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Get with it Adobe and fix your support page

New Here ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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How does one get Adobe to wake up and fix their customer support page as seen here?: https://helpx.adobe.com/tech-comm-suite/customer-support.html


What's wrong?  


1. Emails sent to the email address for technical support go into a black hole.  You will not get a response from Adobe if you send email to tcssup@adobe.com


2. The other email address that they list on this page is simply a dead email address. Email sent to techcomm@adobe.com simply bounces back with the following mesasge:

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: 'techcomm@adobe.com.' on 5/17/2022 10:01 AM             Server error: '550 A valid address is required.'


Get with it Adobe!






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Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2022 May 17, 2022

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This is strange, as we get many emails every day on both tcssup@adobe.com as well as techcomm@adobe.com and reply to all of them.

BTW, I noticed that your error messages has a fullstop at the end: techcomm@adobe.com. maybe this could be a problem? But it might also be just an added fullstop from the server.


However, I cannot completely exclude that Adobe's mail system might sometimes filter out emails that come from "looks like spam" email accounts like abc123xyz@gmail.com. So, that might be a reason why some emails might not come through to us.


Please feel invited to send me an email directly (my last name at adobe.com), and I will check with the teams.





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