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FrameMaker 2020 impossible to use when files have a lot of graphics

Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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We have noticed a considerable issue with FrameMaker 2020 performance when a file has a lot of graphics. We actually have reverted to using FrameMaker 2019 with books that have lots of graphics. I know we can hide graphics (ESC+V+V), but in some cases we really need to view the graphics in order to edit the files. When we open a file in FrameMaker 2020 with the graphics showing, it takes several minutes for a page to load, and scrolling forces the page to refresh and start the load process over. The majority of our graphics are .png graphics and nothing more sohisticated than screenshots. When we open the same files in the 2019 version, we do not have this issue. Has anyone else seen this in 2020 and have any suggestions other than hiding graphics? Thank you.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

Hi @tschuman1


We internally work with graphics-rich documents but haven't seen this issue with FM2020.
Would you mind telling few things which Bob too asked?
Assuming you are using .fm/mif formats as your document 

  • Are images imported by reference or copied into the document and where are they residing if imported by reference (network, CMS, local etc )?

Further, if your images are non-local and you are using VPN which may be adding network delay then you can check one of property present in p



Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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I haven't done enough graphics-rich work in FM2020 to have noticed anything, but anyone with more experience is apt to want to know:

  • Point version of FM2020 (e.g. 16.0.0p543)
  • Images Imported by Reference or Copied into Document?
  • What graphics file format(s)? (e.g. EPS, JPG, PNG, SVG, etc.)
  • If Imported, are they on local machine or opened over network (or in a CMS server)?
  • Bitmap, grayscale (and bit depth), color (and bit depth : color model)?




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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Hi @tschuman1


We internally work with graphics-rich documents but haven't seen this issue with FM2020.
Would you mind telling few things which Bob too asked?
Assuming you are using .fm/mif formats as your document 

  • Are images imported by reference or copied into the document and where are they residing if imported by reference (network, CMS, local etc )?

Further, if your images are non-local and you are using VPN which may be adding network delay then you can check one of property present in preference "Edit -->Preference--> General--> "Do not check updates images and multimedia " 







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Community Expert ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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I have FrameMaker 2020 ( and documents with lots of graphics (JPG or EPS) and several hundred pages. In my experience FM 2020 is considerably faster than previous versions. I did not notice any delays.

An additional question:

What happens, when you switch off your antivirus software temporarily?




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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Yes. The graphics are imported by reference, located on a network drive, and we are working over a VPN. I understand this has implications, but I can open the same files in FrameMaker 2019 and not have this issue. Selecting the Do Not Check for Updated Images & Multimedia has helped the situation quite a bit. 




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Community Expert ,
Sep 09, 2021 Sep 09, 2021

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I'm betting the network location for the graphics and VPN are at the root of your issue. Similar issues get reported by those using the Dropbox functionality.


Try moving all resources to a local machine to see if it speeds up. If so, consider version control software to manage the content.


My largest book is 500 pages, with an average of 5 screenshots per page, and I have no slowdown whatsoever, even though I run on a VM.

Certainly, though, make sure you're using 16.0.2, and 16.0.3 when it's released.



-Matt Sullivan
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant




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Community Expert ,
Feb 24, 2021 Feb 24, 2021

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That is so helpful, @pulkitn. I had no idea.






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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2021 Sep 08, 2021

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In response to the graphics issue,

FM automatically checks for updates of graphics or other items that are imported onto pages (even text!).  FM pauses to make this check every time a page comes onscreen with an imported item – even if it has done the check before.

The selection of the Edit/Preference/Do not check for Updated Images & Multimedia checkbox seems to affect only items that are imported by reference and not imported by copy, so these very frustrating pauses still happen.


To avoid the unwanted pauses, turn off the internet connection while working on a doc.  FM can’t pause to make these update checks if there isn’t any connection.  Then work can proceed smoothly.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2021 Sep 08, 2021

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It is frustrating. Even with the cehckbox selected, we have several books that are graphic heavy and we had to give up on FrameMaker 2020. We continue to work on these books in Frame 2019. FrameMaker 2020 is basically unresponsive when we upgrade these books and often crashes.




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 12, 2021 Sep 12, 2021

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This is the same reason we reverted back to Framemaker 2019. All our documents and graphics reside on the network and all graphics are imported by reference. Our documents can contain anything between 1 and 100 images. Opening a document in FM2020 takes almost a minute, where in FM2019 it takes less than 10 seconds. That's not even countiang the constant page refresh time. Not sure what was changed in FM2020 regarding the graphics engine, but it's certainly been a leap backwards for us. So we're sticking with FM2019.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 12, 2021 Sep 12, 2021

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Hm. My experience is different.

FrameMaker 2019 opened the files with many referenced graphics (several up to 1350 files) much slower than FM 2020.

When your files are on a network, this might be slower, but that's not FrameMaker's fault.

You have to compare the time, when the files are local.




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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Having worked in the software industry for over two decades, moving a 6GB folder to your local drive to work to test how long FM takes to open a file, isn't a valid test as that's not how the files/images are accessed.

I'm comparing the files and images located on the network when opening in FM 2019 compared to FM2020 (so, same files, same environment) and FM20 is nearly 6 times slower. I'd say the issue isn't with network speed, but with FM 2020. If the environment hasn't changed, but the application version has, then the issue is with the application.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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Moving an XXL folder to help solve a major issue in workflow is a small price to pay, especially when a half dozen experts are volunteering their time to resolve an issue. I hope tschuman1 considers it and reports back on further improvements or solutions to his issue.

Windows, network software, VPN software, network integrity, wireless access, FrameMaker, or FrameMaker graphics filters could be individually or collectively causing tschuman1's problem, potentially without a single individual culprit.

Personally, I'm glad he's found a partial solution by changing his image and multimedia preferences.


(In the software industry for over 3 decades, not even near as long as others on this thread)

-Matt Sullivan
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant




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Community Expert ,
Sep 15, 2021 Sep 15, 2021

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As I understand it: if you working with the same set of files over the same network configuration and FrameMaker 2020 is much slower than 2019, then the issue lies with FrameMaker 2020. Moving folders to local machines may speed up 2020, but this doesn't solve the user's underlying issue. It is in Adobe's best interest to figure out why there is such a radical speed difference over the same network setup between 2019 and 2020.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 15, 2021 Sep 15, 2021

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I know that Windows, network software, VPN software, network integrity, wireless access all have something to do with our issues, especially as we are all still working from home. If we copy the files down from the network and work on our machines, the issue gets better. However, with multiple writers working on the same book, this isn't a workflow that is easy to manage. Copying the files back and forth also takes up a lot of our time. While I would love to have a content management system, we don't have one. I've called into Adobe Support and have reported this issue, but nothing really came of the conversation. The fact is that we don't have these issues when we work on the files in FrameMaker 2019. Because that works for us, it is simpler for us to just stay on that version for those books that have the issue. I spent a lot of time looking into different scenarios and changing settings, but the problems persist. As they release FrameMaker updates, I will keep testing to see if anything changes, but with an aggressive release cycle, we have to stick with what is working for us right now. Most of our content is in RoboHelp, and upgrading to RoboHelp 2020 is where I have to spend most of my troubleshooting time. I really appreciate all the comments because the suggestions have been really helpful.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 09, 2021 Sep 09, 2021

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Are you running with Autosave enabled?

Given the network location of resources, and a (slower) VPN connection, the autosave might be dragging down your performance to the speed of the network every "X" minutes. Try moving to a local machine and/or disabling Autosave.



-Matt Sullivan
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant




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Community Expert ,
Sep 15, 2021 Sep 15, 2021

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@QuintinSeegers you should get in touch with the FM folks about this - just posting on the forums won't get it on their official radar - see https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/enterprise-support.other.html#framemaker for your Adobe Support options. I'd recommend using the tcssup@adobe.com e-mail address as it reaches the team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including FrameMaker.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 15, 2021 Sep 15, 2021

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@tschuman1 - unfortunately calling into Adobe Support doesn't get you very far - they have no real experience of the internal workings of FM - you would need to contact the FM folks via that e-mail I suggested before.




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