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Does anybody know if the Publisher module is exposed to FM's Extendscript (or FDK)? I looked through all of the scripting info and the FDK info, .h and config files and couldn't find any references to it other than the TPUBforFMDoc (Book/DITA esc ph shortcut) command. I need to kick off the Publish module after some manipulation and use a specified STS file depending upon the manipulation.
Thanks to the Adobe engineering team in India, here's a sample script showing how to call the FMPublisher client using a pre-defined STS file in order to generate one of Responsive HTML5, WebHelp, ePub, Kindle or CHM outputs:
/***************************************************************************************** Function to set STS *************************************************************************
Input1:- Path of sts to be set (if path contains backward slashes, each slash character sh
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It might expose an interface to F_ApiCallClient(). But there is nothing documented in the "Calling Clients" chapter of the FDK Reference Guide, And I don't believe there's any easy way even to determine whether it is using this mechanism, let alone to capture or reverse-engineer any commands being used. So I guess this is a non-starter..
Another possibility is a scripted playback of keyboard shortcuts.
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Thanks for looking into this Mike. I'm pretty certain that it's a client call to the FMPublisher.dll, but what message is required and what return codes are generated is the mystery. I guess the powers that be are afraid that someone will start cloning the FMServer functionality and impact their (perceived) revenue stream. I also note that the latest FrameScript version also has nothing about accessing the Publish routines.
The keystroke scripting is a good idea, but on further thought wouldn't work that well, as different STS files and output locales would need to be used depending upon prior outcomes, so pre-configuring all of the possible combinations would be a wee bit of a maintenance challenge and would be installation dependent.
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Thanks to the Adobe engineering team in India, here's a sample script showing how to call the FMPublisher client using a pre-defined STS file in order to generate one of Responsive HTML5, WebHelp, ePub, Kindle or CHM outputs:
/***************************************************************************************** Function to set STS *************************************************************************
Input1:- Path of sts to be set (if path contains backward slashes, each slash character should be masked with another backward slash)
e.g. stsPath = C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\settings.sts*/
function SetSts(stsPath)
var strCommand="SetMCPSetting "+ stsPath ;
var ret=CallClient ("FMPublisher", strCommand );
return ret;
/***************************************************************************************** Function to set BASE OUTPUT LOCATION of the publish outcome *************************************************************************
Input1:- Base Output Path to be set (if path contains backward slashes, each slash character should be masked with another backward slash) */
function SetBaseOutputLocation(outputPath)
var strCommand="SetOutputLocation "+ outputPath ;
var ret=CallClient ("FMPublisher", strCommand );
return ret;
/*********************************************************************** Function to Publish *******************************************************************************
Input1:- Base Output Path to be set (Output parameter is one of these values: Responsive HTML5, WebHelp, EPub, Kindle, Microsoft HTML Help) */
function PublishOutput(output)
strCommand="MCPPublish "+output ;
var ret=CallClient ("FMPublisher", strCommand);
return ret;
function doGenerateOutput()
var stsPath = "C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\Settings.sts";
var outputPath = "C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\Output";
var output = "Responsive HTML5";
SetSts (stsPath);
SetBaseOutputLocation (outputPath);
PublishOutput (output);
doGenerateOutput ();
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Hi Arnis,
I haven't been about to get this to work and wonder if I am missing a parameter or something: Here is my code with FrameMaker 12 and ExtendScript:
#target "framemaker-12.0"
var stsFile = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\AdobeFrameMaker12\\fminit\\Publisher\\Default.sts";
var folder = "C:\\DATA\\Scripts\\HTML5";
var output = "Responsive HTML5";
// Set the sts path.
setSts (stsFile);
setOutputFolder (folder);
publishOutput (output);
function setSts (stsFile) {
var cmd = "SetMCPSetting " + stsFile;
alert (cmd);
return CallClient ("FMPublisher", cmd);
function setOutputFolder (folder) {
var cmd = "SetOutputLocation " + folder;
alert (cmd);
return CallClient ("FMPublisher", cmd);
function publishOutput (output) {
var cmd = "MCPPublish " + output;
alert (cmd);
return CallClient ("FMPublisher", cmd);
All the paths and files are correct, but I don't get any progress bars or output. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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It actually IS working. I had the output path wrong. I am sorry for the confusion. You may mind my code a little more concise than Adobe's. Make sure you remove the alert statements before using it. Thanks.
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very good helpful script.
Are there hints for further commands? I would like to select the dita file to be published (via script). In the list of the pod you always have all open files, which could be manually selected.
However, I only found the additional command SetDitaval. SetFilePointer I also could see.
Does anyone have an idea.
Thank you
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Hi Arnis, Excellent! Thanks for posting this. Have you had a chance to test it? Thanks. -Rick
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Is there a way to set the input file or book using the CallClient ("FMPublisher") function? Thanks.
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Thanks for sharing this. I still wonder how you define the Source Document and the Ditaval. Could you please comment on that as well?