the "bad" xrefs started working on their own.




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Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

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Hey Jeff!


Thanks for the quick reply! So I actually have quite a few cross references in that document that are actually longer in character length than that one and those all work fine, so I'm not sure if that's really the issue.


I have probably a solid 25 cross references in the doc and this one is the only one giving me any issue (at both locations it's referenced too actually). It's so weird. 




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Community Expert ,
Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

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Worth a shot - are you xref-ing a marker or paragraph tag (or are you using a hyperlink)?




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Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2019 Oct 23, 2019

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A paragraph tag. I went in and tried deleting the whole heading (and all markers) and readding the link but that didnt work either. But then of course my coworker went in and grabbed the doc and did the same thing and it fixed it??? I dont know what's going on, I think Frame just hates me haha 😂😂😂




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