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Extendscript to change font size in table

Explorer ,
Sep 12, 2019 Sep 12, 2019

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using this code to change the table column width and apply font size.

width works but font size not changing.


var doc = app.ActiveDoc;
var flow = doc.MainFlowInDoc;
var tbl = 0;
var textItems = flow.GetText(Constants.FTI_TblAnchor);
for (var i = 0; i < textItems.len; i += 1)
{ tbl = textItems[i].obj;

var tblColWidths = new Metrics (5 * 15 * 65536, 5 * 15 * 65536, 5*25*65536, 5*35*65536, 5*15*65536); tbl.TblColWidths = tblColWidths;
var FontSize = (8);
var doc = app.ActiveDoc;
var flow = doc.MainFlowInDoc;
var textDocument = textProp.value;

textDocument.font = "Arial";
textDocument.FontSize = (8);





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Community Expert ,
Sep 13, 2019 Sep 13, 2019

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Well, Suryanarayanan_21, the font business is not that transparent.

Modiying the ¶ format just does this in the catalogue. Hence afterward you need to run through the table and assign the modified format to the cell paragraphs:



// table_font_change.jsx
// Document must be active !
// Only the first table in document is handled - and in this only the first ¶ in cells
#target framemaker
main ();                                          // ease debugging

function main () {
var oDoc, oFlow, oTbl, textItems, tblColWidths, textDocument, PT, FontSize, oPgfFmt;
  PT = 65536;                                     // use a named constant
  oDoc = app.ActiveDoc;
  oFlow = oDoc.MainFlowInDoc;
  textItems = oFlow.GetText(Constants.FTI_TblAnchor);
// Set the column widths
  for (var i = 0; i < textItems.len; i += 1) {
    oTbl = textItems[i].obj;
    tblColWidths = new Metrics (5 * 15 * PT, 5 * 15 * PT, 5*25*PT, 5*35*PT, 5*15*PT);
    oTbl.TblColWidths = tblColWidths;
// Change font for the paragraph format CellBody (this changes the catalogue only)
  oPgfFmt = oDoc.GetNamedPgfFmt("CellBody");  
  if (oPgfFmt.ObjectValid()) {  
    oPgfFmt.FontFamily = GetFontFamilyIndex ("Arial"); 
    oPgfFmt.FontSize   = 8 * PT;
// Apply the correct(ed) ¶ format to all cells
  SetTblCellParaFmt (oDoc, oTbl, "CellBody" );

function SetTblCellParaFmt (oDoc, oTbl, sPgfFmt ) { // == Apply ¶ to all cells in table ===========
// Arguments  oDoc    Current document
//            oTbl    Current table
//            sPgfFmt Paragraph format name to apply
// Returns   -
var oRow, oCell, oPgf;
  oRow = oTbl.FirstRowInTbl;
  while (oRow.ObjectValid()) {
    if (oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_HEADING || oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_FOOTING) {
      oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;  
    oCell = oRow.FirstCellInRow;
    while (oCell.ObjectValid()) {
      oPgf = oCell.FirstPgf;
      ApplyPgfFmt (oDoc, oPgf, sPgfFmt) 
      oCell = oCell.NextCellInRow;
    oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;  
} //--- end TblCurrBodyRowNum

function ApplyPgfFmt (oDoc, oPgf, sPgfFmt) { // === Apply paragraph format ========================
// Arguments  oDoc     Current document
//            oPgf     ¶ to get the new format
//            sPgfFmt  Name of pgf format to be applied
var oPgfFmt = 0, oProps;

  oPgfFmt = oDoc.GetNamedPgfFmt(sPgfFmt);  
  if (oPgfFmt.ObjectValid()) {  
    oProps = oPgfFmt.GetProps();  
  } else {  
    oPgf.Name = sPgfFmt;                          
} //--- end ApplyPgfFmt

function GetFontFamilyIndex (sName) { // === Get the index in FontFamilyNames =====================
// Arguments  sName    name of fontweight to be found (case indepently)
// Returns    Index of font families available in the current session; or null if not found
// Comment    The list of font families depends on your installation: On my it starts with
//            <Reserved>, Modern, Hobo Std, OCR A Std, Adobe Arabic, Adobe Devanagari, 
//            Adobe Hebrew, TeamViewer13, Barbedor FS, Barbedor FS Caps, Barbedor FS Med, 
//            Marlett, Arial, Arabic Transparent, ...
var j, aNames = app.FontFamilyNames;              // array
//for (j = 0; j < aNames.length; j++) {
//  $.writeln (aNames[j]);
  j = GetIndexFromName (aNames, sName); 
  return j;
} //--- end Fgr_GetFontFamilyIndex  

function GetIndexFromName (aArray, sSearch) { //=== Get Index of of particular contents ===========
// Arguments  aArray   array of ini entries to be searched
//            sSearch  may be part of what to find - only first occurence in array element is found
// Returns    Index of found item - or null
// Comment    Character case and blanks are ignored in both source item and search item
//            aArray may contain placeholder null items which are ignored.
var j, jFound, saLen, sItem, sSearch;
  saLen     = aArray.length;
  sSearch   = sSearch.replace (" ", "");
  sSearch   = sSearch.toUpperCase();
  for (j = 0; j < saLen; j++) {
    if (aArray[j] != null) {
      sItem = aArray[j].toUpperCase();
      sItem   = sItem.replace (" ", "");
      jFound = sItem.indexOf(sSearch);
      if (sItem.indexOf(sSearch) == 0) { // found at the beginning
        return j;
  return null;
} //--- end GetIndexFromName



BTW: I have never seen an assignment like this:



var FontSize = (8);



HTH Klaus Daube




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2019 Sep 14, 2019

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Thank you so much!!! that works perfectly..

is there a chance for apply this to all ¶ in the cell?



and in this only the first ¶ in cells




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2019 Sep 14, 2019

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Also i dont understand the need of GetFontFamilyIndex and GetIndexFromName function




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Community Expert ,
Sep 14, 2019 Sep 14, 2019

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  • This GetFontFamilyIndex is necessary, because the fonts are maintained by the OS (Windows), not by FM. And this is not a linked list at all. As you can see from the comment in the function the order of the font names is also not alphabetical.
  • Function GetIndexFromName is a standard function of me, because (according to many scripters) it is good practice to break down a task to re-useable functions.
  • Wait until tomorrow for an extension of the script to handle all paragraphs (of same ¶ style name CellBody) in a cell. This requires 'just' another inner loop.




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2019 Sep 14, 2019

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thank you so much once again. i tried adding a simple step adding " oPgf = oCell.NextPgf; " in the code: while (oCell.ObjectValid()) { oPgf = oCell.FirstPgf; ApplyPgfFmt (oDoc, oPgf, sPgfFmt) oPgf = oCell.NextPgf; oCell = oCell.NextCellInRow; it didnt work




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2019 Sep 14, 2019

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can you also please help me with set the table minimum row height to 0. i used this code

: //Set Ror height for(var i=0; i<textItems.len; i +=1) { oTbl = textItems[i].obj; oTbl.RowMinHeight = 0 * PT; }




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Mentor ,
Sep 17, 2019 Sep 17, 2019

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Hi, I think you need: oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInFlow to ge




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Mentor ,
Sep 17, 2019 Sep 17, 2019

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Hi I think you need oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInFlow to get the next paragraph. NextPgf does not exist for a cell.




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Explorer ,
Sep 17, 2019 Sep 17, 2019

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Thnaks for sharing the code

But is my placement is correct?


function SetTblCellParaFmt (oDoc, oTbl, sPgfFmt ) { // == Apply ¶ to all cells in table ===========
// Arguments oDoc Current document
// oTbl Current table
// sPgfFmt Paragraph format name to apply
// Returns -
var oRow, oCell, oPgf;
oRow = oTbl.FirstRowInTbl;
while (oRow.ObjectValid()) {
if (oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_HEADING || oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_FOOTING) {
oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;
oCell = oRow.FirstCellInRow;
while (oCell.ObjectValid()) {
oPgf = oCell.FirstPgf;
ApplyPgfFmt (oDoc, oPgf, sPgfFmt)
oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInFlow;
oCell = oCell.NextCellInRow;
oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;
} //--- end TblCurrBodyRowNum


it doesn't seem to work




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Community Expert ,
Sep 18, 2019 Sep 18, 2019

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Dear Suryanarayanan_21

You need to set up an additional loop inside the cell:

function SetTblCellParaFmt (oDoc, oTbl, sPgfFmt ) { // == Apply ¶ to all cells in table ===========
// Arguments  oDoc    Current document
//            oTbl    Current table
//            sPgfFmt Paragraph format name to apply
// Returns   -
var oRow, oCell, oPgf;
  oRow = oTbl.FirstRowInTbl;
  while (oRow.ObjectValid()) {
    if (oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_HEADING || oRow.RowType === Constants.FV_ROW_FOOTING) {
      oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;  
    oCell = oRow.FirstCellInRow;
    while (oCell.ObjectValid()) {
      oPgf = oCell.FirstPgf;
      while (oPgf.ObjectValid()) {                // to be done within the cell
        ApplyPgfFmt (oDoc, oPgf, sPgfFmt) 
        oPgf = oPgf.NextPgfInFlow;
      oCell = oCell.NextCellInRow;
    oRow = oRow.NextRowInTbl;  
} //--- end TblCurrBodyRowNum




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